""" Actions manager for transcripts ajax calls. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Module do not support rollback (pressing "Cancel" button in Studio) All user changes are saved immediately. """ import copy import os import logging import json import requests from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.conf import settings from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent from xmodule.exceptions import NotFoundError from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from xmodule.contentstore.django import contentstore from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError, InvalidLocationError from util.json_request import JsonResponse from ..transcripts_utils import ( generate_subs_from_source, generate_srt_from_sjson, remove_subs_from_store, download_youtube_subs, get_transcripts_from_youtube, copy_or_rename_transcript, save_module, manage_video_subtitles_save, TranscriptsGenerationException, GetTranscriptsFromYouTubeException, TranscriptsRequestValidationException ) from .access import has_access __all__ = [ 'upload_transcripts', 'download_transcripts', 'check_transcripts', 'choose_transcripts', 'replace_transcripts', 'rename_transcripts', 'save_transcripts' ] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def error_response(response, message, status_code=400): """ Simplify similar actions: log message and return JsonResponse with message included in response. By default return 400 (Bad Request) Response. """ log.debug(message) response['status'] = message return JsonResponse(response, status_code) @login_required def upload_transcripts(request): """ Upload transcripts for current module. returns: response dict:: status: 'Success' and HTTP 200 or 'Error' and HTTP 400. subs: Value of uploaded and saved html5 sub field in video item. """ response = { 'status': 'Unknown server error', 'subs': '', } item_location = request.POST.get('id') if not item_location: return error_response(response, 'POST data without "id" form data.') # This is placed before has_access() to validate item_location, # because has_access() raises InvalidLocationError if location is invalid. try: item = modulestore().get_item(item_location) except (ItemNotFoundError, InvalidLocationError): return error_response(response, "Can't find item by location.") # Check permissions for this user within this course. if not has_access(request.user, item_location): raise PermissionDenied() if 'file' not in request.FILES: return error_response(response, 'POST data without "file" form data.') video_list = request.POST.get('video_list') if not video_list: return error_response(response, 'POST data without video names.') try: video_list = json.loads(video_list) except ValueError: return error_response(response, 'Invalid video_list JSON.') source_subs_filedata = request.FILES['file'].read().decode('utf8') source_subs_filename = request.FILES['file'].name if '.' not in source_subs_filename: return error_response(response, "Undefined file extension.") basename = os.path.basename(source_subs_filename) source_subs_name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] source_subs_ext = os.path.splitext(basename)[1][1:] if item.category != 'video': return error_response(response, 'Transcripts are supported only for "video" modules.') # Allow upload only if any video link is presented if video_list: sub_attr = source_subs_name try: # Generate and save for 1.0 speed, will create subs_sub_attr.srt.sjson subtitles file in storage. generate_subs_from_source({1: sub_attr}, source_subs_ext, source_subs_filedata, item) except TranscriptsGenerationException as e: return error_response(response, e.message) statuses = {} for video_dict in video_list: video_name = video_dict['video'] # We are creating transcripts for every video source, # for the case that in future, some of video sources can be deleted. statuses[video_name] = copy_or_rename_transcript(video_name, sub_attr, item) try: # updates item.sub with `video_name` if it is successful. copy_or_rename_transcript(video_name, sub_attr, item) selected_name = video_name # name to write to item.sub field, chosen at random. except NotFoundError: # subtitles file `sub_attr` is not presented in the system. Nothing to copy or rename. return error_response(response, "Can't find transcripts in storage for {}".format(sub_attr)) item.sub = selected_name # write one of new subtitles names to item.sub attribute. save_module(item) response['subs'] = item.sub response['status'] = 'Success' else: return error_response(response, 'Empty video sources.') return JsonResponse(response) @login_required def download_transcripts(request): """ Passes to user requested transcripts file. Raises Http404 if unsuccessful. """ item_location = request.GET.get('id') if not item_location: log.debug('GET data without "id" property.') raise Http404 # This is placed before has_access() to validate item_location, # because has_access() raises InvalidLocationError if location is invalid. try: item = modulestore().get_item(item_location) except (ItemNotFoundError, InvalidLocationError): log.debug("Can't find item by location.") raise Http404 # Check permissions for this user within this course. if not has_access(request.user, item_location): raise PermissionDenied() subs_id = request.GET.get('subs_id') if not subs_id: log.debug('GET data without "subs_id" property.') raise Http404 if item.category != 'video': log.debug('transcripts are supported only for video" modules.') raise Http404 filename = 'subs_{0}.srt.sjson'.format(subs_id) content_location = StaticContent.compute_location( item.location.org, item.location.course, filename ) try: sjson_transcripts = contentstore().find(content_location) log.debug("Downloading subs for %s id", subs_id) str_subs = generate_srt_from_sjson(json.loads(sjson_transcripts.data), speed=1.0) if not str_subs: log.debug('generate_srt_from_sjson produces no subtitles') raise Http404 response = HttpResponse(str_subs, content_type='application/x-subrip') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{0}.srt"'.format(subs_id) return response except NotFoundError: log.debug("Can't find content in storage for %s subs", subs_id) raise Http404 @login_required def check_transcripts(request): """ Check state of transcripts availability. request.GET['data'] has key `videos`, which can contain any of the following:: [ {u'type': u'youtube', u'video': u'OEoXaMPEzfM', u'mode': u'youtube'}, {u'type': u'html5', u'video': u'video1', u'mode': u'mp4'} {u'type': u'html5', u'video': u'video2', u'mode': u'webm'} ] `type` is youtube or html5 `video` is html5 or youtube video_id `mode` is youtube, ,p4 or webm Returns transcripts_presence dict:: html5_local: list of html5 ids, if subtitles exist locally for them; is_youtube_mode: bool, if we have youtube_id, and as youtube mode is of higher priority, reflect this with flag; youtube_local: bool, if youtube transcripts exist locally; youtube_server: bool, if youtube transcripts exist on server; youtube_diff: bool, if youtube transcripts exist on youtube server, and are different from local youtube ones; current_item_subs: string, value of item.sub field; status: string, 'Error' or 'Success'; subs: string, new value of item.sub field, that should be set in module; command: string, action to front-end what to do and what to show to user. """ transcripts_presence = { 'html5_local': [], 'html5_equal': False, 'is_youtube_mode': False, 'youtube_local': False, 'youtube_server': False, 'youtube_diff': True, 'current_item_subs': None, 'status': 'Error', } try: __, videos, item = validate_transcripts_data(request) except TranscriptsRequestValidationException as e: return error_response(transcripts_presence, e.message) transcripts_presence['status'] = 'Success' filename = 'subs_{0}.srt.sjson'.format(item.sub) content_location = StaticContent.compute_location( item.location.org, item.location.course, filename ) try: local_transcripts = contentstore().find(content_location).data transcripts_presence['current_item_subs'] = item.sub except NotFoundError: pass # Check for youtube transcripts presence youtube_id = videos.get('youtube', None) if youtube_id: transcripts_presence['is_youtube_mode'] = True # youtube local filename = 'subs_{0}.srt.sjson'.format(youtube_id) content_location = StaticContent.compute_location( item.location.org, item.location.course, filename ) try: local_transcripts = contentstore().find(content_location).data transcripts_presence['youtube_local'] = True except NotFoundError: log.debug("Can't find transcripts in storage for youtube id: %s", youtube_id) # youtube server youtube_api = copy.deepcopy(settings.YOUTUBE_API) youtube_api['params']['v'] = youtube_id youtube_response = requests.get(youtube_api['url'], params=youtube_api['params']) if youtube_response.status_code == 200 and youtube_response.text: transcripts_presence['youtube_server'] = True #check youtube local and server transcripts for equality if transcripts_presence['youtube_server'] and transcripts_presence['youtube_local']: try: youtube_server_subs = get_transcripts_from_youtube(youtube_id) if json.loads(local_transcripts) == youtube_server_subs: # check transcripts for equality transcripts_presence['youtube_diff'] = False except GetTranscriptsFromYouTubeException: pass # Check for html5 local transcripts presence html5_subs = [] for html5_id in videos['html5']: filename = 'subs_{0}.srt.sjson'.format(html5_id) content_location = StaticContent.compute_location( item.location.org, item.location.course, filename ) try: html5_subs.append(contentstore().find(content_location).data) transcripts_presence['html5_local'].append(html5_id) except NotFoundError: log.debug("Can't find transcripts in storage for non-youtube video_id: %s", html5_id) if len(html5_subs) == 2: # check html5 transcripts for equality transcripts_presence['html5_equal'] = json.loads(html5_subs[0]) == json.loads(html5_subs[1]) command, subs_to_use = transcripts_logic(transcripts_presence, videos) transcripts_presence.update({ 'command': command, 'subs': subs_to_use, }) return JsonResponse(transcripts_presence) def transcripts_logic(transcripts_presence, videos): """ By `transcripts_presence` content, figure what show to user: returns: `command` and `subs`. `command`: string, action to front-end what to do and what show to user. `subs`: string, new value of item.sub field, that should be set in module. `command` is one of:: replace: replace local youtube subtitles with server one's found: subtitles are found import: import subtitles from youtube server choose: choose one from two html5 subtitles not found: subtitles are not found """ command = None # new value of item.sub field, that should be set in module. subs = '' # youtube transcripts are of high priority than html5 by design if ( transcripts_presence['youtube_diff'] and transcripts_presence['youtube_local'] and transcripts_presence['youtube_server']): # youtube server and local exist command = 'replace' subs = videos['youtube'] elif transcripts_presence['youtube_local']: # only youtube local exist command = 'found' subs = videos['youtube'] elif transcripts_presence['youtube_server']: # only youtube server exist command = 'import' else: # html5 part if transcripts_presence['html5_local']: # can be 1 or 2 html5 videos if len(transcripts_presence['html5_local']) == 1 or transcripts_presence['html5_equal']: command = 'found' subs = transcripts_presence['html5_local'][0] else: command = 'choose' subs = transcripts_presence['html5_local'][0] else: # html5 source have no subtitles # check if item sub has subtitles if transcripts_presence['current_item_subs'] and not transcripts_presence['is_youtube_mode']: log.debug("Command is use existing %s subs", transcripts_presence['current_item_subs']) command = 'use_existing' else: command = 'not_found' log.debug( "Resulted command: %s, current transcripts: %s, youtube mode: %s", command, transcripts_presence['current_item_subs'], transcripts_presence['is_youtube_mode'] ) return command, subs @login_required def choose_transcripts(request): """ Replaces html5 subtitles, presented for both html5 sources, with chosen one. Code removes rejected html5 subtitles and updates sub attribute with chosen html5_id. It does nothing with youtube id's. Returns: status `Success` and resulted item.sub value or status `Error` and HTTP 400. """ response = { 'status': 'Error', 'subs': '', } try: data, videos, item = validate_transcripts_data(request) except TranscriptsRequestValidationException as e: return error_response(response, e.message) html5_id = data.get('html5_id') # html5_id chosen by user # find rejected html5_id and remove appropriate subs from store html5_id_to_remove = [x for x in videos['html5'] if x != html5_id] if html5_id_to_remove: remove_subs_from_store(html5_id_to_remove, item) if item.sub != html5_id: # update sub value item.sub = html5_id save_module(item) response = {'status': 'Success', 'subs': item.sub} return JsonResponse(response) @login_required def replace_transcripts(request): """ Replaces all transcripts with youtube ones. Downloads subtitles from youtube and replaces all transcripts with downloaded ones. Returns: status `Success` and resulted item.sub value or status `Error` and HTTP 400. """ response = {'status': 'Error', 'subs': ''} try: __, videos, item = validate_transcripts_data(request) except TranscriptsRequestValidationException as e: return error_response(response, e.message) youtube_id = videos['youtube'] if not youtube_id: return error_response(response, 'YouTube id {} is not presented in request data.'.format(youtube_id)) try: download_youtube_subs({1.0: youtube_id}, item) except GetTranscriptsFromYouTubeException as e: return error_response(response, e.message) item.sub = youtube_id save_module(item) response = {'status': 'Success', 'subs': item.sub} return JsonResponse(response) def validate_transcripts_data(request): """ Validates, that request contains all proper data for transcripts processing. Returns tuple of 3 elements:: data: dict, loaded json from request, videos: parsed `data` to useful format, item: video item from storage Raises `TranscriptsRequestValidationException` if validation is unsuccessful or `PermissionDenied` if user has no access. """ data = json.loads(request.GET.get('data', '{}')) if not data: raise TranscriptsRequestValidationException('Incoming video data is empty.') item_location = data.get('id') # This is placed before has_access() to validate item_location, # because has_access() raises InvalidLocationError if location is invalid. try: item = modulestore().get_item(item_location) except (ItemNotFoundError, InvalidLocationError): raise TranscriptsRequestValidationException("Can't find item by location.") # Check permissions for this user within this course. if not has_access(request.user, item_location): raise PermissionDenied() if item.category != 'video': raise TranscriptsRequestValidationException('Transcripts are supported only for "video" modules.') # parse data form request.GET.['data']['video'] to useful format videos = {'youtube': '', 'html5': {}} for video_data in data.get('videos'): if video_data['type'] == 'youtube': videos['youtube'] = video_data['video'] else: # do not add same html5 videos if videos['html5'].get('video') != video_data['video']: videos['html5'][video_data['video']] = video_data['mode'] return data, videos, item @login_required def rename_transcripts(request): """ Create copies of existing subtitles with new names of HTML5 sources. Old subtitles are not deleted now, because we do not have rollback functionality. If succeed, Item.sub will be chosen randomly from html5 video sources provided by front-end. """ response = {'status': 'Error', 'subs': ''} try: __, videos, item = validate_transcripts_data(request) except TranscriptsRequestValidationException as e: return error_response(response, e.message) old_name = item.sub for new_name in videos['html5'].keys(): # copy subtitles for every HTML5 source try: # updates item.sub with new_name if it is successful. copy_or_rename_transcript(new_name, old_name, item) except NotFoundError: # subtitles file `item.sub` is not presented in the system. Nothing to copy or rename. error_response(response, "Can't find transcripts in storage for {}".format(old_name)) response['status'] = 'Success' response['subs'] = item.sub # item.sub has been changed, it is not equal to old_name. log.debug("Updated item.sub to %s", item.sub) return JsonResponse(response) @login_required def save_transcripts(request): """ Saves video module with updated values of fields. Returns: status `Success` or status `Error` and HTTP 400. """ response = {'status': 'Error'} data = json.loads(request.GET.get('data', '{}')) if not data: return error_response(response, 'Incoming video data is empty.') item_location = data.get('id') try: item = modulestore().get_item(item_location) except (ItemNotFoundError, InvalidLocationError): return error_response(response, "Can't find item by location.") metadata = data.get('metadata') if metadata is not None: new_sub = metadata.get('sub') for metadata_key, value in metadata.items(): setattr(item, metadata_key, value) save_module(item) # item becomes updated with new values if new_sub: manage_video_subtitles_save(None, item) else: # If `new_sub` is empty, it means that user explicitly does not want to use # transcripts for current video ids and we remove all transcripts from storage. current_subs = data.get('current_subs') if current_subs is not None: for sub in current_subs: remove_subs_from_store(sub, item) response['status'] = 'Success' return JsonResponse(response)