Views related to the video upload feature
from boto import s3
import csv
from uuid import uuid4

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ugettext_noop
from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET, require_http_methods
import rfc6266

from edxval.api import create_video, get_videos_for_course, SortDirection, VideoSortField
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey

from contentstore.models import VideoUploadConfig
from contentstore.utils import reverse_course_url
from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response
from util.json_request import expect_json, JsonResponse

from .course import get_course_and_check_access

__all__ = ["videos_handler", "video_encodings_download"]

# Default expiration, in seconds, of one-time URLs used for uploading videos.

class StatusDisplayStrings(object):
    A class to map status strings as stored in VAL to display strings for the
    video upload page

    # Translators: This is the status of an active video upload
    _UPLOADING = ugettext_noop("Uploading")
    # Translators: This is the status for a video that the servers are currently processing
    _IN_PROGRESS = ugettext_noop("In Progress")
    # Translators: This is the status for a video that the servers have successfully processed
    _COMPLETE = ugettext_noop("Ready")
    # Translators: This is the status for a video that the servers have failed to process
    _FAILED = ugettext_noop("Failed")
    # Translators: This is the status for a video which has failed
    # due to being flagged as a duplicate by an external or internal CMS
    _DUPLICATE = ugettext_noop("Failed Duplicate")
    # Translators: This is the status for a video for which an invalid
    # processing token was provided in the course settings
    _INVALID_TOKEN = ugettext_noop("Invalid Token")
    # Translators: This is the status for a video that was included in a course import
    _IMPORTED = ugettext_noop("Imported")
    # Translators: This is the status for a video that is in an unknown state
    _UNKNOWN = ugettext_noop("Unknown")

    _STATUS_MAP = {
        "upload": _UPLOADING,
        "ingest": _IN_PROGRESS,
        "transcode_queue": _IN_PROGRESS,
        "transcode_active": _IN_PROGRESS,
        "file_delivered": _COMPLETE,
        "file_complete": _COMPLETE,
        "file_corrupt": _FAILED,
        "pipeline_error": _FAILED,
        "duplicate": _DUPLICATE,
        "invalid_token": _INVALID_TOKEN,
        "imported": _IMPORTED,

    def get(val_status):
        """Map a VAL status string to a localized display string"""
        return _(StatusDisplayStrings._STATUS_MAP.get(val_status, StatusDisplayStrings._UNKNOWN))    # pylint: disable=translation-of-non-string

@require_http_methods(("GET", "POST"))
def videos_handler(request, course_key_string):
    The restful handler for video uploads.

        html: return an HTML page to display previous video uploads and allow
            new ones
        json: return json representing the videos that have been uploaded and
            their statuses
        json: create a new video upload; the actual files should not be provided
            to this endpoint but rather PUT to the respective upload_url values
            contained in the response
    course = _get_and_validate_course(course_key_string, request.user)

    if not course:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()

    if request.method == "GET":
        if "application/json" in request.META.get("HTTP_ACCEPT", ""):
            return videos_index_json(course)
            return videos_index_html(course)
        return videos_post(course, request)

def video_encodings_download(request, course_key_string):
    Returns a CSV report containing the encoded video URLs for video uploads
    in the following format:

    Video ID,Name,Status,Profile1 URL,Profile2 URL
    course = _get_and_validate_course(course_key_string, request.user)

    if not course:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()

    def get_profile_header(profile):
        """Returns the column header string for the given profile's URLs"""
        # Translators: This is the header for a CSV file column
        # containing URLs for video encodings for the named profile
        # (e.g. desktop, mobile high quality, mobile low quality)
        return _("{profile_name} URL").format(profile_name=profile)

    profile_whitelist = VideoUploadConfig.get_profile_whitelist()

    videos = list(_get_videos(course))
    name_col = _("Name")
    duration_col = _("Duration")
    added_col = _("Date Added")
    video_id_col = _("Video ID")
    status_col = _("Status")
    profile_cols = [get_profile_header(profile) for profile in profile_whitelist]

    def make_csv_dict(video):
        Makes a dictionary suitable for writing CSV output. This involves
        extracting the required items from the original video dict and
        converting all keys and values to UTF-8 encoded string objects,
        because the CSV module doesn't play well with unicode objects.
        # Translators: This is listed as the duration for a video that has not
        # yet reached the point in its processing by the servers where its
        # duration is determined.
        duration_val = str(video["duration"]) if video["duration"] > 0 else _("Pending")
        ret = dict(
                (name_col, video["client_video_id"]),
                (duration_col, duration_val),
                (added_col, video["created"].isoformat()),
                (video_id_col, video["edx_video_id"]),
                (status_col, video["status"]),
            ] +
                (get_profile_header(encoded_video["profile"]), encoded_video["url"])
                for encoded_video in video["encoded_videos"]
                if encoded_video["profile"] in profile_whitelist
        return {
            key.encode("utf-8"): value.encode("utf-8")
            for key, value in ret.items()

    response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv")
    # Translators: This is the suggested filename when downloading the URL
    # listing for videos uploaded through Studio
    filename = _("{course}_video_urls").format(course=course.id.course)
    # See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6266#appendix-D
    response["Content-Disposition"] = rfc6266.build_header(
        filename + ".csv",
    writer = csv.DictWriter(
            for col_name
            in [name_col, duration_col, added_col, video_id_col, status_col] + profile_cols
    for video in videos:
    return response

def _get_and_validate_course(course_key_string, user):
    Given a course key, return the course if it exists, the given user has
    access to it, and it is properly configured for video uploads
    course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_key_string)

    # For now, assume all studio users that have access to the course can upload videos.
    # In the future, we plan to add a new org-level role for video uploaders.
    course = get_course_and_check_access(course_key, user)

    if (
            getattr(settings, "VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE", None) and
            course and
        return course
        return None

def _get_videos(course):
    Retrieves the list of videos from VAL corresponding to this course.
    videos = list(get_videos_for_course(course.id, VideoSortField.created, SortDirection.desc))

    # convert VAL's status to studio's Video Upload feature status.
    for video in videos:
        video["status"] = StatusDisplayStrings.get(video["status"])

    return videos

def _get_index_videos(course):
    Returns the information about each video upload required for the video list
    return list(
            attr: video[attr]
            for attr in ["edx_video_id", "client_video_id", "created", "duration", "status"]
        for video in _get_videos(course)

def videos_index_html(course):
    Returns an HTML page to display previous video uploads and allow new ones
    return render_to_response(
            "context_course": course,
            "post_url": reverse_course_url("videos_handler", unicode(course.id)),
            "encodings_download_url": reverse_course_url("video_encodings_download", unicode(course.id)),
            "previous_uploads": _get_index_videos(course),
            "concurrent_upload_limit": settings.VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE.get("CONCURRENT_UPLOAD_LIMIT", 0),

def videos_index_json(course):
    Returns JSON in the following format:
        "videos": [{
            "edx_video_id": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-4aaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa",
            "client_video_id": "video.mp4",
            "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "duration": 42.5,
            "status": "upload"
    return JsonResponse({"videos": _get_index_videos(course)}, status=200)

def videos_post(course, request):
    Input (JSON):
        "files": [{
            "file_name": "video.mp4",
            "content_type": "video/mp4"

    Returns (JSON):
        "files": [{
            "file_name": "video.mp4",
            "upload_url": "http://example.com/put_video"

    The returned array corresponds exactly to the input array.
    error = None
    if "files" not in request.json:
        error = "Request object is not JSON or does not contain 'files'"
    elif any(
            "file_name" not in file or "content_type" not in file
            for file in request.json["files"]
        error = "Request 'files' entry does not contain 'file_name' and 'content_type'"

    if error:
        return JsonResponse({"error": error}, status=400)

    bucket = storage_service_bucket()
    course_video_upload_token = course.video_upload_pipeline["course_video_upload_token"]
    req_files = request.json["files"]
    resp_files = []

    for req_file in req_files:
        file_name = req_file["file_name"]

        edx_video_id = unicode(uuid4())
        key = storage_service_key(bucket, file_name=edx_video_id)
        for metadata_name, value in [
                ("course_video_upload_token", course_video_upload_token),
                ("client_video_id", file_name),
                ("course_key", unicode(course.id)),
            key.set_metadata(metadata_name, value)
        upload_url = key.generate_url(
            headers={"Content-Type": req_file["content_type"]}

        # persist edx_video_id in VAL
            "edx_video_id": edx_video_id,
            "status": "upload",
            "client_video_id": file_name,
            "duration": 0,
            "encoded_videos": [],
            "courses": [course.id]

        resp_files.append({"file_name": file_name, "upload_url": upload_url})

    return JsonResponse({"files": resp_files}, status=200)

def storage_service_bucket():
    Returns an S3 bucket for video uploads.
    conn = s3.connection.S3Connection(
    return conn.get_bucket(settings.VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE["BUCKET"])

def storage_service_key(bucket, file_name):
    Returns an S3 key to the given file in the given bucket.
    key_name = "{}/{}".format(
        settings.VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE.get("ROOT_PATH", ""),
    return s3.key.Key(bucket, key_name)