December 3, 2013

edX Documentation

You can access the public `edX roadmap`_ for
details about the currently planned product direction.

The following documentation is available:

* `Building and Running an edX Course`_ 

  You can also download the guide as a PDF from the edX Studio user interface.

* `edX Data Documentation`_

* `edX Platform Developer Documentation`_

.. include:: links.rst

edX Studio

The following Studio changes are included in this release: 

* As part of a database architecture change and the implementation of a RESTful interface, URLs in Studio are changing to use a new
  period-separated locator syntax. This change currently affects a subset of pages in Studio. In future releases, the other pages in Studio
  will be changed to use the new URL syntax. 

* Video transcripts now load correctly even if any part of https is in capital letters. (BLD-496)
* The Problem component now includes a template for creating checkbox problems. (BLD-193)
* In Internet Explorer 9, Save notifications now appear correctly when a user locks or unlocks assets. (STUD-815)

edX Learning Management System

The following changes are included in this release: 

* Discrepancies in how the number of enrolled students were calculated in the Instructor Dashboard and the Beta Instructor Dashboard are
  fixed. Now, in all cases, the number represents the currently enrolled students. (AN-115) 
* Incorrect student responses to problems are now saved after the student clicks Check. (LMS-469)
* JavaScript errors are now fixed in the Reset Password pages. (LMS-1265)
  The Wiki Changes page is now accessible to screen readers. (LMS-1309)
* Course staff can now set granular permissions for Wiki articles. In the main Wiki page, you can click Settings to see and set
  permissions. (LMS-1355)
* In the Instructor Dashboard, the Edit Course in Studio link now correctly opens the course in Studio. (LMS-1455)
* Taking a photograph for a verified certificate now works correctly. (LMS-1487)
* Links within videos no longer have a white background or obscure part of the video content. (BLD-521)
* In checkbox problems, using bold and italics no longer causes display problems. (BLD-449)
* The speed change option now works correctly in all video configurations. (BLD-457)
* A spinning icon now shows users with slow connections when a video is loading. (BLD-502)

* In the Forums, an AJAX request that results in a 500 error now informs the user to try again, instead of silently timing out. (FOR-37)