# We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and # want to import all variables from base settings files # pylint: disable=W0401, W0614 # Settings for edx4edx production instance from .aws import * COURSE_NAME = "edx4edx" COURSE_NUMBER = "edX.01" COURSE_TITLE = "edx4edx: edX Author Course" EDX4EDX_ROOT = ENV_ROOT / "data/edx4edx" ### Dark code. Should be enabled in local settings for devel. ENABLE_MULTICOURSE = True # set to False to disable multicourse display (see lib.util.views.edxhome) ### PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR = None PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR = None COURSE_DEFAULT = 'edx4edx' COURSE_SETTINGS = { 'edx4edx': { 'number': 'edX.01', 'title': 'edx4edx: edX Author Course', 'xmlpath': '/edx4edx/', 'github_url': 'https://github.com/MITx/edx4edx', 'active': True, 'default_chapter': 'Introduction', 'default_section': 'edx4edx_Course', }, } STATICFILES_DIRS = [ PROJECT_ROOT / "static", ("edx4edx", EDX4EDX_ROOT / "html"), ("circuits", DATA_DIR / "images"), ("handouts", DATA_DIR / "handouts"), ("subs", DATA_DIR / "subs"), # This is how you would use the textbook images locally # ("book", ENV_ROOT / "book_images"), ] MAKO_TEMPLATES['course'] = [DATA_DIR, EDX4EDX_ROOT]