import json import logging import sys from functools import wraps from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.cache import caches from django.core.validators import ValidationError, validate_email from django.views.decorators.csrf import requires_csrf_token from django.views.defaults import server_error from django.http import (Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed, HttpResponseServerError, HttpResponseForbidden) import dogstats_wrapper as dog_stats_api from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response import zendesk from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration import helpers as configuration_helpers import calc import track.views from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from student.roles import GlobalStaff log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def ensure_valid_course_key(view_func): """ This decorator should only be used with views which have argument course_key_string (studio) or course_id (lms). If course_key_string (studio) or course_id (lms) is not valid raise 404. """ @wraps(view_func) def inner(request, *args, **kwargs): course_key = kwargs.get('course_key_string') or kwargs.get('course_id') if course_key is not None: try: CourseKey.from_string(course_key) except InvalidKeyError: raise Http404 response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) return response return inner def require_global_staff(func): """View decorator that requires that the user have global staff permissions. """ @wraps(func) def wrapped(request, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring if GlobalStaff().has_user(request.user): return func(request, *args, **kwargs) else: return HttpResponseForbidden( u"Must be {platform_name} staff to perform this action.".format( platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME ) ) return login_required(wrapped) @requires_csrf_token def jsonable_server_error(request, template_name='500.html'): """ 500 error handler that serves JSON on an AJAX request, and proxies to the Django default `server_error` view otherwise. """ if request.is_ajax(): msg = {"error": "The edX servers encountered an error"} return HttpResponseServerError(json.dumps(msg)) else: return server_error(request, template_name=template_name) def handle_500(template_path, context=None, test_func=None): """ Decorator for view specific 500 error handling. Custom handling will be skipped only if test_func is passed and it returns False Usage: @handle_500( template_path='certificates/server-error.html', context={'error-info': 'Internal Server Error'}, test_func=lambda request: request.GET.get('preview', None) ) def my_view(request): # Any unhandled exception in this view would be handled by the handle_500 decorator # ... """ def decorator(func): """ Decorator to render custom html template in case of uncaught exception in wrapped function """ @wraps(func) def inner(request, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute the function in try..except block and return custom server-error page in case of unhandled exception """ try: return func(request, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except if settings.DEBUG: # In debug mode let django process the 500 errors and display debug info for the developer raise elif test_func is None or test_func(request): # Display custom 500 page if either # 1. test_func is None (meaning nothing to test) # 2. or test_func(request) returns True log.exception("Error in django view.") return render_to_response(template_path, context) else: # Do not show custom 500 error when test fails raise return inner return decorator def calculate(request): ''' Calculator in footer of every page. ''' equation = request.GET['equation'] try: result = calc.evaluator({}, {}, equation) except: event = {'error': map(str, sys.exc_info()), 'equation': equation} track.views.server_track(request, 'error:calc', event, page='calc') return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'result': 'Invalid syntax'})) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'result': str(result)})) class _ZendeskApi(object): CACHE_PREFIX = 'ZENDESK_API_CACHE' CACHE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 def __init__(self): """ Instantiate the Zendesk API. All of `ZENDESK_URL`, `ZENDESK_USER`, and `ZENDESK_API_KEY` must be set in `django.conf.settings`. """ self._zendesk_instance = zendesk.Zendesk( settings.ZENDESK_URL, settings.ZENDESK_USER, settings.ZENDESK_API_KEY, use_api_token=True, api_version=2, # As of 2012-05-08, Zendesk is using a CA that is not # installed on our servers client_args={"disable_ssl_certificate_validation": True} ) def create_ticket(self, ticket): """ Create the given `ticket` in Zendesk. The ticket should have the format specified by the zendesk package. """ ticket_url = self._zendesk_instance.create_ticket(data=ticket) return zendesk.get_id_from_url(ticket_url) def update_ticket(self, ticket_id, update): """ Update the Zendesk ticket with id `ticket_id` using the given `update`. The update should have the format specified by the zendesk package. """ self._zendesk_instance.update_ticket(ticket_id=ticket_id, data=update) def get_group(self, name): """ Find the Zendesk group named `name`. Groups are cached for CACHE_TIMEOUT seconds. If a matching group exists, it is returned as a dictionary with the format specifed by the zendesk package. Otherwise, returns None. """ cache = caches['default'] cache_key = '{prefix}_group_{name}'.format(prefix=self.CACHE_PREFIX, name=name) cached = cache.get(cache_key) if cached: return cached groups = self._zendesk_instance.list_groups()['groups'] for group in groups: if group['name'] == name: cache.set(cache_key, group, self.CACHE_TIMEOUT) return group return None def _record_feedback_in_zendesk( realname, email, subject, details, tags, additional_info, group_name=None, require_update=False, support_email=None ): """ Create a new user-requested Zendesk ticket. Once created, the ticket will be updated with a private comment containing additional information from the browser and server, such as HTTP headers and user state. Returns a boolean value indicating whether ticket creation was successful, regardless of whether the private comment update succeeded. If `group_name` is provided, attaches the ticket to the matching Zendesk group. If `require_update` is provided, returns False when the update does not succeed. This allows using the private comment to add necessary information which the user will not see in followup emails from support. """ zendesk_api = _ZendeskApi() additional_info_string = ( u"Additional information:\n\n" + u"\n".join(u"%s: %s" % (key, value) for (key, value) in additional_info.items() if value is not None) ) # Tag all issues with LMS to distinguish channel in Zendesk; requested by student support team zendesk_tags = list(tags.values()) + ["LMS"] # Per edX support, we would like to be able to route white label feedback items # via tagging white_label_org = configuration_helpers.get_value('course_org_filter') if white_label_org: zendesk_tags = zendesk_tags + ["whitelabel_{org}".format(org=white_label_org)] new_ticket = { "ticket": { "requester": {"name": realname, "email": email}, "subject": subject, "comment": {"body": details}, "tags": zendesk_tags } } group = None if group_name is not None: group = zendesk_api.get_group(group_name) if group is not None: new_ticket['ticket']['group_id'] = group['id'] if support_email is not None: # If we do not include the `recipient` key here, Zendesk will default to using its default reply # email address when support agents respond to tickets. By setting the `recipient` key here, # we can ensure that WL site users are responded to via the correct Zendesk support email address. new_ticket['ticket']['recipient'] = support_email try: ticket_id = zendesk_api.create_ticket(new_ticket) if group_name is not None and group is None: # Support uses Zendesk groups to track tickets. In case we # haven't been able to correctly group this ticket, log its ID # so it can be found later. log.warning('Unable to find group named %s for Zendesk ticket with ID %s.', group_name, ticket_id) except zendesk.ZendeskError: log.exception("Error creating Zendesk ticket") return False # Additional information is provided as a private update so the information # is not visible to the user. ticket_update = {"ticket": {"comment": {"public": False, "body": additional_info_string}}} try: zendesk_api.update_ticket(ticket_id, ticket_update) except zendesk.ZendeskError: log.exception("Error updating Zendesk ticket with ID %s.", ticket_id) # The update is not strictly necessary, so do not indicate # failure to the user unless it has been requested with # `require_update`. if require_update: return False return True DATADOG_FEEDBACK_METRIC = "lms_feedback_submissions" def _record_feedback_in_datadog(tags): datadog_tags = [u"{k}:{v}".format(k=k, v=v) for k, v in tags.items()] dog_stats_api.increment(DATADOG_FEEDBACK_METRIC, tags=datadog_tags) def submit_feedback(request): """ Create a new user-requested ticket, currently implemented with Zendesk. If feedback submission is not enabled, any request will raise `Http404`. If any configuration parameter (`ZENDESK_URL`, `ZENDESK_USER`, or `ZENDESK_API_KEY`) is missing, any request will raise an `Exception`. The request must be a POST request specifying `subject` and `details`. If the user is not authenticated, the request must also specify `name` and `email`. If the user is authenticated, the `name` and `email` will be populated from the user's information. If any required parameter is missing, a 400 error will be returned indicating which field is missing and providing an error message. If Zendesk ticket creation fails, 500 error will be returned with no body; if ticket creation succeeds, an empty successful response (200) will be returned. """ if not settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION', False): raise Http404() if request.method != "POST": return HttpResponseNotAllowed(["POST"]) if ( not settings.ZENDESK_URL or not settings.ZENDESK_USER or not settings.ZENDESK_API_KEY ): raise Exception("Zendesk enabled but not configured") def build_error_response(status_code, field, err_msg): return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"field": field, "error": err_msg}), status=status_code) additional_info = {} required_fields = ["subject", "details"] if not request.user.is_authenticated(): required_fields += ["name", "email"] required_field_errs = { "subject": "Please provide a subject.", "details": "Please provide details.", "name": "Please provide your name.", "email": "Please provide a valid e-mail.", } for field in required_fields: if field not in request.POST or not request.POST[field]: return build_error_response(400, field, required_field_errs[field]) subject = request.POST["subject"] details = request.POST["details"] tags = dict( [(tag, request.POST[tag]) for tag in ["issue_type", "course_id"] if tag in request.POST] ) if request.user.is_authenticated(): realname = email = additional_info["username"] = request.user.username else: realname = request.POST["name"] email = request.POST["email"] try: validate_email(email) except ValidationError: return build_error_response(400, "email", required_field_errs["email"]) for header, pretty in [ ("HTTP_REFERER", "Page"), ("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "Browser"), ("REMOTE_ADDR", "Client IP"), ("SERVER_NAME", "Host") ]: additional_info[pretty] = request.META.get(header) success = _record_feedback_in_zendesk( realname, email, subject, details, tags, additional_info, support_email=configuration_helpers.get_value('email_from_address', settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL) ) _record_feedback_in_datadog(tags) return HttpResponse(status=(200 if success else 500)) def info(request): ''' Info page (link from main header) ''' return render_to_response("info.html", {}) # From def parse_accept_header(accept): """Parse the Accept header *accept*, returning a list with pairs of (media_type, q_value), ordered by q values. """ result = [] for media_range in accept.split(","): parts = media_range.split(";") media_type = parts.pop(0) media_params = [] q = 1.0 for part in parts: (key, value) = part.lstrip().split("=", 1) if key == "q": q = float(value) else: media_params.append((key, value)) result.append((media_type, tuple(media_params), q)) result.sort(lambda x, y: -cmp(x[2], y[2])) return result def accepts(request, media_type): """Return whether this request has an Accept header that matches type""" accept = parse_accept_header(request.META.get("HTTP_ACCEPT", "")) return media_type in [t for (t, p, q) in accept] def add_p3p_header(view_func): """ This decorator should only be used with views which may be displayed through the iframe. It adds additional headers to response and therefore gives IE browsers an ability to save cookies inside the iframe Details: """ @wraps(view_func) def inner(request, *args, **kwargs): """ Helper function """ response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) response['P3P'] = settings.P3P_HEADER return response return inner