describe("Tests for accessibility_tools.js", function() {

  describe("Tests for accessible modals", function() {
      var pressTabOnLastElt = function (firstElt, lastElt) {

      var pressShiftTabOnFirstElt = function (firstElt, lastElt) {

      var pressEsc = function (closeModal) {;

      var focusedElementBeforeModal;
      accessible_modal("#trigger", "#close-modal", "#modalId", "#mainPageId");

    it("sets focusedElementBeforeModal to trigger", function() {
      expect(focusedElementBeforeModal).toHaveAttr("id", "trigger");

    it("sets main page aria-hidden attr to true", function() {
      expect($("#mainPageId")).toHaveAttr("aria-hidden", "true");

    it("sets modal aria-hidden attr to false", function() {
      expect($("#modalId")).toHaveAttr("aria-hidden", "false");

    it("sets the close-modal button's tab index to 1", function() {
      expect($("#close-modal")).toHaveAttr("tabindex", "1");

    it("sets the focussable elements' tab indices to 2", function() {
      expect($("#text-input")).toHaveAttr("tabindex", "2");
      expect($("#submit")).toHaveAttr("tabindex", "2");

    // for some reason, toBeFocused tests don't pass with js-test-tool
    // (they do when run locally on browsers), so we're skipping them temporarily
    xit("shifts focus to close-modal button", function() {

    // for some reason, toBeFocused tests don't pass with js-test-tool
    // (they do when run locally on browsers), so we're skipping them temporarily
    xit("tab on last element in modal returns to the close-modal button", function() {
      pressTabOnLastElt($("#close-modal"), $("#submit"));

    // for some reason, toBeFocused tests don't pass with js-test-tool
    // (they do when run locally on browsers), so we're skipping them temporarily
    xit("shift-tab on close-modal element in modal returns to the last element in modal", function() {
      pressShiftTabOnFirstElt($("#close-modal"), $("#submit"));

    it("pressing ESC calls 'click' on close-modal element", function() {
      var clicked = false;
        clicked = true;

    describe("When modal is closed", function() {

      beforeEach(function () {

      it("sets main page aria-hidden attr to false", function() {
        expect($("#mainPageId")).toHaveAttr("aria-hidden", "false");

      it("sets modal aria-hidden attr to true", function() {
        expect($("#modalId")).toHaveAttr("aria-hidden", "true");

      // for some reason, toBeFocused tests don't pass with js-test-tool
      // (they do when run locally on browsers), so we're skipping them temporarily
      xit("returns focus to focusedElementBeforeModal", function() {


