## mako ## TODO: Split this into two files, one for people who are authenticated, and ## one for people who aren't. Assume a Course object is passed to the former, ## instead of using settings.COURSE_TITLE <%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/> <%! from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse # App that handles subdomain specific branding import branding # app that handles site status messages from status.status import get_site_status_msg %> <%block cached="False"> <% try: course_id = course.id except: # can't figure out a better way to get at a possibly-defined course var course_id = None site_status_msg = get_site_status_msg(course_id) %> % if site_status_msg: <div class="site-status"> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <span class="white-error-icon"></span> <p>${site_status_msg}</p> </div> </div> % endif </%block> % if course: <header class="global slim" aria-label="Global Navigation"> % else: <header class="global" aria-label="Global Navigation"> % endif <nav> <h1 class="logo"><a href="${reverse('root')}"><img src="${static.url(branding.get_logo_url(request.META.get('HTTP_HOST')))}"/></a></h1> % if course: <h2><span class="provider">${course.org}:</span> ${course.number} ${course.title}</h2> % endif <ol class="left find-courses-button"> <li class="primary"> <a href="${reverse('courses')}">Find Courses</a> </li> </ol> % if user.is_authenticated(): <ol class="user"> <li class="primary"> <a href="${reverse('dashboard')}" class="user-link"> <span class="avatar"></span> ${user.username} </a> </li> <li class="primary"> <a href="#" class="dropdown">▾</a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> ## <li><a href="#">Account Settings</a></li> <li><a href="${reverse('help_edx')}">Help</a></li> <li><a href="${reverse('logout')}">Log Out</a></li> </ul> </li> </ol> % else: <ol class="guest"> <li class="secondary"> <a href="${reverse('about_edx')}">About</a> <a href="http://edxonline.tumblr.com/">Blog</a> <a href="${reverse('jobs')}">Jobs</a> % if not settings.MITX_FEATURES['DISABLE_LOGIN_BUTTON']: <a href="#login-modal" id="login" rel="leanModal">Log In</a> % endif </li> % if not settings.MITX_FEATURES['DISABLE_LOGIN_BUTTON']: <li class="primary"> <a href="#signup-modal" id="signup" rel="leanModal">Sign Up</a> </li> % endif </ol> %endif </nav> </header> % if course: <div class="ie-banner"><strong>Warning:</strong> Your browser is not fully supported. We strongly recommend using <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/" target="_blank">Chrome</a> or <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/" target="_blank">Firefox</a>.</div> % endif %if not user.is_authenticated(): <%include file="login_modal.html" /> <%include file="signup_modal.html" /> <%include file="forgot_password_modal.html" /> %endif