<h2 class="problem-header">${ problem['name'] } % if problem['weight']: : ${ problem['weight'] } points % endif </h2> <section class="problem"> ${ problem['html'] } <section class="action"> <input type="hidden" name="problem_id" value="${ problem['name'] }"> % if check_button: <input id="check_${ id }" type="button" value="${ check_button }" > % endif % if reset_button: <input id="reset_${ id }" type="button" value="Reset" > % endif % if save_button: <input id="save_${ id }" type="button" value="Save" > % endif % if answer_available: <input id="show_${ id }" type="button" value="Show Answer" > % endif % if explain : <a href="/courseware/6.002_Spring_2012/${ explain }" class="new-page">Explanation</a> % endif % if attempts_allowed : <section class="submission_feedback"> You have used ${ attempts_used } of ${ attempts_allowed } submissions </section> % endif </section> </section>