@shard_2 Feature: CMS.Course updates As a course author, I want to be able to provide updates to my students # Internet explorer can't select all so the update appears weirdly @skip_internetexplorer Scenario: Users can add updates Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page When I add a new update with the text "Hello" Then I should see the update "Hello" And I see a "saving" notification # Internet explorer can't select all so the update appears weirdly @skip_internetexplorer Scenario: Users can edit updates Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page When I add a new update with the text "Hello" And I modify the text to "Goodbye" Then I should see the update "Goodbye" And I see a "saving" notification Scenario: Users can delete updates Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page And I add a new update with the text "Hello" And I delete the update And I confirm the prompt Then I should not see the update "Hello" And I see a "deleting" notification Scenario: Users can edit update dates Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page And I add a new update with the text "Hello" When I edit the date to "June 1, 2013" Then I should see the date "June 1, 2013" And I see a "saving" notification # Internet explorer can't select all so the update appears weirdly @skip_internetexplorer Scenario: Users can change handouts Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page When I modify the handout to "<ol>Test</ol>" Then I see the handout "Test" And I see a "saving" notification Scenario: Text outside of tags is preserved Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page When I add a new update with the text "before <strong>middle</strong> after" Then I should see the update "before <strong>middle</strong> after" And when I reload the page Then I should see the update "before <strong>middle</strong> after" Scenario: Static links are rewritten when previewing a course update Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page When I add a new update with the text "<img src='/static/my_img.jpg'/>" # Can only do partial text matches because of the quotes with in quotes (and regexp step matching). Then I should see the asset update to "my_img.jpg" And I change the update from "/static/my_img.jpg" to "<img src='/static/modified.jpg'/>" Then I should see the asset update to "modified.jpg" And when I reload the page Then I should see the asset update to "modified.jpg" Scenario: Static links are rewritten when previewing handouts Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page When I modify the handout to "<ol><img src='/static/my_img.jpg'/></ol>" # Can only do partial text matches because of the quotes with in quotes (and regexp step matching). Then I see the handout image link "my_img.jpg" And I change the handout from "/static/my_img.jpg" to "<img src='/static/modified.jpg'/>" Then I see the handout image link "modified.jpg" And when I reload the page Then I see the handout image link "modified.jpg" Scenario: Users cannot save handouts with bad html until edit or update it properly Given I have opened a new course in Studio And I go to the course updates page When I modify the handout to "<p><a href=>[LINK TEXT]</a></p>" Then I see the handout error text And I see handout save button disabled When I edit the handout to "<p><a href='https://www.google.com.pk/'>home</a></p>" Then I see handout save button re-enabled When I save handout edit # Can only do partial text matches because of the quotes with in quotes (and regexp step matching). Then I see the handout "https://www.google.com.pk/" And when I reload the page Then I see the handout "https://www.google.com.pk/"