Customization of Askbot skins

The default skin at the moment is in the development, however
it is already possible to start customizing your site without 
incurring much maintenance overhead.

Current status of templates
The two busiest templates are - the "main" page and the "question" page,
the main page is more or less complete. "Question" page will be significantly
refactored in the near future.

How skins work in Askbot

The skins reside in up to two directories:

* `askbot/skins` in the source code (contains any stock skins)
* directory pointed to by a ASKBOT_EXTRA_SKINS_DIR in your settings.py
  with any other skins

Currently, the skin is selected by the site administrator in the live settings.
Also, at the moment skin default is special - it serves any resources
absent in other skins. In a way - all other skins inherit from the "default".

Templates and media are resolved in the following way:
* check in skin named as in settings.ASKBOT_DEFAULT_SKIN
* then skin named 'default'

How to customize a skin

There are three options:

* edit custom css via the settings interface - good for small tweaks 
 (no need to directly log in to the server)
* create a new skin in separate files (need direct access to the server
  files, more maintenance overhead)
* directly modify the "default" skin (as in the previous option - need
  direct access to the server, less maintenance overhead, some 
  knowledge of git system is required)

The first option only allows to modify css and add custom javascript.
The latter two options allow changing the templates as well.

If you wish to follow the second option, create a directory named the same
way as the skin you are building and start adding files with the same names
and relative locations as those in the "default" skin.

pieces from the "default".

The disadvantage of thil second approach is that you will be on your own maintaining
the synchrony of your template, stylesheet and the core code.

Third approach is the best, but it requires (the most basic) use of 
git source code management software. With git you will easily merge the updates
from the development repository.

Structure of the skin directories

To simplify maintenance of the css as the skin is being developed,
populate css file `media/style/extra.css` with any rules that will
override those in the `media/style/style.css` file. If you do that

media does not have to be composed of files named the same way as in default skin
whatever media you link to from your templates - will be in operation