""" This file contains receivers of course publication signals. """ import logging from django.dispatch import receiver from django.utils import timezone from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from openedx.core.djangoapps.signals.signals import COURSE_GRADE_CHANGED from xmodule.modulestore.django import SignalHandler log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def on_course_publish(course_key): """ Will receive a delegated 'course_published' signal from cms/djangoapps/contentstore/signals.py and kick off a celery task to update the credit course requirements. IMPORTANT: It is assumed that the edx-proctoring subsystem has been appropriate refreshed with any on_publish event workflow *BEFORE* this method is called. """ # Import here, because signal is registered at startup, but items in tasks # are not yet able to be loaded from openedx.core.djangoapps.credit import api, tasks if api.is_credit_course(course_key): tasks.update_credit_course_requirements.delay(unicode(course_key)) log.info(u'Added task to update credit requirements for course "%s" to the task queue', course_key) @receiver(COURSE_GRADE_CHANGED) def listen_for_grade_calculation(sender, user, course_grade, course_key, deadline, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Receive 'MIN_GRADE_REQUIREMENT_STATUS' signal and update minimum grade requirement status. Args: sender: None user(User): User Model object course_grade(CourseGrade): CourseGrade object course_key(CourseKey): The key for the course deadline(datetime): Course end date or None Kwargs: kwargs : None """ # This needs to be imported here to avoid a circular dependency # that can cause syncdb to fail. from openedx.core.djangoapps.credit import api course_id = CourseKey.from_string(unicode(course_key)) is_credit = api.is_credit_course(course_id) if is_credit: requirements = api.get_credit_requirements(course_id, namespace='grade') if requirements: criteria = requirements[0].get('criteria') if criteria: min_grade = criteria.get('min_grade') passing_grade = course_grade.percent >= min_grade now = timezone.now() status = None reason = None if (deadline and now < deadline) or not deadline: # Student completed coursework on-time if passing_grade: # Student received a passing grade status = 'satisfied' reason = {'final_grade': course_grade.percent} else: # Submission after deadline if passing_grade: # Grade was good, but submission arrived too late status = 'failed' reason = { 'current_date': now, 'deadline': deadline } else: # Student failed to receive minimum grade status = 'failed' reason = { 'final_grade': course_grade.percent, 'minimum_grade': min_grade } # We do not record a status if the user has not yet earned the minimum grade, but still has # time to do so. if status and reason: api.set_credit_requirement_status( user, course_id, 'grade', 'grade', status=status, reason=reason )