""" Data Aggregation Layer of the Enrollment API. Collects all enrollment specific data into a single source to be used throughout the API. """ import logging from django.contrib.auth.models import User from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from enrollment.errors import ( CourseEnrollmentClosedError, CourseEnrollmentExistsError, CourseEnrollmentFullError, InvalidEnrollmentAttribute, UserNotFoundError ) from enrollment.serializers import CourseEnrollmentSerializer, CourseSerializer from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview from openedx.core.lib.exceptions import CourseNotFoundError from student.models import ( AlreadyEnrolledError, CourseEnrollment, CourseEnrollmentAttribute, CourseFullError, EnrollmentClosedError, NonExistentCourseError ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_course_enrollments(user_id): """Retrieve a list representing all aggregated data for a user's course enrollments. Construct a representation of all course enrollment data for a specific user. Args: user_id (str): The name of the user to retrieve course enrollment information for. Returns: A serializable list of dictionaries of all aggregated enrollment data for a user. """ qset = CourseEnrollment.objects.filter( user__username=user_id, is_active=True ).order_by('created') enrollments = CourseEnrollmentSerializer(qset, many=True).data # Find deleted courses and filter them out of the results deleted = [] valid = [] for enrollment in enrollments: if enrollment.get("course_details") is not None: valid.append(enrollment) else: deleted.append(enrollment) if deleted: log.warning( ( u"Course enrollments for user %s reference " u"courses that do not exist (this can occur if a course is deleted)." ), user_id, ) return valid def get_course_enrollment(username, course_id): """Retrieve an object representing all aggregated data for a user's course enrollment. Get the course enrollment information for a specific user and course. Args: username (str): The name of the user to retrieve course enrollment information for. course_id (str): The course to retrieve course enrollment information for. Returns: A serializable dictionary representing the course enrollment. """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) try: enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.get( user__username=username, course_id=course_key ) return CourseEnrollmentSerializer(enrollment).data except CourseEnrollment.DoesNotExist: return None def create_course_enrollment(username, course_id, mode, is_active): """Create a new course enrollment for the given user. Creates a new course enrollment for the specified user username. Args: username (str): The name of the user to create a new course enrollment for. course_id (str): The course to create the course enrollment for. mode (str): (Optional) The mode for the new enrollment. is_active (boolean): (Optional) Determines if the enrollment is active. Returns: A serializable dictionary representing the new course enrollment. Raises: CourseNotFoundError CourseEnrollmentFullError EnrollmentClosedError CourseEnrollmentExistsError """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: msg = u"Not user with username '{username}' found.".format(username=username) log.warn(msg) raise UserNotFoundError(msg) try: enrollment = CourseEnrollment.enroll(user, course_key, check_access=True) return _update_enrollment(enrollment, is_active=is_active, mode=mode) except NonExistentCourseError as err: raise CourseNotFoundError(err.message) except EnrollmentClosedError as err: raise CourseEnrollmentClosedError(err.message) except CourseFullError as err: raise CourseEnrollmentFullError(err.message) except AlreadyEnrolledError as err: enrollment = get_course_enrollment(username, course_id) raise CourseEnrollmentExistsError(err.message, enrollment) def update_course_enrollment(username, course_id, mode=None, is_active=None): """Modify a course enrollment for a user. Allows updates to a specific course enrollment. Args: username (str): The name of the user to retrieve course enrollment information for. course_id (str): The course to retrieve course enrollment information for. mode (str): (Optional) If specified, modify the mode for this enrollment. is_active (boolean): (Optional) Determines if the enrollment is active. Returns: A serializable dictionary representing the modified course enrollment. """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: msg = u"Not user with username '{username}' found.".format(username=username) log.warn(msg) raise UserNotFoundError(msg) try: enrollment = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(user=user, course_id=course_key) return _update_enrollment(enrollment, is_active=is_active, mode=mode) except CourseEnrollment.DoesNotExist: return None def add_or_update_enrollment_attr(user_id, course_id, attributes): """Set enrollment attributes for the enrollment of given user in the course provided. Args: course_id (str): The Course to set enrollment attributes for. user_id (str): The User to set enrollment attributes for. attributes (list): Attributes to be set. Example: >>>add_or_update_enrollment_attr( "Bob", "course-v1-edX-DemoX-1T2015", [ { "namespace": "credit", "name": "provider_id", "value": "hogwarts", }, ] ) """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) user = _get_user(user_id) enrollment = CourseEnrollment.get_enrollment(user, course_key) if not _invalid_attribute(attributes) and enrollment is not None: CourseEnrollmentAttribute.add_enrollment_attr(enrollment, attributes) def get_enrollment_attributes(user_id, course_id): """Retrieve enrollment attributes for given user for provided course. Args: user_id: The User to get enrollment attributes for course_id (str): The Course to get enrollment attributes for. Example: >>>get_enrollment_attributes("Bob", "course-v1-edX-DemoX-1T2015") [ { "namespace": "credit", "name": "provider_id", "value": "hogwarts", }, ] Returns: list """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) user = _get_user(user_id) enrollment = CourseEnrollment.get_enrollment(user, course_key) return CourseEnrollmentAttribute.get_enrollment_attributes(enrollment) def _get_user(user_id): """Retrieve user with provided user_id Args: user_id(str): username of the user for which object is to retrieve Returns: obj """ try: return User.objects.get(username=user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: msg = u"Not user with username '{username}' found.".format(username=user_id) log.warn(msg) raise UserNotFoundError(msg) def _update_enrollment(enrollment, is_active=None, mode=None): enrollment.update_enrollment(is_active=is_active, mode=mode) enrollment.save() return CourseEnrollmentSerializer(enrollment).data def _invalid_attribute(attributes): """Validate enrollment attribute Args: attributes(dict): dict of attribute Return: list of invalid attributes """ invalid_attributes = [] for attribute in attributes: if "namespace" not in attribute: msg = u"'namespace' not in enrollment attribute" log.warn(msg) invalid_attributes.append("namespace") raise InvalidEnrollmentAttribute(msg) if "name" not in attribute: msg = u"'name' not in enrollment attribute" log.warn(msg) invalid_attributes.append("name") raise InvalidEnrollmentAttribute(msg) if "value" not in attribute: msg = u"'value' not in enrollment attribute" log.warn(msg) invalid_attributes.append("value") raise InvalidEnrollmentAttribute(msg) return invalid_attributes def get_course_enrollment_info(course_id, include_expired=False): """Returns all course enrollment information for the given course. Based on the course id, return all related course information. Args: course_id (str): The course to retrieve enrollment information for. include_expired (bool): Boolean denoting whether expired course modes should be included in the returned JSON data. Returns: A serializable dictionary representing the course's enrollment information. Raises: CourseNotFoundError """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) try: course = CourseOverview.get_from_id(course_key) except CourseOverview.DoesNotExist: msg = u"Requested enrollment information for unknown course {course}".format(course=course_id) log.warning(msg) raise CourseNotFoundError(msg) else: return CourseSerializer(course, include_expired=include_expired).data