from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
import django.core.urlresolvers as urlresolvers
import sys
import inspect

# This method is used to pluralize the words "discussion" and "comment"
# which is why you need to tack on an "s" for the case of 0 or two or more.

def pluralize(content, text):
    num, word = text.split(' ')
    num = int(num or '0')
    if num >= 2 or num == 0:
        return word + 's'
        return word

def url_for_user(content, user_id):
    return urlresolvers.reverse('', args=[content['course_id'], user_id])

def close_thread_text(content):
    if content.get('closed'):
        return _('Re-open thread')
        return _('Close thread')

current_module = sys.modules[__name__]
all_functions = inspect.getmembers(current_module, inspect.isfunction)

mustache_helpers = {k: v for k, v in all_functions if not k.startswith('_')}