"""Tests of comprehensive theming."""

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import staticfiles
from django.test import TestCase
from path import path  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

import edxmako
from openedx.core.djangoapps.theming.tests.test_util import with_comprehensive_theme
from openedx.core.lib.tempdir import create_symlink, delete_symlink, mkdtemp_clean

class TestComprehensiveTheming(TestCase):
    """Test comprehensive theming."""

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestComprehensiveTheming, self).setUp()

        # Clear the internal staticfiles caches, to get test isolation.

    def test_red_footer(self):
        Tests templates from theme are rendered if available.
        `red-theme` has header.html and footer.html so this test
        asserts presence of the content from header.html and footer.html
        resp = self.client.get('/')
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        # This string comes from footer.html
        self.assertContains(resp, "super-ugly")

    def test_theme_outside_repo(self):
        # Need to create a temporary theme, and defer decorating the function
        # until it is done, which leads to this strange nested-function style
        # of test.

        # Make a temp directory as a theme.
        themes_dir = path(mkdtemp_clean())
        tmp_theme = "temp_theme"
        template_dir = themes_dir / tmp_theme / "lms/templates"
        with open(template_dir / "footer.html", "w") as footer:
            footer.write("<footer>TEMPORARY THEME</footer>")

        dest_path = path(settings.COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS[0]) / tmp_theme
        create_symlink(themes_dir / tmp_theme, dest_path)

        edxmako.paths.add_lookup('main', themes_dir, prepend=True)

        def do_the_test(self):
            """A function to do the work so we can use the decorator."""
            resp = self.client.get('/')
            self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
            self.assertContains(resp, "TEMPORARY THEME")

        # remove symlinks before running subsequent tests

    def test_default_logo_image(self):
        result = staticfiles.finders.find('images/logo.png')
        self.assertEqual(result, settings.REPO_ROOT / 'lms/static/images/logo.png')

    def test_overridden_logo_image(self):
        result = staticfiles.finders.find('red-theme/images/logo.png')
        self.assertEqual(result, settings.REPO_ROOT / 'themes/red-theme/lms/static/images/logo.png')

    def test_default_favicon(self):
        Test default favicon is served if no theme is applied
        result = staticfiles.finders.find('images/favicon.ico')
        self.assertEqual(result, settings.REPO_ROOT / 'lms/static/images/favicon.ico')

    def test_overridden_favicon(self):
        Test comprehensive theme override on favicon image.
        result = staticfiles.finders.find('red-theme/images/favicon.ico')
        self.assertEqual(result, settings.REPO_ROOT / 'themes/red-theme/lms/static/images/favicon.ico')