##################### Comprehensive Theming ##################### Comprehensive Theming lets you customize the appearance of your Open edX installation. You can override Sass and CSS settings, images, or entire HTML templates. Eventually, Comprehensive Theming will obsolete existing theming mechanisms, but for now they co-exist peacefully. This document describes how to use Comprehensive Theming, and also the changes you'll need to make to keep other theming mechanisms working. Creating a theme ================ A theme is a directory of assets. You can create this directory wherever you like, it does not have to be inside the edx-platform directory. The structure within this directory mirrors the assets in the edx-platform repo itself. Files you provide in your theme are used in place of the same-named files in edx-platform. Here's a sample:: my-theme └── lms ├── static │ ├── images │ │ └── logo.png │ └── sass │ ├── _overrides.scss │ ├── lms-main-rtl.scss │ └── lms-main.scss └── templates ├── footer.html └── header.html The top directory is named whatever you like. This example uses "my-theme". The files provided here override the files in edx-platform. In this case, the ``my-theme/lms/static/sass/lms-main.scss`` file is used in place of the ``edx-platform/lms/static/sass/lms-main.scss`` file. Images ------ Images can be substituted simply by placing the new image at the right place in the theme directory. In our example above, the lms/static/images/logo.png image is overridden. Sass/CSS -------- Most CSS styling in Open edX is done with Sass files compiled to CSS. You can override individual settings by creating a new Sass file that uses the existing file, and overrides the few settings you want. For example, to change the fonts used throughout the site, you can create an ``lms/static/sass/_overrides.scss`` file with the change you want:: $sans-serif: 'Helvetica'; The variables that can currently be overridden are defined in ``lms/static/sass/base/_variables.scss``. **Note:** We are currently in the middle of a re-engineering of the Sass variables. They will change in the future. If you are interested, you can see the new development in the `edX Pattern Library`_. .. _edX Pattern Library: http://ux.edx.org/ Then create ``lms/static/sass/lms-main.scss`` to use those overrides, and also the rest of the definitions from the original file:: // Our overrides for settings we want to change. @import 'overrides'; // Import the original styles from edx-platform. @import 'lms/static/sass/lms-main'; Do this for each .scss file your site needs. HTML Templates -------------- You can make changes to HTML templates by copying them to your theme directory in the appropriate place, and making the changes you need. Keep in mind that in the future if you upgrade the Open edX code, you may have to update the copied template in your theme also. Template Names ============== Here are the list of template names that you *should* use in your comprehensive theme (so far): * ``header.html`` * ``footer.html`` Installing your theme --------------------- To use your theme, you need to add a configuration value pointing to your theme directory. There are two ways to do this. #. If you usually edit server-vars.yml: #. As the vagrant user, edit (or create) /edx/app/edx_ansible/server-vars.yml to add the ``edxapp_comprehensive_theme_dir`` value:: edxapp_comprehensive_theme_dir: '/full/path/to/my-theme' #. Run the update script:: $ sudo /edx/bin/update configuration master $ sudo /edx/bin/update edx-platform HEAD #. Otherwise, edit the /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json file to add the ``COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS`` value:: "COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS": ["/full/path/to/my-theme"], Restart your site. Your changes should now be visible. Comprehensive Theming ===================== * The ``PROFILE_IMAGE_DEFAULT_FILENAME`` Django setting is now ignored. "Stanford" theming ================== If you want to continue using the "Stanford" theming system, there are a few changes you'll need to make. Create the following new files in the ``sass`` directory of your theme: * lms-main.scss * lms-main-rtl.scss * lms-course.scss * lms-course-rtl.scss * lms-footer.scss * lms-footer-rtl.scss The contents of each of these files will be very similar. Here's what ``lms-main.scss`` should look like:: $static-path: '../../../..'; @import 'lms/static/sass/lms-main'; @import '_default'; Each file should set the ``$static-path`` variable to a relative path that points to the ``lms/static`` directory inside of ``edx-platform``. Then, it should ``@import`` the sass file under ``lms/static/sass`` that matches its name: ``lms-footer.scss`` should import ``lms/static/sass/lms-footer``, for example. Finally, the file should import the ``_default`` name, which refers to the ``_default.scss`` Sass file that should already exist in your Stanford theme directory. If your theme uses a different name than "default", you'll need to use that name in the ``@import`` line. Run the ``update_assets`` command to recompile the theme:: $ paver update_assets lms --settings=aws Microsites ========== If you want to continue using the "Microsites" theming system, there are a few changes you'll need to make. A few templates have been renamed, or folded into other templates: * ``header_extra.html`` has been renamed to ``head-extra.html``. This file was always inserted into the ``<head>`` element of the page, rather than the header of the ``<body>`` element, so this change makes the name more accurate. * ``google_analytics.html`` has been removed. The contents of this template can and should be added to the ``head-extra.html`` template. * ``google_tag_manager.html`` has been renamed to ``body-initial.html``. In addition, there are some other changes you'll need to make: * The ``google_analytics_file`` config value is now ignored. If your Open edX installation has a Google Analytics account ID set, the Google Analytics JavaScript will be included automatically on your site using that account ID. You can set this account ID either using the "GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT" value in the Django settings, or by setting the newly-added "GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT" config value in your site configuration. * If you don't want the Google Analytics JavaScript to be output at all in your site, set the "GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT" config value to the empty string. If you want to customize the way that Google Analytics is loaded, set the "GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT" config value to the empty string, and then load Google Analytics yourself (with whatever customizations you want) in your ``head-extra.html`` template. * The ``css_overrides_file`` config value is now ignored. To add a CSS override file to your site configuration, create a ``head-extra.html`` template with the following content: .. code-block:: mako <%namespace name='static' file='../../static_content.html'/> <% style_overrides_file = static.get_value('css_overrides_file') %> % if style_overrides_file: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${static.url(style_overrides_file)}" /> % endif If you already have a ``head-extra.html`` template, you can modify it to output this ``<link rel="stylesheet">`` tag, in addition to whatever else you already have in that template.