Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
  As a course author, I want to be able to create HTML blocks.

  Scenario: User can view metadata
    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
    And I edit and select Settings
    Then I see only the HTML display name setting

  # Safari doesn't save the name properly
  Scenario: User can modify display name
    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
    And I edit and select Settings
    Then I can modify the display name
    And my display name change is persisted on save

  Scenario: Edit High Level source is available for LaTeX html
    Given I have created an E-text Written in LaTeX
    When I edit and select Settings
    Then Edit High Level Source is visible

  Scenario: TinyMCE image plugin sets urls correctly
    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
    When I edit the page
    And I add an image with a static link via the Image Plugin Icon
    Then the image static link is rewritten to translate the path

  Scenario: TinyMCE and CodeMirror preserve style tags
    Given I have created a Blank HTML Page
    When I edit the page
    And type "<p class='title'>pages</p><style><!-- .title { color: red; } --></style>" in the code editor and press OK
    And I save the page
    Then the page has text:
      <p class="title">pages</p>
      .title { color: red; }