## mako <%page expression_filter="h"/> <%inherit file="../main.html"/> <%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from openedx.core.djangoapps.api_admin.models import ApiAccessRequest from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text %> <%block name="pagetitle"> ${_("API Access Request Status")} </%block> <div id="api-access-wrapper"> <h1 id="api-header">${_("{platform_name} API Access Request").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</h1> <div class="request-status request-${status}"> <p id="api-access-status"> % if status == ApiAccessRequest.PENDING: ## Translators: "platform_name" is the name of this Open edX installation. ${Text(_('Your request to access the {platform_name} Course Catalog API is being processed. You will receive a message at the email address in your profile when processing is complete. You can also return to this page to see the status of your API access request.')).format( platform_name=Text(settings.PLATFORM_NAME) )} % elif status == ApiAccessRequest.DENIED: ## Translators: "platform_name" is the name of this Open edX installation. "api_support_email_link" is HTML for a link to email the API support staff. ${Text(_('Your request to access the {platform_name} Course Catalog API has been denied. If you think this is an error, or for other questions about using this API, contact {api_support_email_link}.')).format( platform_name=Text(settings.PLATFORM_NAME), api_support_email_link=HTML('<a href="mailto:{email}">{email}</a>').format(email=Text(api_support_email)) )} % elif status == ApiAccessRequest.APPROVED: ${Text(_('Your request to access the {platform_name} Course Catalog API has been approved.')).format( platform_name=Text(settings.PLATFORM_NAME) )} % if application: <div class="application-info"> <p><span class="application-label">${_("Application Name") + ":"}</span> ${application.name}</p> <p><span class="application-label">${_("API Client ID") + ":"}</span> ${application.client_id}</p> <p><span class="application-label">${_("API Client Secret") + ":"}</span> ${application.client_secret}</p> <p><span class="application-label">${_("Redirect URLs") + ":"}</span> ${application.redirect_uris}</p> </div> <p>${_('If you would like to regenerate your API client information, please use the form below.')}</p> % endif <div class="catalog-body"> <div class="api-form-container"> <form id="api-form-fields" method="post" class="api-form"> <input type="hidden" id="csrf_token" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="${csrf_token}"> ${form.as_p() | n, decode.utf8} <input id="api-access-submit" type="submit" value="${_('Generate API client credentials')}"/> </form> </div> </div> % endif </p> <p> ## Translators: "platform_name" is the name of this Open edX installation. "link_start" and "link_end" are the HTML for a link to the API documentation. "api_support_email_link" is HTML for a link to email the API support staff. ${Text(_('To learn more about the {platform_name} Course Catalog API, visit {link_start}our API documentation page{link_end}. For questions about using this API, contact {api_support_email_link}.')).format( platform_name=Text(settings.PLATFORM_NAME), link_start=HTML('<a href="{}">').format(Text(api_support_link)), link_end=HTML('</a>'), api_support_email_link=HTML('<a href="mailto:{email}">{email}</a>').format(email=Text(api_support_email)) )} </p> </div> </div>