December 18, 2013

edX Documentation

You can access the public `edX roadmap`_ for
details about the currently planned product direction.

The following documentation is available:

* `Building and Running an edX Course`_ 

  You can also download the guide as a PDF from the edX Studio user interface.

* `edX Data Documentation`_

* `edX Platform Developer Documentation`_

.. include:: links.rst

edX Studio

The following changes are included in this release: 

* The Terms of Service are now available from a link in edX Studio. (STUD-151)
* When a course export fails due to a problem in the course XML, an error message is now displayed that points you to the source of the problem. (STUD-1013)
* Studio Dashboard performance on Edge is improved. (STUD-1039)
* In the Video component editor Advanced tab, the **Clear** button next the the **HTML 5 Transcript** field, shown below, now correctly removes the transcript. (BLD-438)

  .. image::  images/Video_Advanced_tab.png
    :alt: The Advanced tab of the Video component editor

* The Drag and Drop problem template, available in the Advanced list when you are creating a new problem, is updated to demonstrate the updated drag and drop functionality. (BLD-479)
* You can now rearrange LTI components as expected. (BLD-543) 

edX Learning Management System 

The following changes are included in this release: 

* Grade reports in .csv files that you download form the Instructor Dashboard can now handle Unicode characters. (LMS-197)
* For courses using OpenID, the user's Full Name is now returned in the Full Name field, not the username. (LMS-750)
* A problem that prevented the listing of course staff in the Instructor Dashboard is fixed. (LMS-1599)
* Image mapping problems now work correctly in Internet Explorer. (BLD-413)
* A problem that sometimes prevented students from opening an e-reader in another browser window is resolved. (BLD-465)

Discussion Forums

The following changes are included in this release: 

* The text formatting buttons in the forum post editor are now keyboard accessible. 
  Students and staff can tab through the buttons and activate a button with the Enter or space key.