<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %> <%inherit file="main.html" /> <section class="container activation"> <section class="message"> <h1 class="invalid">${_("Invalid email change key")}</h1> <hr class="horizontal-divider"> <p> ${_("This e-mail key is not valid. Please check:")}</p> <ul> <li>${_("Was this key already used? Check whether the e-mail change has already happened.")} <li>${_("Did your e-mail client break the URL into two lines?")} <li>${_("The keys are valid for a limited amount of time. Has the key expired?")} </ul> <p>${_('Go back to the {link_start}home page{link_end}.').format(link_start='<a href="/">', link_end='</a>')}</p> </section> </section>