This file contains celery tasks for credit course views.

from celery import task
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from django.conf import settings
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey, UsageKey

from openedx.core.djangoapps.credit.api import set_credit_requirements
from openedx.core.djangoapps.credit.exceptions import InvalidCreditRequirements
from openedx.core.djangoapps.credit.models import CreditCourse
from openedx.core.djangoapps.credit.utils import get_course_blocks
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError

LOGGER = get_task_logger(__name__)

# pylint: disable=not-callable
@task(default_retry_delay=settings.CREDIT_TASK_DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY, max_retries=settings.CREDIT_TASK_MAX_RETRIES)
def update_credit_course_requirements(course_id):   # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Updates course requirements table for a course.

        course_id(str): A string representation of course identifier


        course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
        is_credit_course = CreditCourse.is_credit_course(course_key)
        if is_credit_course:
            requirements = _get_course_credit_requirements(course_key)
            set_credit_requirements(course_key, requirements)
    except (InvalidKeyError, ItemNotFoundError, InvalidCreditRequirements) as exc:
        LOGGER.error('Error on adding the requirements for course %s - %s', course_id, unicode(exc))
        raise update_credit_course_requirements.retry(args=[course_id], exc=exc)
        LOGGER.info('Requirements added for course %s', course_id)

def _get_course_credit_requirements(course_key):
    Returns the list of credit requirements for the given course.

    This will also call into the edx-proctoring subsystem to also
    produce proctored exam requirements for credit bearing courses

    It returns the minimum_grade_credit and also the ICRV checkpoints
    if any were added in the course

        course_key (CourseKey): Identifier for the course.

        List of credit requirements (dictionaries)

    min_grade_requirement = _get_min_grade_requirement(course_key)
    proctored_exams_requirements = _get_proctoring_requirements(course_key)
    sorted_exam_requirements = sorted(
        proctored_exams_requirements, key=lambda x: (x['start_date'] is None, x['start_date'], x['display_name'])

    credit_requirements = (
        min_grade_requirement + sorted_exam_requirements
    return credit_requirements

def _get_min_grade_requirement(course_key):
    Get list of 'minimum_grade_credit' requirement for the given course.

        course_key (CourseKey): Identifier for the course.

        The list of minimum_grade_credit requirements

    course = modulestore().get_course(course_key, depth=0)
        return [
                "namespace": "grade",
                "name": "grade",
                "display_name": "Minimum Grade",
                "criteria": {
                    "min_grade": course.minimum_grade_credit
    except AttributeError:
        LOGGER.error("The course %s does not has minimum_grade_credit attribute", unicode(course.id))
        return []

def _get_proctoring_requirements(course_key):
    Will return list of requirements regarding any exams that have been
    marked as proctored exams. For credit-bearing courses, all
    proctored exams must be validated and confirmed from a proctoring
    standpoint. The passing grade on an exam is not enough.

        course_key: The key of the course in question

        list of requirements dictionary, one per active proctored exam


    # Note: Need to import here as there appears to be
    # a circular reference happening when launching Studio
    # process
    from edx_proctoring.api import get_all_exams_for_course

    requirements = []
    for exam in get_all_exams_for_course(unicode(course_key)):
        if exam['is_proctored'] and exam['is_active'] and not exam['is_practice_exam']:
                usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(exam['content_id'])
                proctor_block = modulestore().get_item(usage_key)
            except (InvalidKeyError, ItemNotFoundError):
                LOGGER.info("Invalid content_id '%s' for proctored block '%s'", exam['content_id'], exam['exam_name'])
                proctor_block = None

            if proctor_block:
                        'namespace': 'proctored_exam',
                        'name': exam['content_id'],
                        'display_name': exam['exam_name'],
                        'start_date': proctor_block.start if proctor_block.start else None,
                        'criteria': {},

    if requirements:
        log_msg = (
            'Registering the following as \'proctored_exam\' credit requirements: {log_msg}'.format(

    return requirements