from converter import Converter # Creates new localization properties files in a dummy language # Each property file is derived from the equivalent en_US file, except # 1. Every vowel is replaced with an equivalent with extra accent marks # 2. Every string is padded out to +30% length to simulate verbose languages (e.g. German) # to see if layout and flows work properly # 3. Every string is terminated with a '#' character to make it easier to detect truncation # -------------------------------- # Example use: # >>> from dummy import Dummy # >>> c = Dummy() # >>> c.convert("hello my name is Bond, James Bond") # u'h\xe9ll\xf6 my n\xe4m\xe9 \xefs B\xf6nd, J\xe4m\xe9s B\xf6nd Lorem i#' # # >>> c.convert('don\'t convert <a href="href">tag ids</a>') # u'd\xf6n\'t \xe7\xf6nv\xe9rt <a href="href">t\xe4g \xefds</a> Lorem ipsu#' # # >>> c.convert('don\'t convert %(name)s tags on %(date)s') # u"d\xf6n't \xe7\xf6nv\xe9rt %(name)s t\xe4gs \xf6n %(date)s Lorem ips#" # Substitute plain characters with accented lookalikes. # TABLE = {'A': u'\xC0', 'a': u'\xE4', 'b': u'\xDF', 'C': u'\xc7', 'c': u'\xE7', 'E': u'\xC9', 'e': u'\xE9', 'I': U'\xCC', 'i': u'\xEF', 'O': u'\xD8', 'o': u'\xF6', 'u': u'\xFC' } # The print industry's standard dummy text, in use since the 1500s # see LOREM = ' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed ' \ 'do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad ' \ 'minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ' \ 'ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate ' \ 'velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat ' \ 'cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ' # To simulate more verbose languages (like German), pad the length of a string # by a multiple of PAD_FACTOR PAD_FACTOR = 1.3 class Dummy (Converter): """ A string converter that generates dummy strings with fake accents and lorem ipsum padding. """ def convert(self, string): result = Converter.convert(self, string) return self.pad(result) def inner_convert_string(self, string): for (k,v) in TABLE.items(): string = string.replace(k, v) return string def pad(self, string): """add some lorem ipsum text to the end of string""" size = len(string) if size < 7: target = size*3 else: target = int(size*PAD_FACTOR) return string + self.terminate(LOREM[:(target-size)]) def terminate(self, string): """replaces the final char of string with #""" return string[:-1]+'#' def init_msgs(self, msgs): """ Make sure the first msg in msgs has a plural property. msgs is list of instances of polib.POEntry """ if len(msgs)==0: return headers = msgs[0].get_property('msgstr') has_plural = len([header for header in headers if header.find('Plural-Forms:') == 0])>0 if not has_plural: # Apply declaration for English pluralization rules plural = "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n" headers.append(plural) def convert_msg(self, msg): """ Takes one POEntry object and converts it (adds a dummy translation to it) msg is an instance of polib.POEntry """ source = msg.msgid if len(source)==0: # don't translate empty string return plural = msg.msgid_plural if len(plural)>0: # translate singular and plural foreign_single = self.convert(source) foreign_plural = self.convert(plural) plural = {'0': self.final_newline(source, foreign_single), '1': self.final_newline(plural, foreign_plural)} msg.msgstr_plural = plural return else: foreign = self.convert(source) msg.msgstr = self.final_newline(source, foreign) def final_newline(self, original, translated): """ Returns a new translated string. If last char of original is a newline, make sure translation has a newline too. """ if len(original)>1: if original[-1]=='\n' and translated[-1]!='\n': return translated + '\n' return translated