# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Word cloud integration tests using mongo modulestore.""" import json from operator import itemgetter from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from xmodule.x_module import STUDENT_VIEW from .helpers import BaseTestXmodule @attr(shard=1) class TestWordCloud(BaseTestXmodule): """Integration test for word cloud xmodule.""" CATEGORY = "word_cloud" def _get_resource_url(self, item): """ Creates a resource URL for a given asset that is compatible with this old XModule testing stuff. """ display_name = self.item_descriptor.display_name.replace(' ', '_') return "resource/i4x://{}/{}/word_cloud/{}/{}".format( self.course.id.org, self.course.id.course, display_name, item ) def _get_users_state(self): """Return current state for each user: {username: json_state} """ # check word cloud response for every user users_state = {} for user in self.users: response = self.clients[user.username].post(self.get_url('get_state')) users_state[user.username] = json.loads(response.content) return users_state def _post_words(self, words): """Post `words` and return current state for each user: {username: json_state} """ users_state = {} for user in self.users: response = self.clients[user.username].post( self.get_url('submit'), {'student_words[]': words}, HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH='XMLHttpRequest' ) users_state[user.username] = json.loads(response.content) return users_state def _check_response(self, response_contents, correct_jsons): """Utility function that compares correct and real responses.""" for username, content in response_contents.items(): # Used in debugger for comparing objects. # self.maxDiff = None # We should compare top_words for manually, # because they are unsorted. keys_to_compare = set(content.keys()).difference(set(['top_words'])) self.assertDictEqual( {k: content[k] for k in keys_to_compare}, {k: correct_jsons[username][k] for k in keys_to_compare}) # comparing top_words: top_words_content = sorted( content['top_words'], key=itemgetter('text') ) top_words_correct = sorted( correct_jsons[username]['top_words'], key=itemgetter('text') ) self.assertListEqual(top_words_content, top_words_correct) def test_initial_state(self): """Inital state of word cloud is correct. Those state that is sended from server to frontend, when students load word cloud page. """ users_state = self._get_users_state() self.assertEqual( ''.join(set([ content['status'] for _, content in users_state.items() ])), 'success') # correct initial data: correct_initial_data = { u'status': u'success', u'student_words': {}, u'total_count': 0, u'submitted': False, u'top_words': {}, u'display_student_percents': False } for _, response_content in users_state.items(): self.assertEquals(response_content, correct_initial_data) def test_post_words(self): """Students can submit data succesfully. Word cloud data properly updates after students submit. """ input_words = [ "small", "BIG", " Spaced ", " few words", ] correct_words = [ u"small", u"big", u"spaced", u"few words", ] users_state = self._post_words(input_words) self.assertEqual( ''.join(set([ content['status'] for _, content in users_state.items() ])), 'success') correct_state = {} for index, user in enumerate(self.users): correct_state[user.username] = { u'status': u'success', u'submitted': True, u'display_student_percents': True, u'student_words': {word: 1 + index for word in correct_words}, u'total_count': len(input_words) * (1 + index), u'top_words': [ { u'text': word, u'percent': 100 / len(input_words), u'size': (1 + index) } for word in correct_words ] } self._check_response(users_state, correct_state) def test_collective_users_submits(self): """Test word cloud data flow per single and collective users submits. Make sures that: 1. Inital state of word cloud is correct. Those state that is sended from server to frontend, when students load word cloud page. 2. Students can submit data succesfully. 3. Next submits produce "already voted" error. Next submits for user are not allowed by user interface, but techically it possible, and word_cloud should properly react. 4. State of word cloud after #3 is still as after #2. """ # 1. users_state = self._get_users_state() self.assertEqual( ''.join(set([ content['status'] for _, content in users_state.items() ])), 'success') # 2. # Invcemental state per user. users_state_after_post = self._post_words(['word1', 'word2']) self.assertEqual( ''.join(set([ content['status'] for _, content in users_state_after_post.items() ])), 'success') # Final state after all posts. users_state_before_fail = self._get_users_state() # 3. users_state_after_post = self._post_words( ['word1', 'word2', 'word3']) self.assertEqual( ''.join(set([ content['status'] for _, content in users_state_after_post.items() ])), 'fail') # 4. current_users_state = self._get_users_state() self._check_response(users_state_before_fail, current_users_state) def test_unicode(self): input_words = [u" this is unicode Юникод"] correct_words = [u"this is unicode юникод"] users_state = self._post_words(input_words) self.assertEqual( ''.join(set([ content['status'] for _, content in users_state.items() ])), 'success') for user in self.users: self.assertListEqual( users_state[user.username]['student_words'].keys(), correct_words) def test_handle_ajax_incorrect_dispatch(self): responses = { user.username: self.clients[user.username].post( self.get_url('whatever'), {}, HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH='XMLHttpRequest') for user in self.users } status_codes = {response.status_code for response in responses.values()} self.assertEqual(status_codes.pop(), 200) for user in self.users: self.assertDictEqual( json.loads(responses[user.username].content), { 'status': 'fail', 'error': 'Unknown Command!' } ) def test_word_cloud_constructor(self): """ Make sure that all parameters extracted correctly from xml. """ fragment = self.runtime.render(self.item_descriptor, STUDENT_VIEW) expected_context = { 'ajax_url': self.item_descriptor.xmodule_runtime.ajax_url, 'display_name': self.item_descriptor.display_name, 'instructions': self.item_descriptor.instructions, 'element_class': self.item_descriptor.location.category, 'element_id': self.item_descriptor.location.html_id(), 'num_inputs': 5, # default value 'submitted': False, # default value, } self.assertEqual(fragment.content, self.runtime.render_template('word_cloud.html', expected_context))