""" Models for bulk email """ import logging import markupsafe from config_models.models import ConfigurationModel from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import models from course_modes.models import CourseMode from enrollment.api import validate_course_mode from enrollment.errors import CourseModeNotFoundError from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.cohorts import get_cohort_by_name from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.models import CourseUserGroup from openedx.core.djangoapps.xmodule_django.models import CourseKeyField from openedx.core.lib.html_to_text import html_to_text from openedx.core.lib.mail_utils import wrap_message from student.roles import CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole from util.keyword_substitution import substitute_keywords_with_data from util.query import use_read_replica_if_available log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Email(models.Model): """ Abstract base class for common information for an email. """ sender = models.ForeignKey(User, default=1, blank=True, null=True) slug = models.CharField(max_length=128, db_index=True) subject = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True) html_message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) text_message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) class Meta(object): app_label = "bulk_email" abstract = True # Bulk email targets - the send to options that users can select from when they send email. SEND_TO_MYSELF = 'myself' SEND_TO_STAFF = 'staff' SEND_TO_LEARNERS = 'learners' SEND_TO_COHORT = 'cohort' SEND_TO_TRACK = 'track' EMAIL_TARGET_CHOICES = zip( [SEND_TO_MYSELF, SEND_TO_STAFF, SEND_TO_LEARNERS, SEND_TO_COHORT, SEND_TO_TRACK], ['Myself', 'Staff and instructors', 'All students', 'Specific cohort', 'Specific course mode'] ) EMAIL_TARGETS = {target[0] for target in EMAIL_TARGET_CHOICES} class Target(models.Model): """ A way to refer to a particular group (within a course) as a "Send to:" target. Django hackery in this class - polymorphism does not work well in django, for reasons relating to how each class is represented by its own database table. Due to this, we can't just override methods of Target in CohortTarget and get the child method, as one would expect. The workaround is to check to see that a given target is a CohortTarget (self.target_type == SEND_TO_COHORT), then explicitly call the method on self.cohorttarget, which is created by django as part of this inheritance setup. These calls require pylint disable no-member in several locations in this class. """ target_type = models.CharField(max_length=64, choices=EMAIL_TARGET_CHOICES) class Meta(object): app_label = "bulk_email" def __unicode__(self): return "CourseEmail Target: {}".format(self.short_display()) def short_display(self): """ Returns a short display name """ if self.target_type == SEND_TO_COHORT: return self.cohorttarget.short_display() # pylint: disable=no-member elif self.target_type == SEND_TO_TRACK: return self.coursemodetarget.short_display() # pylint: disable=no-member else: return self.target_type def long_display(self): """ Returns a long display name """ if self.target_type == SEND_TO_COHORT: return self.cohorttarget.long_display() # pylint: disable=no-member elif self.target_type == SEND_TO_TRACK: return self.coursemodetarget.long_display() # pylint: disable=no-member else: return self.get_target_type_display() def get_users(self, course_id, user_id=None): """ Gets the users for a given target. Result is returned in the form of a queryset, and may contain duplicates. """ staff_qset = CourseStaffRole(course_id).users_with_role() instructor_qset = CourseInstructorRole(course_id).users_with_role() staff_instructor_qset = (staff_qset | instructor_qset) enrollment_query = models.Q( is_active=True, courseenrollment__course_id=course_id, courseenrollment__is_active=True ) enrollment_qset = User.objects.filter(enrollment_query) if self.target_type == SEND_TO_MYSELF: if user_id is None: raise ValueError("Must define self user to send email to self.") user = User.objects.filter(id=user_id) return use_read_replica_if_available(user) elif self.target_type == SEND_TO_STAFF: return use_read_replica_if_available(staff_instructor_qset) elif self.target_type == SEND_TO_LEARNERS: return use_read_replica_if_available( enrollment_qset.exclude(id__in=staff_instructor_qset) ) elif self.target_type == SEND_TO_COHORT: return self.cohorttarget.cohort.users.filter(id__in=enrollment_qset) # pylint: disable=no-member elif self.target_type == SEND_TO_TRACK: return use_read_replica_if_available( User.objects.filter( models.Q(courseenrollment__mode=self.coursemodetarget.track.mode_slug) & enrollment_query ) ) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized target type {}".format(self.target_type)) class CohortTarget(Target): """ Subclass of Target, specifically referring to a cohort. """ cohort = models.ForeignKey('course_groups.CourseUserGroup') class Meta: app_label = "bulk_email" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['target_type'] = SEND_TO_COHORT super(CohortTarget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __unicode__(self): return self.short_display() def short_display(self): return "{}-{}".format(self.target_type, self.cohort.name) def long_display(self): return "Cohort: {}".format(self.cohort.name) @classmethod def ensure_valid_cohort(cls, cohort_name, course_id): """ Ensures cohort_name is a valid cohort for course_id. Returns the cohort if valid, raises an error otherwise. """ if cohort_name is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create a CohortTarget without specifying a cohort_name.") try: cohort = get_cohort_by_name(name=cohort_name, course_key=course_id) except CourseUserGroup.DoesNotExist: raise ValueError( "Cohort {cohort} does not exist in course {course_id}".format( cohort=cohort_name, course_id=course_id ) ) return cohort class CourseModeTarget(Target): """ Subclass of Target, specifically for course modes. """ track = models.ForeignKey('course_modes.CourseMode') class Meta: app_label = "bulk_email" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['target_type'] = SEND_TO_TRACK super(CourseModeTarget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __unicode__(self): return self.short_display() def short_display(self): return "{}-{}".format(self.target_type, self.track.mode_slug) # pylint: disable=no-member def long_display(self): all_modes = CourseMode.objects.filter( course_id=self.track.course_id, mode_slug=self.track.mode_slug, # pylint: disable=no-member ) return "Course mode: {}, Currencies: {}".format( self.track.mode_display_name, # pylint: disable=no-member ", ".join([mode.currency for mode in all_modes]) ) @classmethod def ensure_valid_mode(cls, mode_slug, course_id): """ Ensures mode_slug is a valid mode for course_id. Will raise an error if invalid. """ if mode_slug is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create a CourseModeTarget without specifying a mode_slug.") try: validate_course_mode(unicode(course_id), mode_slug, include_expired=True) except CourseModeNotFoundError: raise ValueError( "Track {track} does not exist in course {course_id}".format( track=mode_slug, course_id=course_id ) ) class CourseEmail(Email): """ Stores information for an email to a course. """ class Meta(object): app_label = "bulk_email" course_id = CourseKeyField(max_length=255, db_index=True) # to_option is deprecated and unused, but dropping db columns is hard so it's still here for legacy reasons to_option = models.CharField(max_length=64, choices=[("deprecated", "deprecated")]) targets = models.ManyToManyField(Target) template_name = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) from_addr = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) def __unicode__(self): return self.subject @classmethod def create( cls, course_id, sender, targets, subject, html_message, text_message=None, template_name=None, from_addr=None): """ Create an instance of CourseEmail. """ # automatically generate the stripped version of the text from the HTML markup: if text_message is None: text_message = html_to_text(html_message) new_targets = [] for target in targets: # split target, to handle cohort:cohort_name and track:mode_slug target_split = target.split(':', 1) # Ensure our desired target exists if target_split[0] not in EMAIL_TARGETS: fmt = 'Course email being sent to unrecognized target: "{target}" for "{course}", subject "{subject}"' msg = fmt.format(target=target, course=course_id, subject=subject) raise ValueError(msg) elif target_split[0] == SEND_TO_COHORT: # target_split[1] will contain the cohort name cohort = CohortTarget.ensure_valid_cohort(target_split[1], course_id) new_target, _ = CohortTarget.objects.get_or_create(target_type=target_split[0], cohort=cohort) elif target_split[0] == SEND_TO_TRACK: # target_split[1] contains the desired mode slug CourseModeTarget.ensure_valid_mode(target_split[1], course_id) # There could exist multiple CourseModes that match this query, due to differing currency types. # The currencies do not affect user lookup though, so we can just use the first result. mode = CourseMode.objects.filter(course_id=course_id, mode_slug=target_split[1])[0] new_target, _ = CourseModeTarget.objects.get_or_create(target_type=target_split[0], track=mode) else: new_target, _ = Target.objects.get_or_create(target_type=target_split[0]) new_targets.append(new_target) # create the task, then save it immediately: course_email = cls( course_id=course_id, sender=sender, subject=subject, html_message=html_message, text_message=text_message, template_name=template_name, from_addr=from_addr, ) course_email.save() # Must exist in db before setting M2M relationship values course_email.targets.add(*new_targets) course_email.save() return course_email def get_template(self): """ Returns the corresponding CourseEmailTemplate for this CourseEmail. """ return CourseEmailTemplate.get_template(name=self.template_name) class Optout(models.Model): """ Stores users that have opted out of receiving emails from a course. """ # Allowing null=True to support data migration from email->user. # We need to first create the 'user' column with some sort of default in order to run the data migration, # and given the unique index, 'null' is the best default value. user = models.ForeignKey(User, db_index=True, null=True) course_id = CourseKeyField(max_length=255, db_index=True) class Meta(object): app_label = "bulk_email" unique_together = ('user', 'course_id') # Defines the tag that must appear in a template, to indicate # the location where the email message body is to be inserted. COURSE_EMAIL_MESSAGE_BODY_TAG = '{{message_body}}' class CourseEmailTemplate(models.Model): """ Stores templates for all emails to a course to use. This is expected to be a singleton, to be shared across all courses. Initialization takes place in a migration that in turn loads a fixture. The admin console interface disables add and delete operations. Validation is handled in the CourseEmailTemplateForm class. """ class Meta(object): app_label = "bulk_email" html_template = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) plain_template = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) name = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255, unique=True, blank=True) @staticmethod def get_template(name=None): """ Fetch the current template If one isn't stored, an exception is thrown. """ try: return CourseEmailTemplate.objects.get(name=name) except CourseEmailTemplate.DoesNotExist: log.exception("Attempting to fetch a non-existent course email template") raise @staticmethod def _render(format_string, message_body, context): """ Create a text message using a template, message body and context. Convert message body (`message_body`) into an email message using the provided template. The template is a format string, which is rendered using format() with the provided `context` dict. Any keywords encoded in the form %%KEYWORD%% found in the message body are substituted with user data before the body is inserted into the template. Output is returned as a unicode string. It is not encoded as utf-8. Such encoding is left to the email code, which will use the value of settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET to encode the message. """ # Substitute all %%-encoded keywords in the message body if 'user_id' in context and 'course_id' in context: message_body = substitute_keywords_with_data(message_body, context) result = format_string.format(**context) # Note that the body tag in the template will now have been # "formatted", so we need to do the same to the tag being # searched for. message_body_tag = COURSE_EMAIL_MESSAGE_BODY_TAG.format() result = result.replace(message_body_tag, message_body, 1) # finally, return the result, after wrapping long lines and without converting to an encoded byte array. return wrap_message(result) def render_plaintext(self, plaintext, context): """ Create plain text message. Convert plain text body (`plaintext`) into plaintext email message using the stored plain template and the provided `context` dict. """ return CourseEmailTemplate._render(self.plain_template, plaintext, context) def render_htmltext(self, htmltext, context): """ Create HTML text message. Convert HTML text body (`htmltext`) into HTML email message using the stored HTML template and the provided `context` dict. """ # HTML-escape string values in the context (used for keyword substitution). for key, value in context.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, basestring): context[key] = markupsafe.escape(value) return CourseEmailTemplate._render(self.html_template, htmltext, context) class CourseAuthorization(models.Model): """ Enable the course email feature on a course-by-course basis. """ class Meta(object): app_label = "bulk_email" # The course that these features are attached to. course_id = CourseKeyField(max_length=255, db_index=True, unique=True) # Whether or not to enable instructor email email_enabled = models.BooleanField(default=False) @classmethod def instructor_email_enabled(cls, course_id): """ Returns whether or not email is enabled for the given course id. """ try: record = cls.objects.get(course_id=course_id) return record.email_enabled except cls.DoesNotExist: return False def __unicode__(self): not_en = "Not " if self.email_enabled: not_en = "" # pylint: disable=no-member return u"Course '{}': Instructor Email {}Enabled".format(self.course_id.to_deprecated_string(), not_en) class BulkEmailFlag(ConfigurationModel): """ Enables site-wide configuration for the bulk_email feature. Staff can only send bulk email for a course if all the following conditions are true: 1. BulkEmailFlag is enabled. 2. Course-specific authorization not required, or course authorized to use bulk email. """ # boolean field 'enabled' inherited from parent ConfigurationModel require_course_email_auth = models.BooleanField(default=True) @classmethod def feature_enabled(cls, course_id=None): """ Looks at the currently active configuration model to determine whether the bulk email feature is available. If the flag is not enabled, the feature is not available. If the flag is enabled, course-specific authorization is required, and the course_id is either not provided or not authorixed, the feature is not available. If the flag is enabled, course-specific authorization is required, and the provided course_id is authorized, the feature is available. If the flag is enabled and course-specific authorization is not required, the feature is available. """ if not BulkEmailFlag.is_enabled(): return False elif BulkEmailFlag.current().require_course_email_auth: if course_id is None: return False else: return CourseAuthorization.instructor_email_enabled(course_id) else: # implies enabled == True and require_course_email == False, so email is globally enabled return True class Meta(object): app_label = "bulk_email" def __unicode__(self): current_model = BulkEmailFlag.current() return u"BulkEmailFlag: enabled {}, require_course_email_auth: {}".format( current_model.is_enabled(), current_model.require_course_email_auth )