(function(define, undefined) {
    'use strict';
    define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'annotator_1.2.9'], function($, _, Annotator) {
     * The CaretNavigation Plugin which allows notes creation when users use
     * caret navigation to select the text.
     * Use `Ctrl + SPACE` or `Ctrl + ENTER` to open the editor.
        Annotator.Plugin.CaretNavigation = function() {
        // Call the Annotator.Plugin constructor this sets up the element and
        // options properties.
            _.bindAll(this, 'onKeyUp');
            Annotator.Plugin.apply(this, arguments);

        $.extend(Annotator.Plugin.CaretNavigation.prototype, new Annotator.Plugin(), {
            pluginInit: function() {
                $(document).on('keyup', this.onKeyUp);

            destroy: function() {
                $(document).off('keyup', this.onKeyUp);

            isShortcut: function(event) {
            // Character ']' has keyCode 221
                return event.keyCode === 221 && event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey;

            hasSelection: function(ranges) {
                return (ranges || []).length;

            saveSelection: function() {
                this.savedRange = Annotator.Util.getGlobal().getSelection().getRangeAt(0);

            restoreSelection: function() {
                if (this.savedRange) {
                    var browserRange = new Annotator.Range.BrowserRange(this.savedRange),
                        normedRange = browserRange.normalize().limit(this.annotator.wrapper[0]);

                    this.savedRange = null;

            onKeyUp: function(event) {
                var annotator = this.annotator,
                    self = this,
                    isAnnotator, annotation, highlights, position, save, cancel, cleanup;

            // Do nothing if not a shortcut.
                if (!this.isShortcut(event)) {
                    return true;
            // Get the currently selected ranges.
                annotator.selectedRanges = annotator.getSelectedRanges();
            // Do nothing if there is no selection
                if (!this.hasSelection(annotator.selectedRanges)) {
                    return true;

                isAnnotator = _.some(annotator.selectedRanges, function(range) {
                    return annotator.isAnnotator(range.commonAncestor);

            // Do nothing if we are in Annotator.
                if (isAnnotator) {
                    return true;
            // Show a temporary highlight so the user can see what they selected
            // Also extract the quotation and serialize the ranges
                annotation = annotator.setupAnnotation(annotator.createAnnotation());
                highlights = $(annotation.highlights).addClass('annotator-hl-temporary');

                if (annotator.adder.is(':visible')) {
                    position = annotator.adder.position();
                } else {
                    position = highlights.last().position();

            // Subscribe to the editor events
            // Make the highlights permanent if the annotation is saved
                save = function() {
                // Fire annotationCreated events so that plugins can react to them
                    annotator.publish('annotationCreated', [annotation]);

            // Remove the highlights if the edit is cancelled
                cancel = function() {

            // Don't leak handlers at the end
                cleanup = function() {
                    annotator.unsubscribe('annotationEditorHidden', cancel);
                    annotator.unsubscribe('annotationEditorSubmit', save);
                    self.savedRange = null;

                annotator.subscribe('annotationEditorHidden', cancel);
                annotator.subscribe('annotationEditorSubmit', save);

            // Display the editor.
                annotator.showEditor(annotation, position);
}).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);