define( [ "jquery", "backbone", "underscore", "js/views/video/transcripts/utils" ], function($, Backbone, _, Utils) { var FileUploader = Backbone.View.extend({ invisibleClass: 'is-invisible', // Pre-defined list of supported file formats. validFileExtensions: ['srt'], events: { 'change .file-input': 'changeHandler', 'click .setting-upload': 'clickHandler' }, uploadTpl: '#file-upload', initialize: function (options) { _.bindAll(this, 'changeHandler', 'clickHandler', 'xhrResetProgressBar', 'xhrProgressHandler', 'xhrCompleteHandler', 'render' ); this.options = _.extend({}, options); this.file = false; this.render(); }, render: function () { var tpl = $(this.uploadTpl).text(), tplContainer = this.$el.find('.transcripts-file-uploader'), videoList = this.options.videoListObject.getVideoObjectsList(); if (tplContainer.length) { if (!tpl) { console.error('Couldn\'t load Transcripts File Upload template'); return; } this.template = _.template(tpl); tplContainer.html(this.template({ ext: this.validFileExtensions, component_locator: this.options.component_locator, video_list: videoList })); this.$form = this.$el.find('.file-chooser'); this.$input = this.$form.find('.file-input'); this.$progress = this.$el.find('.progress-fill'); } }, /** * @function * * Uploads file to the server. Get file from the `file` property. * */ upload: function () { if (!this.file) { return; } this.$form.ajaxSubmit({ beforeSend: this.xhrResetProgressBar, uploadProgress: this.xhrProgressHandler, complete: this.xhrCompleteHandler }); }, /** * @function * * Handle click event on `upload` button. * * @param {object} event Event object. * */ clickHandler: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.$input .val(null) // Show system upload window .trigger('click'); }, /** * @function * * Handle change event. * * @param {object} event Event object. * */ changeHandler: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.options.messenger.hideError(); this.file = this.$input.get(0).files[0]; // if file has valid file extension, than upload file. // Otherwise, show error message. if (this.checkExtValidity(this.file)) { this.upload(); } else { this.options.messenger .showError(gettext('Please select a file in .srt format.')); } }, /** * @function * * Checks that file has supported extension. * * @param {object} file Object with information about file. * * @returns {boolean} Indicate that file has supported or unsupported * extension. * */ checkExtValidity: function (file) { if (! { return void(0); } var fileExtension = .split('.') .pop() .toLowerCase(); if ($.inArray(fileExtension, this.validFileExtensions) !== -1) { return true; } return false; }, /** * @function * * Resets progress bar. * */ xhrResetProgressBar: function () { var percentVal = '0%'; this.$progress .width(percentVal) .html(percentVal) .removeClass(this.invisibleClass); }, /** * @function * * Callback function to be invoked with upload progress information * (if supported by the browser). * * @param {object} event Event object. * * @param {integer} position Amount of transmitted bytes. * * * @param {integer} total Total size of file. * * * @param {integer} percentComplete Object with information about file. * */ xhrProgressHandler: function (event, position, total, percentComplete) { var percentVal = percentComplete + '%'; this.$progress .width(percentVal) .html(percentVal); }, /** * @function * * Handle complete uploading. * */ xhrCompleteHandler: function (xhr) { var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), err = resp.status || gettext('Error: Uploading failed.'), sub = resp.subs; this.$progress .addClass(this.invisibleClass); if (xhr.status === 200) { this.options.messenger.render('uploaded', resp); Utils.Storage.set('sub', sub); } else { this.options.messenger.showError(err); } } }); return FileUploader; });