Course API

from django.contrib.auth.models import User, AnonymousUser
from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied

from lms.djangoapps.courseware.courses import (
from .permissions import can_view_courses_for_username

def get_effective_user(requesting_user, target_username):
    Get the user we want to view information on behalf of.
    if target_username == requesting_user.username:
        return requesting_user
    elif target_username == '':
        return AnonymousUser()
    elif can_view_courses_for_username(requesting_user, target_username):
        return User.objects.get(username=target_username)
        raise PermissionDenied()

def course_detail(request, username, course_key):
    Return a single course identified by `course_key`.

    The course must be visible to the user identified by `username` and the
    logged-in user should have permission to view courses available to that

        request (HTTPRequest):
            Used to identify the logged-in user and to instantiate the course
            module to retrieve the course about description
        username (string):
            The name of the user `requesting_user would like to be identified as.
        course_key (CourseKey): Identifies the course of interest

    Return value:
        `CourseOverview` object representing the requested course
    user = get_effective_user(request.user, username)
    return get_course_overview_with_access(

def list_courses(request, username, org=None, filter_=None):
    Return a list of available courses.

    The courses returned are all be visible to the user identified by
    `username` and the logged in user should have permission to view courses
    available to that user.

        request (HTTPRequest):
            Used to identify the logged-in user and to instantiate the course
            module to retrieve the course about description
        username (string):
            The name of the user the logged-in user would like to be
            identified as

    Keyword Arguments:
        org (string):
            If specified, visible `CourseOverview` objects are filtered
            such that only those belonging to the organization with the provided
            org code (e.g., "HarvardX") are returned. Case-insensitive.
        filter_ (dict):
            If specified, visible `CourseOverview` objects are filtered
            by the given key-value pairs.

    Return value:
        List of `CourseOverview` objects representing the collection of courses.
    user = get_effective_user(request.user, username)
    return get_courses(user, org=org, filter_=filter_)