import copy from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django_countries import countries import accounts import third_party_auth from edxmako.shortcuts import marketing_link from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration import helpers as configuration_helpers from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.helpers import FormDescription from openedx.features.enterprise_support.api import enterprise_customer_for_request from student.forms import get_registration_extension_form from student.models import UserProfile def get_password_reset_form(): """Return a description of the password reset form. This decouples clients from the API definition: if the API decides to modify the form, clients won't need to be updated. See `user_api.helpers.FormDescription` for examples of the JSON-encoded form description. Returns: HttpResponse """ form_desc = FormDescription("post", reverse("password_change_request")) # Translators: This label appears above a field on the password reset # form meant to hold the user's email address. email_label = _(u"Email") # Translators: This example email address is used as a placeholder in # a field on the password reset form meant to hold the user's email address. email_placeholder = _(u"") # Translators: These instructions appear on the password reset form, # immediately below a field meant to hold the user's email address. email_instructions = _(u"The email address you used to register with {platform_name}").format( platform_name=configuration_helpers.get_value('PLATFORM_NAME', settings.PLATFORM_NAME) ) form_desc.add_field( "email", field_type="email", label=email_label, placeholder=email_placeholder, instructions=email_instructions, restrictions={ "min_length": accounts.EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, "max_length": accounts.EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, } ) return form_desc def get_login_session_form(): """Return a description of the login form. This decouples clients from the API definition: if the API decides to modify the form, clients won't need to be updated. See `user_api.helpers.FormDescription` for examples of the JSON-encoded form description. Returns: HttpResponse """ form_desc = FormDescription("post", reverse("user_api_login_session")) # Translators: This label appears above a field on the login form # meant to hold the user's email address. email_label = _(u"Email") # Translators: This example email address is used as a placeholder in # a field on the login form meant to hold the user's email address. email_placeholder = _(u"") # Translators: These instructions appear on the login form, immediately # below a field meant to hold the user's email address. email_instructions = _("The email address you used to register with {platform_name}").format( platform_name=configuration_helpers.get_value('PLATFORM_NAME', settings.PLATFORM_NAME) ) form_desc.add_field( "email", field_type="email", label=email_label, placeholder=email_placeholder, instructions=email_instructions, restrictions={ "min_length": accounts.EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, "max_length": accounts.EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, } ) # Translators: This label appears above a field on the login form # meant to hold the user's password. password_label = _(u"Password") form_desc.add_field( "password", label=password_label, field_type="password", restrictions={ "max_length": accounts.PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH, } ) form_desc.add_field( "remember", field_type="checkbox", label=_("Remember me"), default=False, required=False, ) return form_desc class RegistrationFormFactory(object): """HTTP end-points for creating a new user. """ DEFAULT_FIELDS = ["email", "name", "username", "password"] EXTRA_FIELDS = [ "confirm_email", "first_name", "last_name", "city", "state", "country", "gender", "year_of_birth", "level_of_education", "company", "title", "mailing_address", "goals", "honor_code", "terms_of_service", "profession", "specialty", ] def _is_field_visible(self, field_name): """Check whether a field is visible based on Django settings. """ return self._extra_fields_setting.get(field_name) in ["required", "optional"] def _is_field_required(self, field_name): """Check whether a field is required based on Django settings. """ return self._extra_fields_setting.get(field_name) == "required" def __init__(self): # Backwards compatibility: Honor code is required by default, unless # explicitly set to "optional" in Django settings. self._extra_fields_setting = copy.deepcopy(configuration_helpers.get_value('REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS')) if not self._extra_fields_setting: self._extra_fields_setting = copy.deepcopy(settings.REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS) self._extra_fields_setting["honor_code"] = self._extra_fields_setting.get("honor_code", "required") # Check that the setting is configured correctly for field_name in self.EXTRA_FIELDS: if self._extra_fields_setting.get(field_name, "hidden") not in ["required", "optional", "hidden"]: msg = u"Setting REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS values must be either required, optional, or hidden." raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg) # Map field names to the instance method used to add the field to the form self.field_handlers = {} valid_fields = self.DEFAULT_FIELDS + self.EXTRA_FIELDS for field_name in valid_fields: handler = getattr(self, "_add_{field_name}_field".format(field_name=field_name)) self.field_handlers[field_name] = handler field_order = configuration_helpers.get_value('REGISTRATION_FIELD_ORDER') if not field_order: field_order = settings.REGISTRATION_FIELD_ORDER or valid_fields # Check that all of the valid_fields are in the field order and vice versa, if not set to the default order if set(valid_fields) != set(field_order): field_order = valid_fields self.field_order = field_order def get_registration_form(self, request): """Return a description of the registration form. This decouples clients from the API definition: if the API decides to modify the form, clients won't need to be updated. This is especially important for the registration form, since different edx-platform installations might collect different demographic information. See `user_api.helpers.FormDescription` for examples of the JSON-encoded form description. Arguments: request (HttpRequest) Returns: HttpResponse """ form_desc = FormDescription("post", reverse("user_api_registration")) self._apply_third_party_auth_overrides(request, form_desc) # Custom form fields can be added via the form set in settings.REGISTRATION_EXTENSION_FORM custom_form = get_registration_extension_form() if custom_form: # Default fields are always required for field_name in self.DEFAULT_FIELDS: self.field_handlers[field_name](form_desc, required=True) for field_name, field in custom_form.fields.items(): restrictions = {} if getattr(field, 'max_length', None): restrictions['max_length'] = field.max_length if getattr(field, 'min_length', None): restrictions['min_length'] = field.min_length field_options = getattr( getattr(custom_form, 'Meta', None), 'serialization_options', {} ).get(field_name, {}) field_type = field_options.get('field_type', FormDescription.FIELD_TYPE_MAP.get(field.__class__)) if not field_type: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "Field type '{}' not recognized for registration extension field '{}'.".format( field_type, field_name ) ) form_desc.add_field( field_name, label=field.label, default=field_options.get('default'), field_type=field_options.get('field_type', FormDescription.FIELD_TYPE_MAP.get(field.__class__)), placeholder=field.initial, instructions=field.help_text, required=field.required, restrictions=restrictions, options=getattr(field, 'choices', None), error_messages=field.error_messages, include_default_option=field_options.get('include_default_option'), ) # Extra fields configured in Django settings # may be required, optional, or hidden for field_name in self.EXTRA_FIELDS: if self._is_field_visible(field_name): self.field_handlers[field_name]( form_desc, required=self._is_field_required(field_name) ) else: # Go through the fields in the fields order and add them if they are required or visible for field_name in self.field_order: if field_name in self.DEFAULT_FIELDS: self.field_handlers[field_name](form_desc, required=True) elif self._is_field_visible(field_name): self.field_handlers[field_name]( form_desc, required=self._is_field_required(field_name) ) return form_desc def _add_email_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add an email field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # meant to hold the user's email address. email_label = _(u"Email") # Translators: This example email address is used as a placeholder in # a field on the registration form meant to hold the user's email address. email_placeholder = _(u"") # Translators: These instructions appear on the registration form, immediately # below a field meant to hold the user's email address. email_instructions = _(u"This is what you will use to login.") form_desc.add_field( "email", field_type="email", label=email_label, placeholder=email_placeholder, instructions=email_instructions, restrictions={ "min_length": accounts.EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, "max_length": accounts.EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, }, required=required ) def _add_confirm_email_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add an email confirmation field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # meant to confirm the user's email address. email_label = _(u"Confirm Email") error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_CONFIRM_EMAIL_MSG form_desc.add_field( "confirm_email", label=email_label, required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg } ) def _add_name_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a name field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # meant to hold the user's full name. name_label = _(u"Full Name") # Translators: This example name is used as a placeholder in # a field on the registration form meant to hold the user's name. name_placeholder = _(u"Jane Q. Learner") # Translators: These instructions appear on the registration form, immediately # below a field meant to hold the user's full name. name_instructions = _(u"This name will be used on any certificates that you earn.") form_desc.add_field( "name", label=name_label, placeholder=name_placeholder, instructions=name_instructions, restrictions={ "max_length": accounts.NAME_MAX_LENGTH, }, required=required ) def _add_username_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a username field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # meant to hold the user's public username. username_label = _(u"Public Username") username_instructions = _( # Translators: These instructions appear on the registration form, immediately # below a field meant to hold the user's public username. u"The name that will identify you in your courses. " u"It cannot be changed later." ) # Translators: This example username is used as a placeholder in # a field on the registration form meant to hold the user's username. username_placeholder = _(u"Jane_Q_Learner") form_desc.add_field( "username", label=username_label, instructions=username_instructions, placeholder=username_placeholder, restrictions={ "min_length": accounts.USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH, "max_length": accounts.USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH, }, required=required ) def _add_password_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a password field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # meant to hold the user's password. password_label = _(u"Password") form_desc.add_field( "password", label=password_label, field_type="password", restrictions={ "min_length": accounts.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, "max_length": accounts.PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH, }, required=required ) def _add_level_of_education_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a level of education field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a dropdown menu on the registration # form used to select the user's highest completed level of education. education_level_label = _(u"Highest level of education completed") error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_LEVEL_OF_EDUCATION_MSG # The labels are marked for translation in UserProfile model definition. options = [(name, _(label)) for name, label in UserProfile.LEVEL_OF_EDUCATION_CHOICES] # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string form_desc.add_field( "level_of_education", label=education_level_label, field_type="select", options=options, include_default_option=True, required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg } ) def _add_gender_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a gender field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a dropdown menu on the registration # form used to select the user's gender. gender_label = _(u"Gender") # The labels are marked for translation in UserProfile model definition. options = [(name, _(label)) for name, label in UserProfile.GENDER_CHOICES] # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string form_desc.add_field( "gender", label=gender_label, field_type="select", options=options, include_default_option=True, required=required ) def _add_year_of_birth_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a year of birth field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a dropdown menu on the registration # form used to select the user's year of birth. yob_label = _(u"Year of birth") options = [(unicode(year), unicode(year)) for year in UserProfile.VALID_YEARS] form_desc.add_field( "year_of_birth", label=yob_label, field_type="select", options=options, include_default_option=True, required=required ) def _add_field_with_configurable_select_options(self, field_name, field_label, form_desc, required=False): """Add a field to a form description. If select options are given for this field, it will be a select type otherwise it will be a text type. Arguments: field_name: name of field field_label: label for the field form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ extra_field_options = configuration_helpers.get_value('EXTRA_FIELD_OPTIONS') if extra_field_options is None or extra_field_options.get(field_name) is None: field_type = "text" include_default_option = False options = None error_msg = '' exec("error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_%s_TEXT_MSG" % (field_name.upper())) else: field_type = "select" include_default_option = True field_options = extra_field_options.get(field_name) options = [(unicode(option.lower()), option) for option in field_options] error_msg = '' exec("error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_%s_SELECT_MSG" % (field_name.upper())) form_desc.add_field( field_name, label=field_label, field_type=field_type, options=options, include_default_option=include_default_option, required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg } ) def _add_profession_field(self, form_desc, required=False): """Add a profession field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ # Translators: This label appears above a dropdown menu on the registration # form used to select the user's profession profession_label = _("Profession") self._add_field_with_configurable_select_options('profession', profession_label, form_desc, required=required) def _add_specialty_field(self, form_desc, required=False): """Add a specialty field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ # Translators: This label appears above a dropdown menu on the registration # form used to select the user's specialty specialty_label = _("Specialty") self._add_field_with_configurable_select_options('specialty', specialty_label, form_desc, required=required) def _add_mailing_address_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a mailing address field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # meant to hold the user's mailing address. mailing_address_label = _(u"Mailing address") error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_MAILING_ADDRESS_MSG form_desc.add_field( "mailing_address", label=mailing_address_label, field_type="textarea", required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg } ) def _add_goals_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a goals field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This phrase appears above a field on the registration form # meant to hold the user's reasons for registering with edX. goals_label = _(u"Tell us why you're interested in {platform_name}").format( platform_name=configuration_helpers.get_value("PLATFORM_NAME", settings.PLATFORM_NAME) ) error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_GOALS_MSG form_desc.add_field( "goals", label=goals_label, field_type="textarea", required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg } ) def _add_city_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a city field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # which allows the user to input the city in which they live. city_label = _(u"City") error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_CITY_MSG form_desc.add_field( "city", label=city_label, required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg } ) def _add_state_field(self, form_desc, required=False): """Add a State/Province/Region field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # which allows the user to input the State/Province/Region in which they live. state_label = _(u"State/Province/Region") form_desc.add_field( "state", label=state_label, required=required ) def _add_company_field(self, form_desc, required=False): """Add a Company field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # which allows the user to input the Company company_label = _(u"Company") form_desc.add_field( "company", label=company_label, required=required ) def _add_title_field(self, form_desc, required=False): """Add a Title field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # which allows the user to input the Title title_label = _(u"Title") form_desc.add_field( "title", label=title_label, required=required ) def _add_first_name_field(self, form_desc, required=False): """Add a First Name field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # which allows the user to input the First Name first_name_label = _(u"First Name") form_desc.add_field( "first_name", label=first_name_label, required=required ) def _add_last_name_field(self, form_desc, required=False): """Add a Last Name field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to False """ # Translators: This label appears above a field on the registration form # which allows the user to input the First Name last_name_label = _(u"Last Name") form_desc.add_field( "last_name", label=last_name_label, required=required ) def _add_country_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a country field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This label appears above a dropdown menu on the registration # form used to select the country in which the user lives. country_label = _(u"Country or Region of Residence") country_instructions = _( # Translators: These instructions appear on the registration form, immediately # below a field meant to hold the user's country. u"The country or region where you live." ) error_msg = accounts.REQUIRED_FIELD_COUNTRY_MSG # If we set a country code, make sure it's uppercase for the sake of the form. default_country = form_desc._field_overrides.get('country', {}).get('defaultValue') if default_country: form_desc.override_field_properties( 'country', default=default_country.upper() ) form_desc.add_field( "country", label=country_label, instructions=country_instructions, field_type="select", options=list(countries), include_default_option=True, required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg } ) def _add_honor_code_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add an honor code field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Separate terms of service and honor code checkboxes if self._is_field_visible("terms_of_service"): terms_label = _(u"Honor Code") terms_link = marketing_link("HONOR") terms_text = _(u"Review the Honor Code") # Combine terms of service and honor code checkboxes else: # Translators: This is a legal document users must agree to # in order to register a new account. terms_label = _(u"Terms of Service and Honor Code") terms_link = marketing_link("HONOR") terms_text = _(u"Review the Terms of Service and Honor Code") # Translators: "Terms of Service" is a legal document users must agree to # in order to register a new account. label = _(u"I agree to the {platform_name} {terms_of_service}").format( platform_name=configuration_helpers.get_value("PLATFORM_NAME", settings.PLATFORM_NAME), terms_of_service=terms_label ) # Translators: "Terms of Service" is a legal document users must agree to # in order to register a new account. error_msg = _(u"You must agree to the {platform_name} {terms_of_service}").format( platform_name=configuration_helpers.get_value("PLATFORM_NAME", settings.PLATFORM_NAME), terms_of_service=terms_label ) form_desc.add_field( "honor_code", label=label, field_type="checkbox", default=False, required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg }, supplementalLink=terms_link, supplementalText=terms_text ) def _add_terms_of_service_field(self, form_desc, required=True): """Add a terms of service field to a form description. Arguments: form_desc: A form description Keyword Arguments: required (bool): Whether this field is required; defaults to True """ # Translators: This is a legal document users must agree to # in order to register a new account. terms_label = _(u"Terms of Service") terms_link = marketing_link("TOS") terms_text = _(u"Review the Terms of Service") # Translators: "Terms of service" is a legal document users must agree to # in order to register a new account. label = _(u"I agree to the {platform_name} {terms_of_service}").format( platform_name=configuration_helpers.get_value("PLATFORM_NAME", settings.PLATFORM_NAME), terms_of_service=terms_label ) # Translators: "Terms of service" is a legal document users must agree to # in order to register a new account. error_msg = _(u"You must agree to the {platform_name} {terms_of_service}").format( platform_name=configuration_helpers.get_value("PLATFORM_NAME", settings.PLATFORM_NAME), terms_of_service=terms_label ) form_desc.add_field( "terms_of_service", label=label, field_type="checkbox", default=False, required=required, error_messages={ "required": error_msg }, supplementalLink=terms_link, supplementalText=terms_text ) def _apply_third_party_auth_overrides(self, request, form_desc): """Modify the registration form if the user has authenticated with a third-party provider. If a user has successfully authenticated with a third-party provider, but does not yet have an account with EdX, we want to fill in the registration form with any info that we get from the provider. This will also hide the password field, since we assign users a default (random) password on the assumption that they will be using third-party auth to log in. Arguments: request (HttpRequest): The request for the registration form, used to determine if the user has successfully authenticated with a third-party provider. form_desc (FormDescription): The registration form description """ if third_party_auth.is_enabled(): running_pipeline = third_party_auth.pipeline.get(request) if running_pipeline: current_provider = third_party_auth.provider.Registry.get_from_pipeline(running_pipeline) if current_provider: # Override username / email / full name field_overrides = current_provider.get_register_form_data( running_pipeline.get('kwargs') ) # When the TPA Provider is configured to skip the registration form and we are in an # enterprise context, we need to hide all fields except for terms of service and # ensure that the user explicitly checks that field. hide_registration_fields_except_tos = (current_provider.skip_registration_form and enterprise_customer_for_request(request)) for field_name in self.DEFAULT_FIELDS + self.EXTRA_FIELDS: if field_name in field_overrides: form_desc.override_field_properties( field_name, default=field_overrides[field_name] ) if (field_name not in ['terms_of_service', 'honor_code'] and field_overrides[field_name] and hide_registration_fields_except_tos): form_desc.override_field_properties( field_name, field_type="hidden", label="", instructions="", ) # Hide the password field form_desc.override_field_properties( "password", default="", field_type="hidden", required=False, label="", instructions="", restrictions={} ) # used to identify that request is running third party social auth form_desc.add_field( "social_auth_provider", field_type="hidden", label="", if else "Third Party", required=False, )