<% var title = gettext("Draft (Never published)"); if (visibilityState === 'staff_only') { title = gettext("Visible to Staff Only"); } else if (visibilityState === 'live') { title = gettext("Published and Live"); } else if (published && !hasChanges) { title = gettext("Published (not yet released)"); } else if (published && hasChanges) { title = gettext("Draft (Unpublished changes)"); } var releaseLabel = gettext("Release:"); if (visibilityState === 'live') { releaseLabel = gettext("Released:"); } else if (visibilityState === 'ready') { releaseLabel = gettext("Scheduled:"); } var visibleToStaffOnly = visibilityState === 'staff_only'; %> <div class="bit-publishing <%- visibilityClass %> <% if (releaseDate) { %>is-scheduled<% } %>"> <h3 class="bar-mod-title pub-status"><span class="sr"><%- gettext("Publishing Status") %></span> <%- title %> </h3> <div class="wrapper-last-draft bar-mod-content"> <p class="copy meta"> <% if (hasChanges && editedOn && editedBy) { %> <%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext("Draft saved on {lastSavedStart}{editedOn}{lastSavedEnd} by {editedByStart}{editedBy}{editedByEnd}"), { lastSavedStart: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="date">'), editedOn: editedOn, lastSavedEnd: HtmlUtils.HTML('</span>'), editedByStart: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="user">'), editedBy: editedBy, editedByEnd: HtmlUtils.HTML('</span>') } ) %> <% } else if (publishedOn && publishedBy) { %> <%= HtmlUtils.interpolateHtml( gettext("Last published {lastPublishedStart}{publishedOn}{lastPublishedEnd} by {publishedByStart}{publishedBy}{publishedByEnd}"), { lastPublishedStart: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="date">'), publishedOn: publishedOn, lastPublishedEnd: HtmlUtils.HTML('</span>'), publishedByStart: HtmlUtils.HTML('<span class="user">'), publishedBy: publishedBy, publishedByEnd: HtmlUtils.HTML('</span>') } ) %> <% } else { %> <%- gettext("Previously published") %> <% } %> </p> </div> <% if (!course.get('self_paced')) { %> <div class="wrapper-release bar-mod-content"> <h5 class="title"><%- releaseLabel %></h5> <p class="copy"> <% if (releaseDate) { %> <span class="release-date"><%- releaseDate %></span> <span class="release-with"> <%- interpolate( gettext('with %(release_date_from)s'), { release_date_from: releaseDateFrom }, true ) %> </span> <% } else { %> <%- gettext("Unscheduled") %> <% } %> </p> </div> <% } %> <div class="wrapper-visibility bar-mod-content"> <h5 class="title"> <% if (released && published && !hasChanges) { %> <%- gettext("Is Visible To:") %> <% } else { %> <%- gettext("Will Be Visible To:") %> <% } %> </h5> <% if (visibleToStaffOnly) { %> <p class="visbility-copy copy"> <%- gettext("Staff Only") %> <% if (!hasExplicitStaffLock) { %> <span class="inherited-from"> <%- interpolate( gettext("with %(section_or_subsection)s"),{ section_or_subsection: staffLockFrom }, true ) %> </span> <% } %> </p> <% } else { %> <p class="visbility-copy copy"><%- gettext("Staff and Learners") %></p> <% } %> <% if (hasPartitionGroupComponents) { %> <p class="note-visibility"> <span class="icon fa fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="note-copy"><%- gettext("Access to some content in this unit is restricted to specific groups of learners.") %></span> </p> <% } %> <ul class="actions-inline"> <li class="action-inline"> <a href="" class="action-staff-lock" role="button" aria-pressed="<%- hasExplicitStaffLock %>"> <% if (hasExplicitStaffLock) { %> <span class="icon fa fa-check-square-o" aria-hidden="true"></span> <% } else { %> <span class="icon fa fa-square-o" aria-hidden="true"></span> <% } %> <%- gettext('Hide from learners') %> </a> </li> </ul> <p> <%- gettext("Note: Do not hide graded assignments after they have been released.") %> </p> </div> <div class="wrapper-pub-actions bar-mod-actions"> <ul class="action-list"> <li class="action-item"> <a class="action-publish action-primary <% if (published && !hasChanges) { %>is-disabled<% } %>" href="" aria-disabled="<% if (published && !hasChanges) { %>true<% } else { %>false<% } %>" ><%- gettext("Publish") %> </a> </li> <li class="action-item"> <a class="action-discard action-secondary <% if (!published || !hasChanges) { %>is-disabled<% } %>" href="" aria-disabled="<% if (!published || !hasChanges) { %>true<% } else { %>false<% } %>"><%- gettext("Discard Changes") %> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div>