# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Unit tests for sending course email
import json
import os
from unittest import skipIf

import ddt
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import mail
from django.core.mail.message import forbid_multi_line_headers
from django.core.management import call_command
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.utils.translation import get_language
from markupsafe import escape
from mock import Mock, patch
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr

from bulk_email.models import BulkEmailFlag, Optout
from bulk_email.tasks import _get_course_email_context, _get_source_address
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from courseware.tests.factories import InstructorFactory, StaffFactory
from enrollment.api import update_enrollment
from lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.subtasks import update_subtask_status
from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.cohorts import add_user_to_cohort
from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_groups.models import CourseCohort
from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from student.roles import CourseStaffRole
from student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory, UserFactory
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory


class MockCourseEmailResult(object):
    A small closure-like class to keep count of emails sent over all tasks, recorded
    by mock object side effects
    emails_sent = 0

    def get_mock_update_subtask_status(self):
        """Wrapper for mock email function."""
        def mock_update_subtask_status(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status):
            """Increments count of number of emails sent."""
            self.emails_sent += new_subtask_status.succeeded
            return update_subtask_status(entry_id, current_task_id, new_subtask_status)
        return mock_update_subtask_status

class EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
    Test that emails send correctly.

    def create_staff_and_instructor(self):
        Creates one instructor and several course staff for self.course. Assigns
        them to self.instructor (single user) and self.staff (list of users),
        self.instructor = InstructorFactory(course_key=self.course.id)

        self.staff = [
            StaffFactory(course_key=self.course.id) for __ in xrange(STAFF_COUNT)

    def create_students(self):
        Creates users and enrolls them in self.course. Assigns these users to
        self.students = [UserFactory() for _ in xrange(STUDENT_COUNT)]
        for student in self.students:
            CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(user=student, course_id=self.course.id)

    def login_as_user(self, user):
        Log in self.client as user.
        self.client.login(username=user.username, password="test")

    def goto_instructor_dash_email_view(self):
        Goes to the instructor dashboard to verify that the email section is
        url = reverse('instructor_dashboard', kwargs={'course_id': unicode(self.course.id)})
        # Response loads the whole instructor dashboard, so no need to explicitly
        # navigate to a particular email section
        response = self.client.get(url)
        email_section = '<div class="vert-left send-email" id="section-send-email">'
        # If this fails, it is likely because BulkEmailFlag.is_enabled() is set to False
        self.assertIn(email_section, response.content)

    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        course_title = u"ẗëṡẗ title イ乇丂イ ᄊ乇丂丂ムg乇 キo尺 ムレレ тэѕт мэѕѕаБэ"
        cls.course = CourseFactory.create(

    def setUp(self):
        super(EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase, self).setUp()
        BulkEmailFlag.objects.create(enabled=True, require_course_email_auth=False)

        # load initial content (since we don't run migrations as part of tests):
        call_command("loaddata", "course_email_template.json")


        # Pulling up the instructor dash email view here allows us to test sending emails in tests
        self.send_mail_url = reverse(
            'send_email', kwargs={'course_id': unicode(self.course.id)}
        self.success_content = {
            'course_id': unicode(self.course.id),
            'success': True,

    def tearDown(self):
        super(EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase, self).tearDown()

class SendEmailWithMockedUgettextMixin(object):
    Mock uggetext for EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase.
    def send_email(self):
        Sends a dummy email to check the `from_addr` translation.
        test_email = {
            'action': 'send',
            'send_to': '["myself"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for myself',
            'message': 'test message for myself'

        def mock_ugettext(text):
            Mocks ugettext to return the lang code with the original string.


            >>> mock_ugettext('Hello') == '@AR Hello@'
            return u'@{lang} {text}@'.format(

        with patch('bulk_email.tasks._', side_effect=mock_ugettext):
            self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)

        return mail.outbox[0]

class LocalizedFromAddressPlatformLangTestCase(SendEmailWithMockedUgettextMixin, EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase):
    Tests to ensure that the bulk email has the "From" address localized according to LANGUAGE_CODE.
    def test_english_platform(self):
        Ensures that the source-code language (English) works well.
        self.assertIsNone(self.course.language)  # Sanity check
        message = self.send_email()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(message.from_email, '.*Course Staff.*')

    def test_esperanto_platform(self):
        Tests the fake Esperanto language to ensure proper gettext calls.
        self.assertIsNone(self.course.language)  # Sanity check
        message = self.send_email()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(message.from_email, '@EO .* Course Staff@')

class LocalizedFromAddressCourseLangTestCase(SendEmailWithMockedUgettextMixin, EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase):
    Test if the bulk email "From" address uses the course.language if present instead of LANGUAGE_CODE.

    This is similiar to LocalizedFromAddressTestCase but creating a different test case to allow
    changing the class-wide course object.

    def setUpClass(cls):
        Creates a different course.
        super(LocalizedFromAddressCourseLangTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        course_title = u"ẗëṡẗ イэ"
        cls.course = CourseFactory.create(

    def test_esperanto_platform_arabic_course(self):
        The course language should override the platform's.
        message = self.send_email()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(message.from_email, '@AR .* Course Staff@')

@patch('bulk_email.models.html_to_text', Mock(return_value='Mocking CourseEmail.text_message', autospec=True))
class TestEmailSendFromDashboardMockedHtmlToText(EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase):
    Tests email sending with mocked html_to_text.
    def test_email_disabled(self):
        Test response when email is disabled for course.
        BulkEmailFlag.objects.create(enabled=True, require_course_email_auth=True)
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["myself"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for myself',
            'message': 'test message for myself'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        # We should get back a HttpResponseForbidden (status code 403)
        self.assertContains(response, "Email is not enabled for this course.", status_code=403)

    @patch('bulk_email.models.html_to_text', Mock(return_value='Mocking CourseEmail.text_message', autospec=True))
    def test_send_to_self(self):
        Make sure email send to myself goes to myself.
        test_email = {
            'action': 'send',
            'send_to': '["myself"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for myself',
            'message': 'test message for myself'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        # Check that outbox is as expected
        self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox[0].to), 1)
        self.assertEquals(mail.outbox[0].to[0], self.instructor.email)
        self.assertEquals(mail.outbox[0].subject, 'test subject for myself')
            u'"{course_display_name}" Course Staff <{course_name}-no-reply@example.com>'.format(

    def test_send_to_staff(self):
        Make sure email send to staff and instructors goes there.
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["staff"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for staff',
            'message': 'test message for subject'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        # the 1 is for the instructor in this test and others
        self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1 + len(self.staff))
            [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox],
            [self.instructor.email] + [s.email for s in self.staff]

    def test_send_to_cohort(self):
        Make sure email sent to a cohort goes there.
        cohort = CourseCohort.create(cohort_name='test cohort', course_id=self.course.id)
        for student in self.students:
            add_user_to_cohort(cohort.course_user_group, student.username)
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["cohort:{}"]'.format(cohort.course_user_group.name),
            'subject': 'test subject for cohort',
            'message': 'test message for cohort'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

            [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox],
            [s.email for s in self.students]

    def test_send_to_cohort_unenrolled(self):
        Make sure email sent to a cohort does not go to unenrolled members of the cohort.
        self.students.append(UserFactory())  # user will be added to cohort, but not enrolled in course
        cohort = CourseCohort.create(cohort_name='test cohort', course_id=self.course.id)
        for student in self.students:
            add_user_to_cohort(cohort.course_user_group, student.username)
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["cohort:{}"]'.format(cohort.course_user_group.name),
            'subject': 'test subject for cohort',
            'message': 'test message for cohort'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), len(self.students) - 1)
        self.assertNotIn(self.students[-1].email, [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox])

    def test_send_to_track(self):
        Make sure email sent to a registration track goes there.
        CourseMode.objects.create(mode_slug='test', course_id=self.course.id)
        for student in self.students:
            update_enrollment(student, unicode(self.course.id), 'test')
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["track:test"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for test track',
            'message': 'test message for test track',
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

            [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox],
            [s.email for s in self.students]

    def test_send_to_track_other_enrollments(self):
        Failing test for EDUCATOR-217: verifies that emails are only sent to
        users in a specific track if they're in that track in the course the
        email is being sent from.
        # Create a mode and designate an enrolled user to be placed in that mode
        CourseMode.objects.create(mode_slug='test_mode', course_id=self.course.id)
        test_mode_student = self.students[0]
        update_enrollment(test_mode_student, unicode(self.course.id), 'test_mode')

        # Take another user already enrolled in the course, then enroll them in
        # another course but in that same test mode
        test_mode_student_other_course = self.students[1]
        other_course = CourseFactory.create()
        CourseMode.objects.create(mode_slug='test_mode', course_id=other_course.id)
        update_enrollment(test_mode_student_other_course, unicode(other_course.id), 'test_mode')

        # Send the emails...
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["track:test_mode"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for test_mode track',
            'message': 'test message for test_mode track',
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        # Only the the student in the test mode in the course the email was
        # sent from should receive an email
        self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
        self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].to[0], test_mode_student.email)

    def test_send_to_all(self):
        Make sure email send to all goes there.

        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["myself", "staff", "learners"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for all',
            'message': 'test message for all'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        # the 1 is for the instructor
        self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1 + len(self.staff) + len(self.students))
            [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox],
            [self.instructor.email] + [s.email for s in self.staff] + [s.email for s in self.students]

    def test_send_to_all_high_queue(self):
        Test that email is still sent when the high priority queue is used

    def test_no_duplicate_emails_staff_instructor(self):
        Test that no duplicate emails are sent to a course instructor that is
        also course staff

    def test_no_duplicate_emails_enrolled_staff(self):
        Test that no duplicate emails are sent to a course instructor that is
        also enrolled in the course
        CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.instructor, self.course.id)

    def test_no_duplicate_emails_unenrolled_staff(self):
        Test that no duplicate emails are sent to a course staff that is
        not enrolled in the course, but is enrolled in other courses
        course_1 = CourseFactory.create()
        course_2 = CourseFactory.create()
        # make sure self.instructor isn't enrolled in the course
        self.assertFalse(CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.instructor, self.course.id))
        CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.instructor, course_1.id)
        CourseEnrollment.enroll(self.instructor, course_2.id)

    def test_unicode_subject_send_to_all(self):
        Make sure email (with Unicode characters) send to all goes there.

        uni_subject = u'téśt śúbjéćt főŕ áĺĺ'
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["myself", "staff", "learners"]',
            'subject': uni_subject,
            'message': 'test message for all'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1 + len(self.staff) + len(self.students))
            [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox],
            [self.instructor.email] + [s.email for s in self.staff] + [s.email for s in self.students]
        self.assertEquals(mail.outbox[0].subject, uni_subject)

    def test_unicode_students_send_to_all(self):
        Make sure email (with Unicode characters) send to all goes there.

        # Create a student with Unicode in their first & last names
        unicode_user = UserFactory(first_name=u'Ⓡⓞⓑⓞⓣ', last_name=u'ՇﻉรՇ')
        CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(user=unicode_user, course_id=self.course.id)

        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["myself", "staff", "learners"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for all',
            'message': 'test message for all'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1 + len(self.staff) + len(self.students))

            [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox],
            [self.instructor.email] + [s.email for s in self.staff] + [s.email for s in self.students]

    def test_long_course_display_name(self):
        This test tests that courses with exorbitantly large display names
        can still send emails, since it appears that 320 appears to be the
        character length limit of from emails for Amazon SES.
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["myself", "staff", "learners"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for self',
            'message': 'test message for self'

        # make display_name that's longer than 320 characters when encoded
        # to ascii and escaped, but shorter than 320 unicode characters
        long_name = u"Финансовое программирование и политика, часть 1: макроэкономические счета и анализ"

        course = CourseFactory.create(
        instructor = InstructorFactory(course_key=course.id)

        unexpected_from_addr = _get_source_address(
            course.id, course.display_name, course_language=None, truncate=False
        __, encoded_unexpected_from_addr = forbid_multi_line_headers(
            "from", unexpected_from_addr, 'utf-8'
        escaped_encoded_unexpected_from_addr = escape(encoded_unexpected_from_addr)

        # it's shorter than 320 characters when just encoded
        self.assertEqual(len(encoded_unexpected_from_addr), 318)
        # escaping it brings it over that limit
        self.assertEqual(len(escaped_encoded_unexpected_from_addr), 324)
        # when not escaped or encoded, it's well below 320 characters
        self.assertEqual(len(unexpected_from_addr), 137)

        send_mail_url = reverse('send_email', kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course.id)})
        response = self.client.post(send_mail_url, test_email)

        self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
        from_email = mail.outbox[0].from_email

        expected_from_addr = (
            u'"{course_name}" Course Staff <{course_name}-no-reply@courseupdates.edx.org>'

        self.assertEqual(len(from_email), 61)

    def test_chunked_queries_send_numerous_emails(self, email_mock):
        Test sending a large number of emails, to test the chunked querying
        mock_factory = MockCourseEmailResult()
        email_mock.side_effect = mock_factory.get_mock_update_subtask_status()
        added_users = []
        for _ in xrange(LARGE_NUM_EMAILS):
            user = UserFactory()
            CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(user=user, course_id=self.course.id)

        optouts = []
        for i in [1, 3, 9, 10, 18]:  # 5 random optouts
            user = added_users[i]
            optout = Optout(user=user, course_id=self.course.id)

        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["myself", "staff", "learners"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for all',
            'message': 'test message for all'
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

                          1 + len(self.staff) + len(self.students) + LARGE_NUM_EMAILS - len(optouts))
        outbox_contents = [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox]
        should_send_contents = ([self.instructor.email] +
                                [s.email for s in self.staff] +
                                [s.email for s in self.students] +
                                [s.email for s in added_users if s not in optouts])
        self.assertItemsEqual(outbox_contents, should_send_contents)

@skipIf(os.environ.get("TRAVIS") == 'true', "Skip this test in Travis CI.")
class TestEmailSendFromDashboard(EmailSendFromDashboardTestCase):
    Tests email sending without mocked html_to_text.

    Note that these tests are skipped on Travis because we can't use the
    function `html_to_text` as it is currently implemented on Travis.

    def test_unicode_message_send_to_all(self):
        Make sure email (with Unicode characters) send to all goes there.

        uni_message = u'ẗëṡẗ ṁëṡṡäġë ḟöṛ äḷḷ イ乇丂イ ᄊ乇丂丂ムg乇 キo尺 ムレレ тэѕт мэѕѕаБэ fоѓ аll'
        test_email = {
            'action': 'Send email',
            'send_to': '["myself", "staff", "learners"]',
            'subject': 'test subject for all',
            'message': uni_message
        response = self.client.post(self.send_mail_url, test_email)
        self.assertEquals(json.loads(response.content), self.success_content)

        self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1 + len(self.staff) + len(self.students))
            [e.to[0] for e in mail.outbox],
            [self.instructor.email] + [s.email for s in self.staff] + [s.email for s in self.students]

        message_body = mail.outbox[0].body
        self.assertIn(uni_message, message_body)

class TestCourseEmailContext(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
    Test the course email context hash used to send bulk emails.

    def setUpClass(cls):
        Create a course shared by all tests.
        super(TestCourseEmailContext, cls).setUpClass()
        cls.course_title = u"Финансовое программирование и политика, часть 1: макроэкономические счета и анализ"
        cls.course_org = 'IMF'
        cls.course_number = "FPP.1x"
        cls.course_run = "2016"
        cls.course = CourseFactory.create(

    def verify_email_context(self, email_context, scheme):
        This test tests that the bulk email context uses http or https urls as appropriate.
        self.assertEquals(email_context['platform_name'], settings.PLATFORM_NAME)
        self.assertEquals(email_context['course_title'], self.course_title)
        self.assertEquals(email_context['email_settings_url'], '{}://edx.org/dashboard'.format(scheme))
        self.assertEquals(email_context['account_settings_url'], '{}://edx.org/account/settings'.format(scheme))

    def test_insecure_email_context(self):
        This test tests that the bulk email context uses http urls
        email_context = _get_course_email_context(self.course)
        self.verify_email_context(email_context, 'http')

    def test_secure_email_context(self):
        This test tests that the bulk email context uses https urls
        email_context = _get_course_email_context(self.course)
        self.verify_email_context(email_context, 'https')