""" General testing utilities. """ import sys from contextlib import contextmanager import moto from django.dispatch import Signal from markupsafe import escape from mock import Mock, patch @contextmanager def nostderr(): """ ContextManager to suppress stderr messages http://stackoverflow.com/a/1810086/882918 """ savestderr = sys.stderr class Devnull(object): """ /dev/null incarnation as output-stream-like object """ def write(self, _): """ Write method - just does nothing""" pass sys.stderr = Devnull() try: yield finally: sys.stderr = savestderr class XssTestMixin(object): """ Mixin for testing XSS vulnerabilities. """ def assert_no_xss(self, response, xss_content): """Assert that `xss_content` is not present in the content of `response`, and that its escaped version is present. Uses the same `markupsafe.escape` function as Mako templates. Args: response (Response): The HTTP response xss_content (str): The Javascript code to check for. Returns: None """ self.assertContains(response, escape(xss_content)) self.assertNotContains(response, xss_content) def disable_signal(module, signal): """Replace `signal` inside of `module` with a dummy signal. Can be used as a method or class decorator, as well as a context manager.""" return patch.object(module, signal, new=Signal()) class MockSignalHandlerMixin(object): """Mixin for testing sending of signals.""" @contextmanager def assert_signal_sent(self, module, signal, *args, **kwargs): """Assert that a signal was sent with the correct arguments. Since Django calls signal handlers with the signal as an argument, it is added to `kwargs`. Uses `mock.patch.object`, which requires the target to be specified as a module along with a variable name inside that module. Args: module (module): The module in which to patch the given signal name. signal (str): The name of the signal to patch. *args, **kwargs: The arguments which should have been passed along with the signal. If `exclude_args` is passed as a keyword argument, its value should be a list of keyword arguments passed to the signal whose values should be ignored. """ with patch.object(module, signal, new=Signal()) as mock_signal: def handler(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """No-op signal handler.""" pass mock_handler = Mock(spec=handler) mock_signal.connect(mock_handler) yield self.assertTrue(mock_handler.called) mock_args, mock_kwargs = mock_handler.call_args # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence if 'exclude_args' in kwargs: for key in kwargs['exclude_args']: self.assertIn(key, mock_kwargs) del mock_kwargs[key] del kwargs['exclude_args'] self.assertEqual(mock_args, args) self.assertEqual(mock_kwargs, dict(kwargs, signal=mock_signal)) @contextmanager def skip_signal(signal, **kwargs): """ ContextManager to skip a signal by disconnecting it, yielding, and then reconnecting the signal. """ signal.disconnect(**kwargs) yield signal.connect(**kwargs) class MockS3Mixin(object): """ TestCase mixin that stubs S3 using the moto library. Note that this will activate httpretty, which will monkey patch socket. """ def setUp(self): super(MockS3Mixin, self).setUp() self._mock_s3 = moto.mock_s3() self._mock_s3.start() def tearDown(self): self._mock_s3.stop() super(MockS3Mixin, self).tearDown()