// Backbone Application View: Certificates List

function(gettext, ListView, CertificateItemView) {
    'use strict';
    var CertificatesListView = ListView.extend({
        tagName: 'div',
        className: 'certificates-list',
        newModelOptions: {},

        // Translators: this refers to a collection of certificates.
        itemCategoryDisplayName: gettext('certificate'),

        newItemMessage: gettext('Set up your certificate'),

        // Translators: This line refers to the initial state of the form when no data has been inserted
        emptyMessage: gettext('You have not created any certificates yet.'),

        createItemView: function(options) {
            // Returns either an editor view or a details view, depending on context
            return new CertificateItemView(options);
    return CertificatesListView;