""" This module creates a sysadmin dashboard for managing and viewing courses. """ import csv import json import logging import os import subprocess import time import StringIO from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.db import IntegrityError from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.utils.html import escape from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView from django.views.decorators.http import condition from django_future.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response import mongoengine from path import path from courseware.courses import get_course_by_id import dashboard.git_import as git_import from dashboard.git_import import GitImportError from student.roles import CourseStaffRole, CourseInstructorRole from dashboard.models import CourseImportLog from external_auth.models import ExternalAuthMap from external_auth.views import generate_password from student.models import CourseEnrollment, UserProfile, Registration import track.views from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from xmodule.modulestore.xml import XMLModuleStore from opaque_keys.edx.locations import SlashSeparatedCourseKey log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SysadminDashboardView(TemplateView): """Base class for sysadmin dashboard views with common methods""" template_name = 'sysadmin_dashboard.html' def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize base sysadmin dashboard class with modulestore, modulestore_type and return msg """ self.def_ms = modulestore() self.is_using_mongo = True if isinstance(self.def_ms, XMLModuleStore): self.is_using_mongo = False self.msg = u'' self.datatable = [] super(SysadminDashboardView, self).__init__(**kwargs) @method_decorator(ensure_csrf_cookie) @method_decorator(login_required) @method_decorator(cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)) @method_decorator(condition(etag_func=None)) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(SysadminDashboardView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) def get_courses(self): """ Get an iterable list of courses.""" return self.def_ms.get_courses() def return_csv(self, filename, header, data): """ Convenient function for handling the http response of a csv. data should be iterable and is used to stream object over http """ csv_file = StringIO.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) writer.writerow(header) # Setup streaming of the data def read_and_flush(): """Read and clear buffer for optimization""" csv_file.seek(0) csv_data = csv_file.read() csv_file.seek(0) csv_file.truncate() return csv_data def csv_data(): """Generator for handling potentially large CSVs""" for row in data: writer.writerow(row) csv_data = read_and_flush() yield csv_data response = HttpResponse(csv_data(), mimetype='text/csv') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename={0}'.format( filename) return response class Users(SysadminDashboardView): """ The status view provides Web based user management, a listing of courses loaded, and user statistics """ def fix_external_auth_map_passwords(self): """ This corrects any passwords that have drifted from eamap to internal django auth. Needs to be removed when fixed in external_auth """ msg = '' for eamap in ExternalAuthMap.objects.all(): euser = eamap.user epass = eamap.internal_password if euser is None: continue try: testuser = authenticate(username=euser.username, password=epass) except (TypeError, PermissionDenied, AttributeError), err: # Translators: This message means that the user could not be authenticated (that is, we could # not log them in for some reason - maybe they don't have permission, or their password was wrong) msg += _('Failed in authenticating {username}, error {error}\n').format( username=euser, error=err ) continue if testuser is None: # Translators: This message means that the user could not be authenticated (that is, we could # not log them in for some reason - maybe they don't have permission, or their password was wrong) msg += _('Failed in authenticating {username}\n').format(username=euser) # Translators: this means that the password has been corrected (sometimes the database needs to be resynchronized) # Translate this as meaning "the password was fixed" or "the password was corrected". msg += _('fixed password') euser.set_password(epass) euser.save() continue if not msg: # Translators: this means everything happened successfully, yay! msg = _('All ok!') return msg def create_user(self, uname, name, password=None): """ Creates a user (both SSL and regular)""" if not uname: return _('Must provide username') if not name: return _('Must provide full name') email_domain = getattr(settings, 'SSL_AUTH_EMAIL_DOMAIN', 'MIT.EDU') msg = u'' if settings.FEATURES['AUTH_USE_CERTIFICATES']: if '@' not in uname: email = '{0}@{1}'.format(uname, email_domain) else: email = uname if not email.endswith('@{0}'.format(email_domain)): # Translators: Domain is an email domain, such as "@gmail.com" msg += _('Email address must end in {domain}').format(domain="@{0}".format(email_domain)) return msg mit_domain = 'ssl:MIT' if ExternalAuthMap.objects.filter(external_id=email, external_domain=mit_domain): msg += _('Failed - email {email_addr} already exists as {external_id}').format( email_addr=email, external_id="external_id" ) return msg new_password = generate_password() else: if not password: return _('Password must be supplied if not using certificates') email = uname if '@' not in email: msg += _('email address required (not username)') return msg new_password = password user = User(username=uname, email=email, is_active=True) user.set_password(new_password) try: user.save() except IntegrityError: msg += _('Oops, failed to create user {user}, {error}').format( user=user, error="IntegrityError" ) return msg reg = Registration() reg.register(user) profile = UserProfile(user=user) profile.name = name profile.save() if settings.FEATURES['AUTH_USE_CERTIFICATES']: credential_string = getattr(settings, 'SSL_AUTH_DN_FORMAT_STRING', '/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/O=Massachusetts Institute of Technology/OU=Client CA v1/CN={0}/emailAddress={1}') credentials = credential_string.format(name, email) eamap = ExternalAuthMap( external_id=email, external_email=email, external_domain=mit_domain, external_name=name, internal_password=new_password, external_credentials=json.dumps(credentials), ) eamap.user = user eamap.dtsignup = timezone.now() eamap.save() msg += _('User {user} created successfully!').format(user=user) return msg def delete_user(self, uname): """Deletes a user from django auth""" if not uname: return _('Must provide username') if '@' in uname: try: user = User.objects.get(email=uname) except User.DoesNotExist, err: msg = _('Cannot find user with email address {email_addr}').format(email_addr=uname) return msg else: try: user = User.objects.get(username=uname) except User.DoesNotExist, err: msg = _('Cannot find user with username {username} - {error}').format( username=uname, error=str(err) ) return msg user.delete() return _('Deleted user {username}').format(username=uname) def make_common_context(self): """Returns the datatable used for this view""" self.datatable = {} self.datatable = dict(header=[_('Statistic'), _('Value')], title=_('Site statistics')) self.datatable['data'] = [[_('Total number of users'), User.objects.all().count()]] self.msg += u'<h2>{0}</h2>'.format( _('Courses loaded in the modulestore') ) self.msg += u'<ol>' for course in self.get_courses(): self.msg += u'<li>{0} ({1})</li>'.format( escape(course.id.to_deprecated_string()), course.location.to_deprecated_string()) self.msg += u'</ol>' def get(self, request): if not request.user.is_staff: raise Http404 self.make_common_context() context = { 'datatable': self.datatable, 'msg': self.msg, 'djangopid': os.getpid(), 'modeflag': {'users': 'active-section'}, 'edx_platform_version': getattr(settings, 'EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION_STRING', ''), } return render_to_response(self.template_name, context) def post(self, request): """Handle various actions available on page""" if not request.user.is_staff: raise Http404 self.make_common_context() action = request.POST.get('action', '') track.views.server_track(request, action, {}, page='user_sysdashboard') if action == 'download_users': header = [_('username'), _('email'), ] data = ([u.username, u.email] for u in (User.objects.all().iterator())) return self.return_csv('users_{0}.csv'.format( request.META['SERVER_NAME']), header, data) elif action == 'repair_eamap': self.msg = u'<h4>{0}</h4><pre>{1}</pre>{2}'.format( _('Repair Results'), self.fix_external_auth_map_passwords(), self.msg) self.datatable = {} elif action == 'create_user': uname = request.POST.get('student_uname', '').strip() name = request.POST.get('student_fullname', '').strip() password = request.POST.get('student_password', '').strip() self.msg = u'<h4>{0}</h4><p>{1}</p><hr />{2}'.format( _('Create User Results'), self.create_user(uname, name, password), self.msg) elif action == 'del_user': uname = request.POST.get('student_uname', '').strip() self.msg = u'<h4>{0}</h4><p>{1}</p><hr />{2}'.format( _('Delete User Results'), self.delete_user(uname), self.msg) context = { 'datatable': self.datatable, 'msg': self.msg, 'djangopid': os.getpid(), 'modeflag': {'users': 'active-section'}, 'edx_platform_version': getattr(settings, 'EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION_STRING', ''), } return render_to_response(self.template_name, context) class Courses(SysadminDashboardView): """ This manages adding/updating courses from git, deleting courses, and provides course listing information. """ def git_info_for_course(self, cdir): """This pulls out some git info like the last commit""" cmd = '' gdir = settings.DATA_DIR / cdir info = ['', '', ''] # Try the data dir, then try to find it in the git import dir if not gdir.exists(): gdir = path(git_import.GIT_REPO_DIR) / cdir if not gdir.exists(): return info cmd = ['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=format:{ "commit": "%H", "author": "%an %ae", "date": "%ad"}', ] try: output_json = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=gdir)) info = [output_json['commit'], output_json['date'], output_json['author'], ] except (ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass return info def get_course_from_git(self, gitloc, branch): """This downloads and runs the checks for importing a course in git""" if not (gitloc.endswith('.git') or gitloc.startswith('http:') or gitloc.startswith('https:') or gitloc.startswith('git:')): return _("The git repo location should end with '.git', " "and be a valid url") if self.is_using_mongo: return self.import_mongo_course(gitloc, branch) return self.import_xml_course(gitloc, branch) def import_mongo_course(self, gitloc, branch): """ Imports course using management command and captures logging output at debug level for display in template """ msg = u'' log.debug('Adding course using git repo {0}'.format(gitloc)) # Grab logging output for debugging imports output = StringIO.StringIO() import_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(output) import_log_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger_names = ['xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer', 'dashboard.git_import', 'xmodule.modulestore.xml', 'xmodule.seq_module', ] loggers = [] for logger_name in logger_names: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(import_log_handler) loggers.append(logger) error_msg = '' try: git_import.add_repo(gitloc, None, branch) except GitImportError as ex: error_msg = str(ex) ret = output.getvalue() # Remove handler hijacks for logger in loggers: logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logger.removeHandler(import_log_handler) if error_msg: msg_header = error_msg color = 'red' else: msg_header = _('Added Course') color = 'blue' msg = u"<h4 style='color:{0}'>{1}</h4>".format(color, msg_header) msg += "<pre>{0}</pre>".format(escape(ret)) return msg def import_xml_course(self, gitloc, branch): """Imports a git course into the XMLModuleStore""" msg = u'' if not getattr(settings, 'GIT_IMPORT_WITH_XMLMODULESTORE', False): # Translators: "GIT_IMPORT_WITH_XMLMODULESTORE" is a variable name. # "XMLModuleStore" and "MongoDB" are database systems. You should not # translate these names. return _('Refusing to import. GIT_IMPORT_WITH_XMLMODULESTORE is ' 'not turned on, and it is generally not safe to import ' 'into an XMLModuleStore with multithreaded. We ' 'recommend you enable the MongoDB based module store ' 'instead, unless this is a development environment.') cdir = (gitloc.rsplit('/', 1)[1])[:-4] gdir = settings.DATA_DIR / cdir if os.path.exists(gdir): msg += _("The course {0} already exists in the data directory! " "(reloading anyway)").format(cdir) cmd = ['git', 'pull', ] cwd = gdir else: cmd = ['git', 'clone', gitloc, ] cwd = settings.DATA_DIR cwd = os.path.abspath(cwd) try: cmd_output = escape( subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd) ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: log.exception('Git pull or clone output was: %r', ex.output) # Translators: unable to download the course content from # the source git repository. Clone occurs if this is brand # new, and pull is when it is being updated from the # source. return _('Unable to clone or pull repository. Please check ' 'your url. Output was: {0!r}'.format(ex.output)) msg += u'<pre>{0}</pre>'.format(cmd_output) if not os.path.exists(gdir): msg += _('Failed to clone repository to {directory_name}').format(directory_name=gdir) return msg # Change branch if specified if branch: try: git_import.switch_branch(branch, gdir) except GitImportError as ex: return str(ex) # Translators: This is a git repository branch, which is a # specific version of a courses content msg += u'<p>{0}</p>'.format( _('Successfully switched to branch: ' '{branch_name}'.format(branch_name=branch))) self.def_ms.try_load_course(os.path.abspath(gdir)) errlog = self.def_ms.errored_courses.get(cdir, '') if errlog: msg += u'<hr width="50%"><pre>{0}</pre>'.format(escape(errlog)) else: course = self.def_ms.courses[os.path.abspath(gdir)] msg += _('Loaded course {course_name}<br/>Errors:').format( course_name="{} {}".format(cdir, course.display_name) ) errors = self.def_ms.get_course_errors(course.id) if not errors: msg += u'None' else: msg += u'<ul>' for (summary, err) in errors: msg += u'<li><pre>{0}: {1}</pre></li>'.format(escape(summary), escape(err)) msg += u'</ul>' return msg def make_datatable(self): """Creates course information datatable""" data = [] for course in self.get_courses(): gdir = course.id.course data.append([course.display_name, course.id.to_deprecated_string()] + self.git_info_for_course(gdir)) return dict(header=[_('Course Name'), _('Directory/ID'), # Translators: "Git Commit" is a computer command; see http://gitref.org/basic/#commit _('Git Commit'), _('Last Change'), _('Last Editor')], title=_('Information about all courses'), data=data) def get(self, request): """Displays forms and course information""" if not request.user.is_staff: raise Http404 context = { 'datatable': self.make_datatable(), 'msg': self.msg, 'djangopid': os.getpid(), 'modeflag': {'courses': 'active-section'}, 'edx_platform_version': getattr(settings, 'EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION_STRING', ''), } return render_to_response(self.template_name, context) def post(self, request): """Handle all actions from courses view""" if not request.user.is_staff: raise Http404 action = request.POST.get('action', '') track.views.server_track(request, action, {}, page='courses_sysdashboard') courses = {course.id: course for course in self.get_courses()} if action == 'add_course': gitloc = request.POST.get('repo_location', '').strip().replace(' ', '').replace(';', '') branch = request.POST.get('repo_branch', '').strip().replace(' ', '').replace(';', '') self.msg += self.get_course_from_git(gitloc, branch) elif action == 'del_course': course_id = request.POST.get('course_id', '').strip() course_key = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(course_id) course_found = False if course_key in courses: course_found = True course = courses[course_key] else: try: course = get_course_by_id(course_key) course_found = True except Exception, err: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.msg += _( 'Error - cannot get course with ID {0}<br/><pre>{1}</pre>' ).format( course_key, escape(str(err)) ) is_xml_course = (modulestore().get_modulestore_type(course_key) == ModuleStoreEnum.Type.xml) if course_found and is_xml_course: cdir = course.data_dir self.def_ms.courses.pop(cdir) # now move the directory (don't actually delete it) new_dir = "{course_dir}_deleted_{timestamp}".format( course_dir=cdir, timestamp=int(time.time()) ) os.rename(settings.DATA_DIR / cdir, settings.DATA_DIR / new_dir) self.msg += (u"<font color='red'>Deleted " u"{0} = {1} ({2})</font>".format( cdir, course.id, course.display_name)) elif course_found and not is_xml_course: # delete course that is stored with mongodb backend self.def_ms.delete_course(course.id, request.user.id) # don't delete user permission groups, though self.msg += \ u"<font color='red'>{0} {1} = {2} ({3})</font>".format( _('Deleted'), course.location.to_deprecated_string(), course.id.to_deprecated_string(), course.display_name) context = { 'datatable': self.make_datatable(), 'msg': self.msg, 'djangopid': os.getpid(), 'modeflag': {'courses': 'active-section'}, 'edx_platform_version': getattr(settings, 'EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION_STRING', ''), } return render_to_response(self.template_name, context) class Staffing(SysadminDashboardView): """ The status view provides a view of staffing and enrollment in courses that include an option to download the data as a csv. """ def get(self, request): """Displays course Enrollment and staffing course statistics""" if not request.user.is_staff: raise Http404 data = [] for course in self.get_courses(): # pylint: disable=unused-variable datum = [course.display_name, course.id] datum += [CourseEnrollment.objects.filter( course_id=course.id).count()] datum += [CourseStaffRole(course.id).users_with_role().count()] datum += [','.join([x.username for x in CourseInstructorRole( course.id).users_with_role()])] data.append(datum) datatable = dict(header=[_('Course Name'), _('course_id'), _('# enrolled'), _('# staff'), _('instructors')], title=_('Enrollment information for all courses'), data=data) context = { 'datatable': datatable, 'msg': self.msg, 'djangopid': os.getpid(), 'modeflag': {'staffing': 'active-section'}, 'edx_platform_version': getattr(settings, 'EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION_STRING', ''), } return render_to_response(self.template_name, context) def post(self, request): """Handle all actions from staffing and enrollment view""" action = request.POST.get('action', '') track.views.server_track(request, action, {}, page='staffing_sysdashboard') if action == 'get_staff_csv': data = [] roles = [CourseInstructorRole, CourseStaffRole, ] for course in self.get_courses(): # pylint: disable=unused-variable for role in roles: for user in role(course.id).users_with_role(): datum = [course.id, role, user.username, user.email, user.profile.name] data.append(datum) header = [_('course_id'), _('role'), _('username'), _('email'), _('full_name'), ] return self.return_csv('staff_{0}.csv'.format( request.META['SERVER_NAME']), header, data) return self.get(request) class GitLogs(TemplateView): """ This provides a view into the import of courses from git repositories. It is convenient for allowing course teams to see what may be wrong with their xml """ template_name = 'sysadmin_dashboard_gitlogs.html' @method_decorator(login_required) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Shows logs of imports that happened as a result of a git import""" course_id = kwargs.get('course_id') if course_id: course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(course_id) # Set mongodb defaults even if it isn't defined in settings mongo_db = { 'host': 'localhost', 'user': '', 'password': '', 'db': 'xlog', } # Allow overrides if hasattr(settings, 'MONGODB_LOG'): for config_item in ['host', 'user', 'password', 'db', ]: mongo_db[config_item] = settings.MONGODB_LOG.get( config_item, mongo_db[config_item]) mongouri = 'mongodb://{user}:{password}@{host}/{db}'.format(**mongo_db) error_msg = '' try: if mongo_db['user'] and mongo_db['password']: mdb = mongoengine.connect(mongo_db['db'], host=mongouri) else: mdb = mongoengine.connect(mongo_db['db'], host=mongo_db['host']) except mongoengine.connection.ConnectionError: log.exception('Unable to connect to mongodb to save log, ' 'please check MONGODB_LOG settings.') if course_id is None: # Require staff if not going to specific course if not request.user.is_staff: raise Http404 cilset = CourseImportLog.objects.all().order_by('-created') else: try: course = get_course_by_id(course_id) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.info('Cannot find course {0}'.format(course_id)) raise Http404 # Allow only course team, instructors, and staff if not (request.user.is_staff or CourseInstructorRole(course.id).has_user(request.user) or CourseStaffRole(course.id).has_user(request.user)): raise Http404 log.debug('course_id={0}'.format(course_id)) cilset = CourseImportLog.objects.filter(course_id=course_id).order_by('-created') log.debug('cilset length={0}'.format(len(cilset))) mdb.disconnect() context = {'cilset': cilset, 'course_id': course_id.to_deprecated_string() if course_id else None, 'error_msg': error_msg} return render_to_response(self.template_name, context)