Confirmation screen for peer calibration and grading.

from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
from bok_choy.promise import Promise

class PeerConfirmPage(PageObject):
    Confirmation for peer calibration and grading.

    url = None

    def is_browser_on_page(self):

        def _is_correct_page():
            is_present = self.q(css='section.calibration-interstitial-page').present
            return is_present, is_present

        return Promise(_is_correct_page, 'On the confirmation page for peer calibration and grading.').fulfill()

    def start(self, is_calibrating=False):
        Continue to the next section after the confirmation page.
        If `is_calibrating` is false, try to continue to peer grading.
        Otherwise, try to continue to calibration grading.
        if is_calibrating:
            css_selector = 'input.calibration-interstitial-page-button'
            css_selector = 'input.interstitial-page-button'