These are debug machines used for content creators, so they're kind of a cross
between dev machines and AWS machines.

# We intentionally define lots of variables that aren't used, and
# want to import all variables from base settings files
# pylint: disable=W0401, W0614

from .aws import *

DEBUG = True

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'

################################ DEBUG TOOLBAR #################################
INSTALLED_APPS += ('debug_toolbar',)
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ('debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware',)


#  Enabling the profiler has a weird bug as of django-debug-toolbar==0.9.4 and
#  Django=1.3.1/1.4 where requests to views get duplicated (your method gets
#  hit twice). So you can uncomment when you need to diagnose performance
#  problems, but you shouldn't leave it on.
#  'debug_toolbar.panels.profiling.ProfilingDebugPanel',