<form> <% if (xblockInfo.get('prereqs').length > 0) { %> <h3 class="modal-section-title"><%- gettext('Limit Access') %></h3> <div class="modal-section-content gating-prereq"> <ul class="list-fields list-input"> <p class="field-message"> <%- gettext('Select a prerequisite subsection and enter a minimum score percentage to limit access to this subsection.') %> </p> <li class="field field-select"> <label class="label"> <%- gettext('Prerequisite:') %> <select id="prereq" class="input"> <option value=""><%- gettext('No prerequisite') %></option> <% _.each(xblockInfo.get('prereqs'), function(prereq){ %> <option value="<%- prereq.block_usage_key %>"><%- prereq.block_display_name %></option> <% }); %> </select> </label> </li> <li id="prereq_min_score_input" class="field field-input input-cosmetic"> <label class="label"> <%- gettext('Minimum Score:') %> <input type="text" id="prereq_min_score" name="prereq_min_score" class="input input-text" size="3" /> </label> </li> <div id="prereq_min_score_error" class="message-status error"> <%- gettext('The minimum score percentage must be a whole number between 0 and 100.') %> </div> </ul> </div> <% } %> <h3 class="modal-section-title"><%- gettext('Use as a Prerequisite') %></h3> <div class="modal-section-content gating-is-prereq"> <ul class="list-fields list-input"> <li class="field field-checkbox checkbox-cosmetic"> <input type="checkbox" id="is_prereq" name="is_prereq" class="input input-checkbox" /> <label for="is_prereq" class="label"> <span class="icon fa fa-check-square-o input-checkbox-checked" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="icon fa fa-square-o input-checkbox-unchecked" aria-hidden="true"></span> <%- gettext('Make this subsection available as a prerequisite to other content') %> </label> </li> </ul> </div> </form>