""" Utility Mixins for unit tests """ import json import sys from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import clear_url_caches, resolve from django.test import TestCase from mock import patch from util.db import CommitOnSuccessManager, OuterAtomic class UrlResetMixin(object): """Mixin to reset urls.py before and after a test Django memoizes the function that reads the urls module (whatever module urlconf names). The module itself is also stored by python in sys.modules. To fully reload it, we need to reload the python module, and also clear django's cache of the parsed urls. However, the order in which we do this doesn't matter, because neither one will get reloaded until the next request Doing this is expensive, so it should only be added to tests that modify settings that affect the contents of urls.py """ URLCONF_MODULES = None def reset_urls(self, urlconf_modules=None): """Reset `urls.py` for a set of Django apps.""" if urlconf_modules is None: urlconf_modules = [settings.ROOT_URLCONF] if self.URLCONF_MODULES is not None: urlconf_modules.extend(self.URLCONF_MODULES) for urlconf in urlconf_modules: if urlconf in sys.modules: reload(sys.modules[urlconf]) clear_url_caches() # Resolve a URL so that the new urlconf gets loaded resolve('/') def setUp(self): """Reset Django urls before tests and after tests If you need to reset `urls.py` from a particular Django app (or apps), specify these modules by setting the URLCONF_MODULES class attribute. Examples: # Reload only the root urls.py URLCONF_MODULES = None # Reload urls from my_app URLCONF_MODULES = ['myapp.url'] # Reload urls from my_app and another_app URLCONF_MODULES = ['myapp.url', 'another_app.urls'] """ super(UrlResetMixin, self).setUp() self.reset_urls() self.addCleanup(self.reset_urls) class EventTestMixin(object): """ Generic mixin for verifying that events were emitted during a test. """ def setUp(self, tracker): super(EventTestMixin, self).setUp() self.tracker = tracker patcher = patch(self.tracker) self.mock_tracker = patcher.start() self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) def assert_no_events_were_emitted(self): """ Ensures no events were emitted since the last event related assertion. """ self.assertFalse(self.mock_tracker.emit.called) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member def assert_event_emitted(self, event_name, **kwargs): """ Verify that an event was emitted with the given parameters. """ self.mock_tracker.emit.assert_any_call( # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member event_name, kwargs ) def assert_event_emission_count(self, event_name, expected_count): """ Verify that the event with the given name was emitted a specific number of times. """ actual_count = 0 for call_args in self.mock_tracker.emit.call_args_list: if call_args[0][0] == event_name: actual_count += 1 self.assertEqual(actual_count, expected_count) def reset_tracker(self): """ Reset the mock tracker in order to forget about old events. """ self.mock_tracker.reset_mock() def get_latest_call_args(self): """ Return the arguments of the latest call to emit. """ return self.mock_tracker.emit.call_args[0] class PatchMediaTypeMixin(object): """ Generic mixin for verifying unsupported media type in PATCH """ def test_patch_unsupported_media_type(self): response = self.client.patch( self.url, json.dumps({}), content_type=self.unsupported_media_type ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 415) def patch_testcase(): """ Disable commit_on_success decorators for tests in TestCase subclasses. Since tests in TestCase classes are wrapped in an atomic block, we cannot use transaction.commit() or transaction.rollback(). https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/testing/tools/#django.test.TransactionTestCase """ def enter_atomics_wrapper(wrapped_func): """ Wrapper for TestCase._enter_atomics """ wrapped_func = wrapped_func.__func__ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Method that performs atomic-entering accounting. """ CommitOnSuccessManager.ENABLED = False OuterAtomic.ALLOW_NESTED = True if not hasattr(OuterAtomic, 'atomic_for_testcase_calls'): OuterAtomic.atomic_for_testcase_calls = 0 OuterAtomic.atomic_for_testcase_calls += 1 return wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs) return classmethod(_wrapper) def rollback_atomics_wrapper(wrapped_func): """ Wrapper for TestCase._rollback_atomics """ wrapped_func = wrapped_func.__func__ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Method that performs atomic-rollback accounting. """ CommitOnSuccessManager.ENABLED = True OuterAtomic.ALLOW_NESTED = False OuterAtomic.atomic_for_testcase_calls -= 1 return wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs) return classmethod(_wrapper) # pylint: disable=protected-access TestCase._enter_atomics = enter_atomics_wrapper(TestCase._enter_atomics) TestCase._rollback_atomics = rollback_atomics_wrapper(TestCase._rollback_atomics) def patch_sessions(): """ Override the Test Client's session and login to support safe cookies. """ from openedx.core.djangoapps.safe_sessions.testing import safe_cookie_test_session_patch safe_cookie_test_session_patch()