<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %> % if status == "approved": ${_("We have successfully verified your identity for the {assessment} assessment in the {course_name} course." ).format(course_name=course_name, assessment=assessment)} % elif is_attempt_allowed and verification_open: # if attempts are allowed and verification is still open. ${_("We could not verify your identity for the {assessment} assessment in the {course_name} course. You have used {used_attempts} out of {allowed_attempts} attempts to verify your identity." ).format(course_name=course_name, assessment=assessment, used_attempts=used_attempts, allowed_attempts=allowed_attempts)} %if due_date: ${_("You must verify your identity before the assessment closes on {due_date}.").format(due_date=due_date)} %endif ${_("To try to verify your identity again, select the following link:")} ${reverify_link} % elif not is_attempt_allowed or not verification_open: # if attempts are not allowed or verification window is closed ${_("We could not verify your identity for the {assessment} assessment in the {course_name} course. You have used {used_attempts} out of {allowed_attempts} attempts to verify your identity, and verification is no longer possible." ).format(course_name=course_name, assessment=assessment, used_attempts=used_attempts, allowed_attempts=allowed_attempts)} %endif ${_("To go to the courseware, select the following link:")} ${course_link} ${_("If you have any questions, you can contact student support at {support_link}.").format(support_link=support_link)} ${_("Thanks,")} ${_("The {platform_name} team").format(platform_name=platform_name)}