# Read the docs requirements file # ---------------------------------------- # Installing modules with C dependencies on RTD can be tricky, and pip doesn't # have an 'ignore-errors' option, so all requirements fail. Here we keep the # maximal list of modules that still works. # beautifulsoup4==4.1.3 beautifulsoup==3.2.1 boto==2.6.0 celery==3.0.19 distribute>=0.6.28, <0.7 django-celery==3.0.17 django-countries==4.0 django-filter==0.11.0 django-mako==0.1.5pre django-mptt==0.5.5 django-openid-auth==0.4 django-sekizai==0.8.2 django-ses==0.7.0 django-storages==1.1.5 django-method-override==0.1.0 djangorestframework==2.3.5 django==1.4.5 feedparser==5.1.3 # Master pyfs has a bug working with VPC auth. This is a fix. We should switch # back to master when and if this fix is merged back. # fs==0.4.0 git+https://github.com/pmitros/pyfs.git@96e1922348bfe6d99201b9512a9ed946c87b7e0b GitPython==0.3.2.RC1 glob2==0.3 lxml==3.4.4 mako==0.7.3 Markdown==2.2.1 mock==1.0.1 networkx==1.7 nltk==2.0.5 oauthlib==0.6.3 paramiko==1.9.0 path.py==7.2 Pillow==2.6.1 pip>=1.3 polib==1.0.3 pycrypto>=2.6 pygments==1.5 pymongo==2.4.1 python-memcached==1.48 python-openid==2.2.5 pytz==2015.2 PyYAML==3.10 requests==2.3.0 Shapely==1.2.16 sorl-thumbnail==12.3 sympy==0.7.1 xmltodict==0.4.1 # Metrics gathering and monitoring dogapi==1.2.1 dogstatsd-python==0.2.1 newrelic== # Used for Internationalization and localization Babel==1.3 transifex-client==0.9.1 -e common/lib/calc -e common/lib/capa -e common/lib/chem -e common/lib/sandbox-packages -e common/lib/symmath -e common/lib/xmodule -e . -e git+https://github.com/edx/XBlock.git@b697bebd45deebd0f868613fab6722a0460ca0c1#egg=XBlock