################################### February 12, 2014 ################################### ************************** edX Documentation ************************** You can access the public `edX roadmap`_ for details about the currently planned product direction. The following documentation is available: * `Building and Running an edX Course`_ You can also download the guide as a PDF from the edX Studio user interface. Recent changes include: * `Set the Advertised Start Date`_ * `Full Screen Image`_ * `edX Data Documentation`_ * `edX Platform Developer Documentation`_ ************* edX Studio ************* * The improved layout of components in a unit page now includes visual separation of the header, making clear that the display name for each component is not rendered to students. * The new Full Screen Image tool allows students to enlarge an image, so they can see all the detail in context. You can create a full screen image with a new HTML component template. For more information, see the `Full Screen Image`_ documentation. * If you do not change the default course start date (01/01/2030), and the advertised_start policy value is null, then the student dashboard does not now list a start date for the course. Students just see that the course has not yet started. For more information, see the `Set the Advertised Start Date`_ documentation. *************************************** edX Learning Management System *************************************** =========================== Accessibility Improvements =========================== * Unnecessary section tags were removed from the student's view of the courseware, so they are no longer announced by screen readers. * Extraneous title blocks were removed from breadcrumbs, so they are no longer read by screen readers. * In the student Progress tab, ordered list tags (<ol>) were replaced with <div> tags, to improve how screen readers interpret the screen. * IDs were added to parts of the course navigation where they were missing, making it easier to skip parts of the course when using a screen reader. * Updates to unit pages now make navigation more accessible to screen readers. * Modal dialog boxes and script templates are now hidden from screen readers. * Mathjax messages that are specific to Internet Explorer are no longer shown when students are using a different browser. * Alt text was added to the course footer logo. * The character set meta tag was added to the main course template. * The DOCTYPE declaration was added to the top of the main course template. *************************************** Discussions *************************************** * The **Add a Response** button no longer appears in forum threads when students are not allowed to respond. (FOR-452) .. include:: links.rst