A Django command that dumps the structure of a course as a JSON object.

The resulting JSON object has one entry for each module in the course:

  "$module_url": {
    "category": "$module_category",
    "children": [$module_children_urls... ],
    "metadata": {$module_metadata}

  "$module_url": ....


import json
from optparse import make_option
from textwrap import dedent

from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError

from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import own_metadata, compute_inherited_metadata

from xblock_discussion import DiscussionXBlock
from xblock.fields import Scope
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey

FILTER_LIST = ['xml_attributes']
INHERITED_FILTER_LIST = ['children', 'xml_attributes']

class Command(BaseCommand):
    Write out to stdout a structural and metadata information for a
    course as a JSON object
    args = "<course_id>"
    help = dedent(__doc__).strip()
    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
                    help='Name of the modulestore'),
                    help='Whether to include inherited metadata'),
                    help='Whether to include default values of inherited metadata'),

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise CommandError("course_id not specified")

        # Get the modulestore

        store = modulestore()

        # Get the course data

            course_key = CourseKey.from_string(args[0])
        except InvalidKeyError:
            raise CommandError("Invalid course_id")

        course = store.get_course(course_key)
        if course is None:
            raise CommandError("Invalid course_id")

        # Precompute inherited metadata at the course level, if needed:

        if options['inherited']:

        # Convert course data to dictionary and dump it as JSON to stdout

        info = dump_module(course, inherited=options['inherited'], defaults=options['inherited_defaults'])

        return json.dumps(info, indent=2, sort_keys=True, default=unicode)

def dump_module(module, destination=None, inherited=False, defaults=False):
    Add the module and all its children to the destination dictionary in
    as a flat structure.

    destination = destination if destination else {}

    items = own_metadata(module)

    # HACK: add discussion ids to list of items to export (AN-6696)
    if isinstance(module, DiscussionXBlock) and 'discussion_id' not in items:
        items['discussion_id'] = module.discussion_id

    filtered_metadata = {k: v for k, v in items.iteritems() if k not in FILTER_LIST}

    destination[unicode(module.location)] = {
        'category': module.location.category,
        'children': [unicode(child) for child in getattr(module, 'children', [])],
        'metadata': filtered_metadata,

    if inherited:
        # When calculating inherited metadata, don't include existing
        # locally-defined metadata
        inherited_metadata_filter_list = list(filtered_metadata.keys())

        def is_inherited(field):
            if field.name in inherited_metadata_filter_list:
                return False
            elif field.scope != Scope.settings:
                return False
            elif defaults:
                return True
                return field.values != field.default

        inherited_metadata = {field.name: field.read_json(module) for field in module.fields.values() if is_inherited(field)}
        destination[unicode(module.location)]['inherited_metadata'] = inherited_metadata

    for child in module.get_children():
        dump_module(child, destination, inherited, defaults)

    return destination