# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Models used to implement SAML SSO support in third_party_auth (inlcuding Shibboleth support) """ from __future__ import absolute_import from config_models.models import ConfigurationModel, cache from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ import json import logging from provider.utils import long_token from provider.oauth2.models import Client from social.backends.base import BaseAuth from social.backends.oauth import OAuthAuth from social.backends.saml import SAMLAuth, SAMLIdentityProvider from .lti import LTIAuthBackend, LTI_PARAMS_KEY from social.exceptions import SocialAuthBaseException from social.utils import module_member log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # A dictionary of {name: class} entries for each python-social-auth backend available. # Because this setting can specify arbitrary code to load and execute, it is set via # normal Django settings only and cannot be changed at runtime: def _load_backend_classes(base_class=BaseAuth): """ Load the list of python-social-auth backend classes from Django settings """ for class_path in settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS: auth_class = module_member(class_path) if issubclass(auth_class, base_class): yield auth_class _PSA_BACKENDS = {backend_class.name: backend_class for backend_class in _load_backend_classes()} _PSA_OAUTH2_BACKENDS = [backend_class.name for backend_class in _load_backend_classes(OAuthAuth)] _PSA_SAML_BACKENDS = [backend_class.name for backend_class in _load_backend_classes(SAMLAuth)] _LTI_BACKENDS = [backend_class.name for backend_class in _load_backend_classes(LTIAuthBackend)] def clean_json(value, of_type): """ Simple helper method to parse and clean JSON """ if not value.strip(): return json.dumps(of_type()) try: value_python = json.loads(value) except ValueError as err: raise ValidationError("Invalid JSON: {}".format(err.message)) if not isinstance(value_python, of_type): raise ValidationError("Expected a JSON {}".format(of_type)) return json.dumps(value_python, indent=4) class AuthNotConfigured(SocialAuthBaseException): """ Exception when SAMLProviderData or other required info is missing """ def __init__(self, provider_name): super(AuthNotConfigured, self).__init__() self.provider_name = provider_name def __str__(self): return _('Authentication with {} is currently unavailable.').format( self.provider_name ) class ProviderConfig(ConfigurationModel): """ Abstract Base Class for configuring a third_party_auth provider """ icon_class = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, default='fa-sign-in', help_text=( 'The Font Awesome (or custom) icon class to use on the login button for this provider. ' 'Examples: fa-google-plus, fa-facebook, fa-linkedin, fa-sign-in, fa-university' ), ) # We use a FileField instead of an ImageField here because ImageField # doesn't support SVG. This means we don't get any image validation, but # that should be fine because only trusted users should be uploading these # anyway. icon_image = models.FileField( blank=True, help_text=( 'If there is no Font Awesome icon available for this provider, upload a custom image. ' 'SVG images are recommended as they can scale to any size.' ), ) name = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=False, help_text="Name of this provider (shown to users)") secondary = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text=_( 'Secondary providers are displayed less prominently, ' 'in a separate list of "Institution" login providers.' ), ) skip_registration_form = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text=_( "If this option is enabled, users will not be asked to confirm their details " "(name, email, etc.) during the registration process. Only select this option " "for trusted providers that are known to provide accurate user information." ), ) skip_email_verification = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text=_( "If this option is selected, users will not be required to confirm their " "email, and their account will be activated immediately upon registration." ), ) prefix = None # used for provider_id. Set to a string value in subclass backend_name = None # Set to a field or fixed value in subclass accepts_logins = True # Whether to display a sign-in button when the provider is enabled # "enabled" field is inherited from ConfigurationModel class Meta(object): app_label = "third_party_auth" abstract = True def clean(self): """ Ensure that either `icon_class` or `icon_image` is set """ super(ProviderConfig, self).clean() if bool(self.icon_class) == bool(self.icon_image): raise ValidationError('Either an icon class or an icon image must be given (but not both)') @property def provider_id(self): """ Unique string key identifying this provider. Must be URL and css class friendly. """ assert self.prefix is not None return "-".join((self.prefix, ) + tuple(getattr(self, field) for field in self.KEY_FIELDS)) @property def backend_class(self): """ Get the python-social-auth backend class used for this provider """ return _PSA_BACKENDS[self.backend_name] def get_url_params(self): """ Get a dict of GET parameters to append to login links for this provider """ return {} def is_active_for_pipeline(self, pipeline): """ Is this provider being used for the specified pipeline? """ return self.backend_name == pipeline['backend'] def match_social_auth(self, social_auth): """ Is this provider being used for this UserSocialAuth entry? """ return self.backend_name == social_auth.provider def get_remote_id_from_social_auth(self, social_auth): """ Given a UserSocialAuth object, return the remote ID used by this provider. """ # This is generally the same thing as the UID, expect when one backend is used for multiple providers assert self.match_social_auth(social_auth) return social_auth.uid def get_social_auth_uid(self, remote_id): """ Return the uid in social auth. This is default implementation. Subclass may override with a different one. """ return remote_id @classmethod def get_register_form_data(cls, pipeline_kwargs): """Gets dict of data to display on the register form. common.djangoapps.student.views.register_user uses this to populate the new account creation form with values supplied by the user's chosen provider, preventing duplicate data entry. Args: pipeline_kwargs: dict of string -> object. Keyword arguments accumulated by the pipeline thus far. Returns: Dict of string -> string. Keys are names of form fields; values are values for that field. Where there is no value, the empty string must be used. """ # Details about the user sent back from the provider. details = pipeline_kwargs.get('details') # Get the username separately to take advantage of the de-duping logic # built into the pipeline. The provider cannot de-dupe because it can't # check the state of taken usernames in our system. Note that there is # technically a data race between the creation of this value and the # creation of the user object, so it is still possible for users to get # an error on submit. suggested_username = pipeline_kwargs.get('username') return { 'email': details.get('email', ''), 'name': details.get('fullname', ''), 'username': suggested_username, } def get_authentication_backend(self): """Gets associated Django settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND string.""" return '{}.{}'.format(self.backend_class.__module__, self.backend_class.__name__) class OAuth2ProviderConfig(ProviderConfig): """ Configuration Entry for an OAuth2 based provider. Also works for OAuth1 providers. """ prefix = 'oa2' KEY_FIELDS = ('backend_name', ) # Backend name is unique backend_name = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=False, db_index=True, help_text=( "Which python-social-auth OAuth2 provider backend to use. " "The list of backend choices is determined by the THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_BACKENDS setting." # To be precise, it's set by AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS - which aws.py sets from THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_BACKENDS ) ) key = models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name="Client ID") secret = models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Client Secret", help_text=( 'For increased security, you can avoid storing this in your database by leaving ' ' this field blank and setting ' 'SOCIAL_AUTH_OAUTH_SECRETS = {"(backend name)": "secret", ...} ' 'in your instance\'s Django settings (or lms.auth.json)' ) ) other_settings = models.TextField(blank=True, help_text="Optional JSON object with advanced settings, if any.") class Meta(object): app_label = "third_party_auth" verbose_name = "Provider Configuration (OAuth)" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name def clean(self): """ Standardize and validate fields """ super(OAuth2ProviderConfig, self).clean() self.other_settings = clean_json(self.other_settings, dict) def get_setting(self, name): """ Get the value of a setting, or raise KeyError """ if name == "KEY": return self.key if name == "SECRET": if self.secret: return self.secret # To allow instances to avoid storing secrets in the DB, the secret can also be set via Django: return getattr(settings, 'SOCIAL_AUTH_OAUTH_SECRETS', {}).get(self.backend_name, '') if self.other_settings: other_settings = json.loads(self.other_settings) assert isinstance(other_settings, dict), "other_settings should be a JSON object (dictionary)" return other_settings[name] raise KeyError class SAMLProviderConfig(ProviderConfig): """ Configuration Entry for a SAML/Shibboleth provider. """ prefix = 'saml' KEY_FIELDS = ('idp_slug', ) backend_name = models.CharField( max_length=50, default='tpa-saml', blank=False, help_text="Which python-social-auth provider backend to use. 'tpa-saml' is the standard edX SAML backend.") idp_slug = models.SlugField( max_length=30, db_index=True, help_text=( 'A short string uniquely identifying this provider. ' 'Cannot contain spaces and should be a usable as a CSS class. Examples: "ubc", "mit-staging"' )) entity_id = models.CharField( max_length=255, verbose_name="Entity ID", help_text="Example: https://idp.testshib.org/idp/shibboleth") metadata_source = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text=( "URL to this provider's XML metadata. Should be an HTTPS URL. " "Example: https://www.testshib.org/metadata/testshib-providers.xml" )) attr_user_permanent_id = models.CharField( max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name="User ID Attribute", help_text="URN of the SAML attribute that we can use as a unique, persistent user ID. Leave blank for default.") attr_full_name = models.CharField( max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name="Full Name Attribute", help_text="URN of SAML attribute containing the user's full name. Leave blank for default.") attr_first_name = models.CharField( max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name="First Name Attribute", help_text="URN of SAML attribute containing the user's first name. Leave blank for default.") attr_last_name = models.CharField( max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name="Last Name Attribute", help_text="URN of SAML attribute containing the user's last name. Leave blank for default.") attr_username = models.CharField( max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name="Username Hint Attribute", help_text="URN of SAML attribute to use as a suggested username for this user. Leave blank for default.") attr_email = models.CharField( max_length=128, blank=True, verbose_name="Email Attribute", help_text="URN of SAML attribute containing the user's email address[es]. Leave blank for default.") other_settings = models.TextField( verbose_name="Advanced settings", blank=True, help_text=( 'For advanced use cases, enter a JSON object with addtional configuration. ' 'The tpa-saml backend supports only {"requiredEntitlements": ["urn:..."]} ' 'which can be used to require the presence of a specific eduPersonEntitlement.' )) def clean(self): """ Standardize and validate fields """ super(SAMLProviderConfig, self).clean() self.other_settings = clean_json(self.other_settings, dict) class Meta(object): app_label = "third_party_auth" verbose_name = "Provider Configuration (SAML IdP)" verbose_name_plural = "Provider Configuration (SAML IdPs)" def get_url_params(self): """ Get a dict of GET parameters to append to login links for this provider """ return {'idp': self.idp_slug} def is_active_for_pipeline(self, pipeline): """ Is this provider being used for the specified pipeline? """ return self.backend_name == pipeline['backend'] and self.idp_slug == pipeline['kwargs']['response']['idp_name'] def match_social_auth(self, social_auth): """ Is this provider being used for this UserSocialAuth entry? """ prefix = self.idp_slug + ":" return self.backend_name == social_auth.provider and social_auth.uid.startswith(prefix) def get_remote_id_from_social_auth(self, social_auth): """ Given a UserSocialAuth object, return the remote ID used by this provider. """ assert self.match_social_auth(social_auth) # Remove the prefix from the UID return social_auth.uid[len(self.idp_slug) + 1:] def get_social_auth_uid(self, remote_id): """ Get social auth uid from remote id by prepending idp_slug to the remote id """ return '{}:{}'.format(self.idp_slug, remote_id) def get_config(self): """ Return a SAMLIdentityProvider instance for use by SAMLAuthBackend. Essentially this just returns the values of this object and its associated 'SAMLProviderData' entry. """ if self.other_settings: conf = json.loads(self.other_settings) else: conf = {} attrs = ( 'attr_user_permanent_id', 'attr_full_name', 'attr_first_name', 'attr_last_name', 'attr_username', 'attr_email', 'entity_id') for field in attrs: val = getattr(self, field) if val: conf[field] = val # Now get the data fetched automatically from the metadata.xml: data = SAMLProviderData.current(self.entity_id) if not data or not data.is_valid(): log.error("No SAMLProviderData found for %s. Run 'manage.py saml pull' to fix or debug.", self.entity_id) raise AuthNotConfigured(provider_name=self.name) conf['x509cert'] = data.public_key conf['url'] = data.sso_url return SAMLIdentityProvider(self.idp_slug, **conf) class SAMLConfiguration(ConfigurationModel): """ General configuration required for this edX instance to act as a SAML Service Provider and allow users to authenticate via third party SAML Identity Providers (IdPs) """ private_key = models.TextField( help_text=( 'To generate a key pair as two files, run ' '"openssl req -new -x509 -days 3652 -nodes -out saml.crt -keyout saml.key". ' 'Paste the contents of saml.key here. ' 'For increased security, you can avoid storing this in your database by leaving ' 'this field blank and setting it via the SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY setting ' 'in your instance\'s Django settings (or lms.auth.json).' ), blank=True, ) public_key = models.TextField( help_text=( 'Public key certificate. ' 'For increased security, you can avoid storing this in your database by leaving ' 'this field blank and setting it via the SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT setting ' 'in your instance\'s Django settings (or lms.auth.json).' ), blank=True, ) entity_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="http://saml.example.com", verbose_name="Entity ID") org_info_str = models.TextField( verbose_name="Organization Info", default='{"en-US": {"url": "http://www.example.com", "displayname": "Example Inc.", "name": "example"}}', help_text="JSON dictionary of 'url', 'displayname', and 'name' for each language", ) other_config_str = models.TextField( default='{\n"SECURITY_CONFIG": {"metadataCacheDuration": 604800, "signMetadata": false}\n}', help_text=( "JSON object defining advanced settings that are passed on to python-saml. " "Valid keys that can be set here include: SECURITY_CONFIG and SP_EXTRA" ), ) class Meta(object): app_label = "third_party_auth" verbose_name = "SAML Configuration" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name def clean(self): """ Standardize and validate fields """ super(SAMLConfiguration, self).clean() self.org_info_str = clean_json(self.org_info_str, dict) self.other_config_str = clean_json(self.other_config_str, dict) self.private_key = ( self.private_key .replace("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "") .replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "") .replace("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "") .replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "") .strip() ) self.public_key = ( self.public_key .replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "") .replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "") .strip() ) def get_setting(self, name): """ Get the value of a setting, or raise KeyError """ if name == "ORG_INFO": return json.loads(self.org_info_str) if name == "SP_ENTITY_ID": return self.entity_id if name == "SP_PUBLIC_CERT": if self.public_key: return self.public_key # To allow instances to avoid storing keys in the DB, the key pair can also be set via Django: return getattr(settings, 'SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT', '') if name == "SP_PRIVATE_KEY": if self.private_key: return self.private_key # To allow instances to avoid storing keys in the DB, the private key can also be set via Django: return getattr(settings, 'SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY', '') other_config = json.loads(self.other_config_str) if name in ("TECHNICAL_CONTACT", "SUPPORT_CONTACT"): contact = { "givenName": "{} Support".format(settings.PLATFORM_NAME), "emailAddress": settings.TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL } contact.update(other_config.get(name, {})) return contact return other_config[name] # SECURITY_CONFIG, SP_EXTRA, or similar extra settings class SAMLProviderData(models.Model): """ Data about a SAML IdP that is fetched automatically by 'manage.py saml pull' This data is only required during the actual authentication process. """ cache_timeout = 600 fetched_at = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True, null=False) expires_at = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True, null=True) entity_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) # This is the key for lookups in this table sso_url = models.URLField(verbose_name="SSO URL") public_key = models.TextField() class Meta(object): app_label = "third_party_auth" verbose_name = "SAML Provider Data" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name ordering = ('-fetched_at', ) def is_valid(self): """ Is this data valid? """ if self.expires_at and timezone.now() > self.expires_at: return False return bool(self.entity_id and self.sso_url and self.public_key) is_valid.boolean = True @classmethod def cache_key_name(cls, entity_id): """ Return the name of the key to use to cache the current data """ return 'configuration/{}/current/{}'.format(cls.__name__, entity_id) @classmethod def current(cls, entity_id): """ Return the active data entry, if any, otherwise None """ cached = cache.get(cls.cache_key_name(entity_id)) if cached is not None: return cached try: current = cls.objects.filter(entity_id=entity_id).order_by('-fetched_at')[0] except IndexError: current = None cache.set(cls.cache_key_name(entity_id), current, cls.cache_timeout) return current class LTIProviderConfig(ProviderConfig): """ Configuration required for this edX instance to act as a LTI Tool Provider and allow users to authenticate and be enrolled in a course via third party LTI Tool Consumers. """ prefix = 'lti' backend_name = 'lti' # This provider is not visible to users icon_class = None icon_image = None secondary = False # LTI login cannot be initiated by the tool provider accepts_logins = False KEY_FIELDS = ('lti_consumer_key', ) lti_consumer_key = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text=( 'The name that the LTI Tool Consumer will use to identify itself' ) ) lti_hostname = models.CharField( default='localhost', max_length=255, help_text=( 'The domain that will be acting as the LTI consumer.' ), db_index=True ) lti_consumer_secret = models.CharField( default=long_token, max_length=255, help_text=( 'The shared secret that the LTI Tool Consumer will use to ' 'authenticate requests. Only this edX instance and this ' 'tool consumer instance should know this value. ' 'For increased security, you can avoid storing this in ' 'your database by leaving this field blank and setting ' 'SOCIAL_AUTH_LTI_CONSUMER_SECRETS = {"consumer key": "secret", ...} ' 'in your instance\'s Django setttigs (or lms.auth.json)' ), blank=True, ) lti_max_timestamp_age = models.IntegerField( default=10, help_text=( 'The maximum age of oauth_timestamp values, in seconds.' ) ) def match_social_auth(self, social_auth): """ Is this provider being used for this UserSocialAuth entry? """ prefix = self.lti_consumer_key + ":" return self.backend_name == social_auth.provider and social_auth.uid.startswith(prefix) def get_remote_id_from_social_auth(self, social_auth): """ Given a UserSocialAuth object, return the remote ID used by this provider. """ assert self.match_social_auth(social_auth) # Remove the prefix from the UID return social_auth.uid[len(self.lti_consumer_key) + 1:] def is_active_for_pipeline(self, pipeline): """ Is this provider being used for the specified pipeline? """ try: return ( self.backend_name == pipeline['backend'] and self.lti_consumer_key == pipeline['kwargs']['response'][LTI_PARAMS_KEY]['oauth_consumer_key'] ) except KeyError: return False def get_lti_consumer_secret(self): """ If the LTI consumer secret is not stored in the database, check Django settings instead """ if self.lti_consumer_secret: return self.lti_consumer_secret return getattr(settings, 'SOCIAL_AUTH_LTI_CONSUMER_SECRETS', {}).get(self.lti_consumer_key, '') class Meta(object): app_label = "third_party_auth" verbose_name = "Provider Configuration (LTI)" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name class ProviderApiPermissions(models.Model): """ This model links OAuth2 client with provider Id. It gives permission for a OAuth2 client to access the information under certain IdPs. """ client = models.ForeignKey(Client) provider_id = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text=( 'Uniquely identify a provider. This is different from backend_name.' ) ) class Meta(object): app_label = "third_party_auth" verbose_name = "Provider API Permission" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name + 's'