var edx = edx || {}; var onCertificatesReady = null; (function($, gettext, _) { 'use strict'; edx.instructor_dashboard = edx.instructor_dashboard || {}; edx.instructor_dashboard.certificates = {}; onCertificatesReady = function() { /** * Show a confirmation message before letting staff members * enable/disable self-generated certificates for a course. */ $('#enable-certificates-form').on('submit', function(event) { var isEnabled = $('#certificates-enabled').val() === 'true', confirmMessage = ''; if (isEnabled) { confirmMessage = gettext('Allow students to generate certificates for this course?'); } else { confirmMessage = gettext('Prevent students from generating certificates in this course?'); } if (!confirm(confirmMessage)) { event.preventDefault(); } }); /** * Refresh the status for example certificate generation * by reloading the instructor dashboard. */ $('#refresh-example-certificate-status').on('click', function() { window.location.reload(); }); /** * Start generating certificates for all students. */ var $section = $('section#certificates'); $section.on('click', '#btn-start-generating-certificates', function(event) { if (!confirm(gettext('Start generating certificates for all students in this course?'))) { event.preventDefault(); return; } var $btn_generating_certs = $(this), $certificate_generation_status = $('.certificate-generation-status'); var url = $'endpoint'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, success: function(data) { $btn_generating_certs.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $certificate_generation_status.text(data.message); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $certificate_generation_status.text(gettext('Error while generating certificates. Please try again.')); } }); }); /** * Start regenerating certificates for students. */ $section.on('click', '#btn-start-regenerating-certificates', function(event) { if (!confirm(gettext('Start regenerating certificates for students in this course?'))) { event.preventDefault(); return; } var $btn_regenerating_certs = $(this), $certificate_regeneration_status = $('.certificate-regeneration-status'), url = $'endpoint'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: $('#certificate-regenerating-form').serializeArray(), url: url, success: function(data) { $btn_regenerating_certs.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (data.success) { $certificate_regeneration_status.text(data.message).addClass('message'); } else { $certificate_regeneration_status.text(data.message).addClass('message'); } }, error: function(jqXHR) { try { var response = JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText); $certificate_regeneration_status.text(gettext(response.message)).addClass('message'); } catch (error) { $certificate_regeneration_status. text(gettext('Error while regenerating certificates. Please try again.')). addClass('message'); } } }); }); }; // Call onCertificatesReady on document.ready event $(onCertificatesReady); var Certificates = (function() { function Certificates($section) { $'wrapper', this); this.instructor_tasks = new window.InstructorDashboard.util.PendingInstructorTasks($section); } Certificates.prototype.onClickTitle = function() { return this.instructor_tasks.task_poller.start(); }; Certificates.prototype.onExit = function() { return this.instructor_tasks.task_poller.stop(); }; return Certificates; }()); _.defaults(window, { InstructorDashboard: {} }); _.defaults(window.InstructorDashboard, { sections: {} }); _.defaults(window.InstructorDashboard.sections, { Certificates: Certificates }); }($, gettext, _));