""" Settings to run Studio in devstack using optimized static assets. This configuration changes Studio to use the optimized static assets generated for testing, rather than picking up the files directly from the source tree. The following Paver command can be used to run Studio in optimized mode: paver devstack studio --optimized You can also generate the assets explicitly and then run Studio: paver update_assets cms --settings=test_static_optimized paver devstack studio --settings=devstack_optimized --fast Note that changes to JavaScript assets will not be picked up automatically as they are for non-optimized devstack. Instead, update_assets must be invoked each time that changes have been made. """ ########################## Devstack settings ################################### from .devstack import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import TEST_ROOT = REPO_ROOT / "test_root" ############################ STATIC FILES ############################# # Enable debug so that static assets are served by Django DEBUG = True # Set REQUIRE_DEBUG to false so that it behaves like production REQUIRE_DEBUG = False # Fetch static files out of the pipeline's static root STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineCachedStorage' # Serve static files at /static directly from the staticfiles directory under test root. # Note: optimized files for testing are generated with settings from test_static_optimized STATIC_URL = "/static/" STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', ) STATICFILES_DIRS = [ (TEST_ROOT / "staticfiles" / "cms").abspath(), ]