from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseBadRequest from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError from opaque_keys.edx.asides import AsideUsageKeyV1, AsideUsageKeyV2 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey from xblock.core import XBlock from xblock.django.request import django_to_webob_request, webob_to_django_response from xblock.exceptions import NoSuchHandlerError from xblock.plugin import PluginMissingError from xblock.runtime import Mixologist from contentstore.utils import get_lms_link_for_item, get_xblock_aside_instance, reverse_course_url from contentstore.views.helpers import get_parent_xblock, is_unit, xblock_type_display_name from contentstore.views.item import StudioEditModuleRuntime, add_container_page_publishing_info, create_xblock_info from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response from student.auth import has_course_author_access from xblock_django.api import authorable_xblocks, disabled_xblocks from xblock_django.models import XBlockStudioConfigurationFlag from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError __all__ = [ 'container_handler', 'component_handler' ] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # NOTE: This list is disjoint from ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES COMPONENT_TYPES = ['discussion', 'html', 'problem', 'video'] ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES = sorted(set(name for name, class_ in XBlock.load_classes()) - set(COMPONENT_TYPES)) ADVANCED_PROBLEM_TYPES = settings.ADVANCED_PROBLEM_TYPES CONTAINER_TEMPLATES = [ "basic-modal", "modal-button", "edit-xblock-modal", "editor-mode-button", "upload-dialog", "add-xblock-component", "add-xblock-component-button", "add-xblock-component-menu", "add-xblock-component-support-legend", "add-xblock-component-support-level", "add-xblock-component-menu-problem", "xblock-string-field-editor", "xblock-access-editor", "publish-xblock", "publish-history", "unit-outline", "container-message", "container-access", "license-selector", ] def _advanced_component_types(show_unsupported): """ Return advanced component types which can be created. Args: show_unsupported: if True, unsupported XBlocks may be included in the return value Returns: A dict of authorable XBlock types and their support levels (see XBlockStudioConfiguration). For example: { "done": "us", # unsupported "discussion: "fs" # fully supported } Note that the support level will be "True" for all XBlocks if XBlockStudioConfigurationFlag is not enabled. """ enabled_block_types = _filter_disabled_blocks(ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES) if XBlockStudioConfigurationFlag.is_enabled(): authorable_blocks = authorable_xblocks(allow_unsupported=show_unsupported) filtered_blocks = {} for block in authorable_blocks: if in enabled_block_types: filtered_blocks[] = block.support_level return filtered_blocks else: all_blocks = {} for block_name in enabled_block_types: all_blocks[block_name] = True return all_blocks def _load_mixed_class(category): """ Load an XBlock by category name, and apply all defined mixins """ component_class = XBlock.load_class(category, select=settings.XBLOCK_SELECT_FUNCTION) mixologist = Mixologist(settings.XBLOCK_MIXINS) return mixologist.mix(component_class) @require_GET @login_required def container_handler(request, usage_key_string): """ The restful handler for container xblock requests. GET html: returns the HTML page for editing a container json: not currently supported """ if 'text/html' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'text/html'): try: usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_key_string) except InvalidKeyError: # Raise Http404 on invalid 'usage_key_string' raise Http404 with modulestore().bulk_operations(usage_key.course_key): try: course, xblock, lms_link, preview_lms_link = _get_item_in_course(request, usage_key) except ItemNotFoundError: return HttpResponseBadRequest() component_templates = get_component_templates(course) ancestor_xblocks = [] parent = get_parent_xblock(xblock) action = request.GET.get('action', 'view') is_unit_page = is_unit(xblock) unit = xblock if is_unit_page else None while parent and parent.category != 'course': if unit is None and is_unit(parent): unit = parent ancestor_xblocks.append(parent) parent = get_parent_xblock(parent) ancestor_xblocks.reverse() assert unit is not None, "Could not determine unit page" subsection = get_parent_xblock(unit) assert subsection is not None, "Could not determine parent subsection from unit " + unicode(unit.location) section = get_parent_xblock(subsection) assert section is not None, "Could not determine ancestor section from unit " + unicode(unit.location) # Fetch the XBlock info for use by the container page. Note that it includes information # about the block's ancestors and siblings for use by the Unit Outline. xblock_info = create_xblock_info(xblock, include_ancestor_info=is_unit_page) if is_unit_page: add_container_page_publishing_info(xblock, xblock_info) # need to figure out where this item is in the list of children as the # preview will need this index = 1 for child in subsection.get_children(): if child.location == unit.location: break index += 1 return render_to_response('container.html', { 'context_course': course, # Needed only for display of menus at top of page. 'action': action, 'xblock': xblock, 'xblock_locator': xblock.location, 'unit': unit, 'is_unit_page': is_unit_page, 'subsection': subsection, 'section': section, 'new_unit_category': 'vertical', 'outline_url': '{url}?format=concise'.format(url=reverse_course_url('course_handler',, 'ancestor_xblocks': ancestor_xblocks, 'component_templates': component_templates, 'xblock_info': xblock_info, 'draft_preview_link': preview_lms_link, 'published_preview_link': lms_link, 'templates': CONTAINER_TEMPLATES }) else: return HttpResponseBadRequest("Only supports HTML requests") def get_component_templates(courselike, library=False): """ Returns the applicable component templates that can be used by the specified course or library. """ def create_template_dict(name, category, support_level, boilerplate_name=None, tab="common", hinted=False): """ Creates a component template dict. Parameters display_name: the user-visible name of the component category: the type of component (problem, html, etc.) support_level: the support level of this component boilerplate_name: name of boilerplate for filling in default values. May be None. hinted: True if hinted problem else False tab: common(default)/advanced, which tab it goes in """ return { "display_name": name, "category": category, "boilerplate_name": boilerplate_name, "hinted": hinted, "tab": tab, "support_level": support_level } def component_support_level(editable_types, name, template=None): """ Returns the support level for the given xblock name/template combination. Args: editable_types: a QuerySet of xblocks with their support levels name: the name of the xblock template: optional template for the xblock Returns: If XBlockStudioConfigurationFlag is enabled, returns the support level (see XBlockStudioConfiguration) or False if this xblock name/template combination has no Studio support at all. If XBlockStudioConfigurationFlag is disabled, simply returns True. """ # If the Studio support feature is disabled, return True for all. if not XBlockStudioConfigurationFlag.is_enabled(): return True if template is None: template = "" extension_index = template.rfind(".yaml") if extension_index >= 0: template = template[0:extension_index] for block in editable_types: if == name and block.template == template: return block.support_level return False def create_support_legend_dict(): """ Returns a dict of settings information for the display of the support level legend. """ return { "show_legend": XBlockStudioConfigurationFlag.is_enabled(), "allow_unsupported_xblocks": allow_unsupported, "documentation_label": _("{platform_name} Support Levels:").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME) } component_display_names = { 'discussion': _("Discussion"), 'html': _("HTML"), 'problem': _("Problem"), 'video': _("Video") } component_templates = [] categories = set() # The component_templates array is in the order of "advanced" (if present), followed # by the components in the order listed in COMPONENT_TYPES. component_types = COMPONENT_TYPES[:] # Libraries do not support discussions if library: component_types = [component for component in component_types if component != 'discussion'] component_types = _filter_disabled_blocks(component_types) # Content Libraries currently don't allow opting in to unsupported xblocks/problem types. allow_unsupported = getattr(courselike, "allow_unsupported_xblocks", False) for category in component_types: authorable_variations = authorable_xblocks(allow_unsupported=allow_unsupported, name=category) support_level_without_template = component_support_level(authorable_variations, category) templates_for_category = [] component_class = _load_mixed_class(category) if support_level_without_template: # add the default template with localized display name # TODO: Once mixins are defined per-application, rather than per-runtime, # this should use a cms mixed-in class. (cpennington) display_name = xblock_type_display_name(category, _('Blank')) # this is the Blank Advanced problem templates_for_category.append( create_template_dict(display_name, category, support_level_without_template, None, 'advanced') ) categories.add(category) # add boilerplates if hasattr(component_class, 'templates'): for template in component_class.templates(): filter_templates = getattr(component_class, 'filter_templates', None) if not filter_templates or filter_templates(template, courselike): template_id = template.get('template_id') support_level_with_template = component_support_level( authorable_variations, category, template_id ) if support_level_with_template: # Tab can be 'common' 'advanced' # Default setting is common/advanced depending on the presence of markdown tab = 'common' if template['metadata'].get('markdown') is None: tab = 'advanced' hinted = template.get('hinted', False) templates_for_category.append( create_template_dict( _(template['metadata'].get('display_name')), # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string category, support_level_with_template, template_id, tab, hinted, ) ) # Add any advanced problem types. Note that these are different xblocks being stored as Advanced Problems, # currently not supported in libraries . if category == 'problem' and not library: disabled_block_names = [ for block in disabled_xblocks()] advanced_problem_types = [advanced_problem_type for advanced_problem_type in ADVANCED_PROBLEM_TYPES if advanced_problem_type['component'] not in disabled_block_names] for advanced_problem_type in advanced_problem_types: component = advanced_problem_type['component'] boilerplate_name = advanced_problem_type['boilerplate_name'] authorable_advanced_component_variations = authorable_xblocks( allow_unsupported=allow_unsupported, name=component ) advanced_component_support_level = component_support_level( authorable_advanced_component_variations, component, boilerplate_name ) if advanced_component_support_level: try: component_display_name = xblock_type_display_name(component) except PluginMissingError: log.warning('Unable to load xblock type %s to read display_name', component, exc_info=True) else: templates_for_category.append( create_template_dict( component_display_name, component, advanced_component_support_level, boilerplate_name, 'advanced' ) ) categories.add(component) component_templates.append({ "type": category, "templates": templates_for_category, "display_name": component_display_names[category], "support_legend": create_support_legend_dict() }) # Libraries do not support advanced components at this time. if library: return component_templates # Check if there are any advanced modules specified in the course policy. # These modules should be specified as a list of strings, where the strings # are the names of the modules in ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES that should be # enabled for the course. course_advanced_keys = courselike.advanced_modules advanced_component_templates = { "type": "advanced", "templates": [], "display_name": _("Advanced"), "support_legend": create_support_legend_dict() } advanced_component_types = _advanced_component_types(allow_unsupported) # Set component types according to course policy file if isinstance(course_advanced_keys, list): for category in course_advanced_keys: if category in advanced_component_types.keys() and category not in categories: # boilerplates not supported for advanced components try: component_display_name = xblock_type_display_name(category, default_display_name=category) advanced_component_templates['templates'].append( create_template_dict( component_display_name, category, advanced_component_types[category] ) ) categories.add(category) except PluginMissingError: # dhm: I got this once but it can happen any time the # course author configures an advanced component which does # not exist on the server. This code here merely # prevents any authors from trying to instantiate the # non-existent component type by not showing it in the menu log.warning( "Advanced component %s does not exist. It will not be added to the Studio new component menu.", category ) else: log.error( "Improper format for course advanced keys! %s", course_advanced_keys ) if len(advanced_component_templates['templates']) > 0: component_templates.insert(0, advanced_component_templates) return component_templates def _filter_disabled_blocks(all_blocks): """ Filter out disabled xblocks from the provided list of xblock names. """ disabled_block_names = [ for block in disabled_xblocks()] return [block_name for block_name in all_blocks if block_name not in disabled_block_names] @login_required def _get_item_in_course(request, usage_key): """ Helper method for getting the old location, containing course, item, lms_link, and preview_lms_link for a given locator. Verifies that the caller has permission to access this item. """ # usage_key's course_key may have an empty run property usage_key = usage_key.replace(course_key=modulestore().fill_in_run(usage_key.course_key)) course_key = usage_key.course_key if not has_course_author_access(request.user, course_key): raise PermissionDenied() course = modulestore().get_course(course_key) item = modulestore().get_item(usage_key, depth=1) lms_link = get_lms_link_for_item(item.location) preview_lms_link = get_lms_link_for_item(item.location, preview=True) return course, item, lms_link, preview_lms_link @login_required def component_handler(request, usage_key_string, handler, suffix=''): """ Dispatch an AJAX action to an xblock Args: usage_id: The usage-id of the block to dispatch to handler (str): The handler to execute suffix (str): The remainder of the url to be passed to the handler Returns: :class:`django.http.HttpResponse`: The response from the handler, converted to a django response """ usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_key_string) # Let the module handle the AJAX req = django_to_webob_request(request) asides = [] try: if isinstance(usage_key, (AsideUsageKeyV1, AsideUsageKeyV2)): descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key.usage_key) aside_instance = get_xblock_aside_instance(usage_key) asides = [aside_instance] if aside_instance else [] resp = aside_instance.handle(handler, req, suffix) else: descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key) descriptor.xmodule_runtime = StudioEditModuleRuntime(request.user) resp = descriptor.handle(handler, req, suffix) except NoSuchHandlerError:"XBlock %s attempted to access missing handler %r", descriptor, handler, exc_info=True) raise Http404 # unintentional update to handle any side effects of handle call # could potentially be updating actual course data or simply caching its values modulestore().update_item(descriptor,, asides=asides) return webob_to_django_response(resp)