describe('edx.utils.validate', function () { 'use strict'; var fixture = null, field = null, result = null, MIN_LENGTH = 2, MAX_LENGTH = 20, VALID_STRING = 'xsy_is_awesome', SHORT_STRING = 'x', LONG_STRING = 'xsy_is_way_too_awesome', EMAIL_ERROR_FRAGMENT = 'formatted', MIN_ERROR_FRAGMENT = 'least', MAX_ERROR_FRAGMENT = 'up to', REQUIRED_ERROR_FRAGMENT = 'Please enter your', CUSTOM_MESSAGE = 'custom message'; var createFixture = function( type, name, required, minlength, maxlength, value ) { setFixtures('<input id="field" type=' + type + '>'); field = $('#field'); field.prop('required', required); field.attr({ name: name, minlength: minlength, maxlength: maxlength, value: value }); }; var expectValid = function() { result = edx.utils.validate(field); expect(result.isValid).toBe(true); }; var expectInvalid = function( errorFragment ) { result = edx.utils.validate(field); expect(result.isValid).toBe(false); expect(result.message).toMatch(errorFragment); }; it('succeeds if an optional field is left blank', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', false, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, ''); expectValid(); }); it('succeeds if a required field is provided a valid value', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', true, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, VALID_STRING); expectValid(); }); it('fails if a required field is left blank', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', true, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, ''); expectInvalid(REQUIRED_ERROR_FRAGMENT); }); it('fails if a field is provided a value below its minimum character limit', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', false, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, SHORT_STRING); // Verify optional field behavior expectInvalid(MIN_ERROR_FRAGMENT); // Verify required field behavior field.prop('required', true); expectInvalid(MIN_ERROR_FRAGMENT); }); it('succeeds if a field with no minimum character limit is provided a value below its maximum character limit', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', false, null, MAX_LENGTH, SHORT_STRING); // Verify optional field behavior expectValid(); // Verify required field behavior field.prop('required', true); expectValid(); }); it('fails if a required field with no minimum character limit is left blank', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', true, null, MAX_LENGTH, ''); expectInvalid(REQUIRED_ERROR_FRAGMENT); }); it('fails if a field is provided a value above its maximum character limit', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', false, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, LONG_STRING); // Verify optional field behavior expectInvalid(MAX_ERROR_FRAGMENT); // Verify required field behavior field.prop('required', true); expectInvalid(MAX_ERROR_FRAGMENT); }); it('succeeds if a field with no maximum character limit is provided a value above its minimum character limit', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', false, MIN_LENGTH, null, LONG_STRING); // Verify optional field behavior expectValid(); // Verify required field behavior field.prop('required', true); expectValid(); }); it('succeeds if a field with no character limits is provided a value', function () { createFixture('text', 'username', false, null, null, VALID_STRING); // Verify optional field behavior expectValid(); // Verify required field behavior field.prop('required', true); expectValid(); }); it('fails if an email field is provided an invalid address', function () { createFixture('email', 'email', false, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, 'localpart'); // Verify optional field behavior expectInvalid(EMAIL_ERROR_FRAGMENT); // Verify required field behavior field.prop('required', false); expectInvalid(EMAIL_ERROR_FRAGMENT); }); it('succeeds if an email field is provided a valid address', function () { createFixture('email', 'email', false, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, 'localpart@label.tld'); // Verify optional field behavior expectValid(); // Verify required field behavior field.prop('required', true); expectValid(); }); it('succeeds if a checkbox is optional, or required and checked, but fails if a required checkbox is unchecked', function () { createFixture('checkbox', 'checkbox', false, null, null, 'value'); // Optional, unchecked expectValid(); // Optional, checked field.prop('checked', true); expectValid(); // Required, checked field.prop('required', true); expectValid(); // Required, unchecked field.prop('checked', false); expectInvalid(REQUIRED_ERROR_FRAGMENT); }); it('succeeds if a select is optional, or required and default is selected, but fails if a required select has the default option selected', function () { var select = [ '<select id="dropdown" name="country">', '<option value="" data-isdefault="true">Please select a country</option>', '<option value="BE">Belgium</option>', '<option value="DE">Germany</option>', '</select>' ].join(''); setFixtures(select); field = $('#dropdown'); // Optional expectValid(); // Required, default text selected field.attr('required', true); expectInvalid(REQUIRED_ERROR_FRAGMENT); // Required, country selected field.val('BE'); expectValid(); }); it('returns a custom error message if an invalid field has one attached', function () { // Create a blank required field createFixture('text', 'username', true, MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH, ''); // Attach a custom error message to the field'errormsg-required', CUSTOM_MESSAGE); expectInvalid(CUSTOM_MESSAGE); }); });