# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Code to manage fetching and storing the metadata of IdPs.

from celery.task import task
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import pytz
import logging
from lxml import etree
import requests
from requests import exceptions
from onelogin.saml2.utils import OneLogin_Saml2_Utils
from third_party_auth.models import SAMLConfiguration, SAMLProviderConfig, SAMLProviderData

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SAML_XML_NS = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata'  # The SAML Metadata XML namespace

class MetadataParseError(Exception):
    """ An error occurred while parsing the SAML metadata from an IdP """

def fetch_saml_metadata():
    Fetch and store/update the metadata of all IdPs

    This task should be run on a daily basis.
    It's OK to run this whether or not SAML is enabled.

    Return value:
        tuple(num_changed, num_failed, num_total, failure_messages)
        num_changed: Number of providers that are either new or whose metadata has changed
        num_failed: Number of providers that could not be updated
        num_total: Total number of providers whose metadata was fetched
        failure_messages: List of error messages for the providers that could not be updated
    num_changed = 0
    failure_messages = []

    # First make a list of all the metadata XML URLs:
    url_map = {}
    for idp_slug in SAMLProviderConfig.key_values('idp_slug', flat=True):
        config = SAMLProviderConfig.current(idp_slug)
        if not config.enabled or not SAMLConfiguration.is_enabled(config.site):
        url = config.metadata_source
        if url not in url_map:
            url_map[url] = []
        if config.entity_id not in url_map[url]:
    # Now fetch the metadata:
    for url, entity_ids in url_map.items():
            log.info("Fetching %s", url)
            if not url.lower().startswith('https'):
                log.warning("This SAML metadata URL is not secure! It should use HTTPS. (%s)", url)
            response = requests.get(url, verify=True)  # May raise HTTPError or SSLError or ConnectionError
            response.raise_for_status()  # May raise an HTTPError

                parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=True)
                xml = etree.fromstring(response.content, parser)
            except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
            # TODO: Can use OneLogin_Saml2_Utils to validate signed XML if anyone is using that

            for entity_id in entity_ids:
                log.info(u"Processing IdP with entityID %s", entity_id)
                public_key, sso_url, expires_at = _parse_metadata_xml(xml, entity_id)
                changed = _update_data(entity_id, public_key, sso_url, expires_at)
                if changed:
                    log.info(u"→ Created new record for SAMLProviderData")
                    num_changed += 1
                    log.info(u"→ Updated existing SAMLProviderData. Nothing has changed.")
        except (exceptions.SSLError, exceptions.HTTPError, exceptions.RequestException, MetadataParseError) as error:
            # Catch and process exception in case of errors during fetching and processing saml metadata.
            # Here is a description of each exception.
            # SSLError is raised in case of errors caused by SSL (e.g. SSL cer verification failure etc.)
            # HTTPError is raised in case of unexpected status code (e.g. 500 error etc.)
            # RequestException is the base exception for any request related error that "requests" lib raises.
            # MetadataParseError is raised if there is error in the fetched meta data (e.g. missing @entityID etc.)

                "{error_type}: {error_message}\nMetadata Source: {url}\nEntity IDs: \n{entity_ids}.".format(
                        ["\t{}: {}".format(count, item) for count, item in enumerate(entity_ids, start=1)],
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError as error:
                "XMLSyntaxError: {error_message}\nMetadata Source: {url}\nEntity IDs: \n{entity_ids}.".format(
                        ["\t{}: {}".format(count, item) for count, item in enumerate(entity_ids, start=1)],

    return num_changed, len(failure_messages), len(url_map), failure_messages

def _parse_metadata_xml(xml, entity_id):
    Given an XML document containing SAML 2.0 metadata, parse it and return a tuple of
    (public_key, sso_url, expires_at) for the specified entityID.

    Raises MetadataParseError if anything is wrong.
    if xml.tag == etree.QName(SAML_XML_NS, 'EntityDescriptor'):
        entity_desc = xml
        if xml.tag != etree.QName(SAML_XML_NS, 'EntitiesDescriptor'):
            raise MetadataParseError("Expected root element to be <EntitiesDescriptor>, not {}".format(xml.tag))
        entity_desc = xml.find(
            ".//{}[@entityID='{}']".format(etree.QName(SAML_XML_NS, 'EntityDescriptor'), entity_id)
        if not entity_desc:
            raise MetadataParseError("Can't find EntityDescriptor for entityID {}".format(entity_id))

    expires_at = None
    if "validUntil" in xml.attrib:
        expires_at = dateutil.parser.parse(xml.attrib["validUntil"])
    if "cacheDuration" in xml.attrib:
        cache_expires = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.parse_duration(xml.attrib["cacheDuration"])
        cache_expires = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cache_expires, tz=pytz.utc)
        if expires_at is None or cache_expires < expires_at:
            expires_at = cache_expires

    sso_desc = entity_desc.find(etree.QName(SAML_XML_NS, "IDPSSODescriptor"))
    if not sso_desc:
        raise MetadataParseError("IDPSSODescriptor missing")
    if 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol' not in sso_desc.get("protocolSupportEnumeration"):
        raise MetadataParseError("This IdP does not support SAML 2.0")

    # Now we just need to get the public_key and sso_url
    public_key = sso_desc.findtext("./{}//{}".format(
        etree.QName(SAML_XML_NS, "KeyDescriptor"), "{http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#}X509Certificate"
    if not public_key:
        raise MetadataParseError("Public Key missing. Expected an <X509Certificate>")
    public_key = public_key.replace(" ", "")
    binding_elements = sso_desc.iterfind("./{}".format(etree.QName(SAML_XML_NS, "SingleSignOnService")))
    sso_bindings = {element.get('Binding'): element.get('Location') for element in binding_elements}
        # The only binding supported by python-saml and python-social-auth is HTTP-Redirect:
        sso_url = sso_bindings['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect']
    except KeyError:
        raise MetadataParseError("Unable to find SSO URL with HTTP-Redirect binding.")
    return public_key, sso_url, expires_at

def _update_data(entity_id, public_key, sso_url, expires_at):
    Update/Create the SAMLProviderData for the given entity ID.
    Return value:
        False if nothing has changed and existing data's "fetched at" timestamp is just updated.
        True if a new record was created. (Either this is a new provider or something changed.)
    data_obj = SAMLProviderData.current(entity_id)
    fetched_at = datetime.datetime.now()
    if data_obj and (data_obj.public_key == public_key and data_obj.sso_url == sso_url):
        data_obj.expires_at = expires_at
        data_obj.fetched_at = fetched_at
        return False
        return True