Utility classes for testing django applications.

    A mixin helping to write tests which are isolated from cached data.

    A TestCase baseclass that has per-test isolated caches.

import copy

from django import db
from django.core.cache import caches
from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import sites

from nose.plugins import Plugin

from request_cache.middleware import RequestCache

class CacheIsolationMixin(object):
    This class can be used to enable specific django caches for
    specific the TestCase that it's mixed into.


    Use the ENABLED_CACHES to list the names of caches that should
    be enabled in the context of this TestCase. These caches will
    use a loc_mem_cache with the default settings.

    Set the class variable CACHES to explicitly specify the cache settings
    that should be overridden. This class will insert those values into
    django.conf.settings, and will reset all named caches before each

    If both CACHES and ENABLED_CACHES are not None, raises an error.

    CACHES = None

    __settings_overrides = []
    __old_settings = []

    def start_cache_isolation(cls):
        Start cache isolation by overriding the settings.CACHES and
        flushing the cache.
        cache_settings = None
        if cls.CACHES is not None and cls.ENABLED_CACHES is not None:
            raise Exception(
                "Use either CACHES or ENABLED_CACHES, but not both"

        if cls.CACHES is not None:
            cache_settings = cls.CACHES
        elif cls.ENABLED_CACHES is not None:
            cache_settings = {
                'default': {
                    'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache',

                cache_name: {
                    'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
                    'LOCATION': cache_name,
                    'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key',
                } for cache_name in cls.ENABLED_CACHES

        if cache_settings is None:

        override = override_settings(CACHES=cache_settings)

        assert settings.CACHES == cache_settings

        # Start with empty caches

    def end_cache_isolation(cls):
        End cache isolation by flushing the cache and then returning
        settings.CACHES to its original state.
        # Make sure that cache contents don't leak out after the isolation is ended

        if cls.__settings_overrides:
            cls.__settings_overrides.pop().__exit__(None, None, None)
            assert settings.CACHES == cls.__old_settings.pop()

    def clear_caches(cls):
        Clear all of the caches defined in settings.CACHES.
        # N.B. As of 2016-04-20, Django won't return any caches
        # from django.core.cache.caches.all() that haven't been
        # accessed using caches[name] previously, so we loop
        # over our list of overridden caches, instead.
        for cache in settings.CACHES:

        # The sites framework caches in a module-level dictionary.
        # Clear that.


class CacheIsolationTestCase(CacheIsolationMixin, TestCase):
    A TestCase that isolates caches (as described in
    :py:class:`CacheIsolationMixin`) at class setup, and flushes the cache
    between every test.
    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(CacheIsolationTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        super(CacheIsolationTestCase, cls).tearDownClass()

    def setUp(self):
        super(CacheIsolationTestCase, self).setUp()


class NoseDatabaseIsolation(Plugin):
    nosetest plugin that resets django databases before any tests begin.

    Used to make sure that tests running in multi processes aren't sharing
    a database connection.
    name = "database-isolation"

    def begin(self):
        Before any tests start, reset all django database connections.
        for db_ in db.connections.all():