"""Certificates API This is a Python API for generating certificates asynchronously. Other Django apps should use the API functions defined in this module rather than importing Django models directly. """ import logging from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from branding import api as branding_api from certificates.models import ( CertificateGenerationConfiguration, CertificateGenerationCourseSetting, CertificateInvalidation, CertificateStatuses, CertificateTemplate, CertificateTemplateAsset, ExampleCertificateSet, GeneratedCertificate, certificate_status_for_student ) from certificates.queue import XQueueCertInterface from eventtracking import tracker from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview from openedx.core.djangoapps.xmodule_django.models import CourseKeyField from util.organizations_helpers import get_course_organizations from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore log = logging.getLogger("edx.certificate") MODES = GeneratedCertificate.MODES def is_passing_status(cert_status): """ Given the status of a certificate, return a boolean indicating whether the student passed the course. This just proxies to the classmethod defined in models.py """ return CertificateStatuses.is_passing_status(cert_status) def format_certificate_for_user(username, cert): """ Helper function to serialize an user certificate. Arguments: username (unicode): The identifier of the user. cert (GeneratedCertificate): a user certificate Returns: dict """ return { "username": username, "course_key": cert.course_id, "type": cert.mode, "status": cert.status, "grade": cert.grade, "created": cert.created_date, "modified": cert.modified_date, "is_passing": is_passing_status(cert.status), # NOTE: the download URL is not currently being set for webview certificates. # In the future, we can update this to construct a URL to the webview certificate # for courses that have this feature enabled. "download_url": ( cert.download_url or get_certificate_url(cert.user.id, cert.course_id) if cert.status == CertificateStatuses.downloadable else None ), } def get_certificates_for_user(username): """ Retrieve certificate information for a particular user. Arguments: username (unicode): The identifier of the user. Returns: list Example Usage: >>> get_certificates_for_user("bob") [ { "username": "bob", "course_key": CourseLocator('edX', 'DemoX', 'Demo_Course', None, None), "type": "verified", "status": "downloadable", "download_url": "http://www.example.com/cert.pdf", "grade": "0.98", "created": 2015-07-31T00:00:00Z, "modified": 2015-07-31T00:00:00Z } ] """ return [ format_certificate_for_user(username, cert) for cert in GeneratedCertificate.eligible_certificates.filter(user__username=username).order_by("course_id") ] def get_certificate_for_user(username, course_key): """ Retrieve certificate information for a particular user for a specific course. Arguments: username (unicode): The identifier of the user. course_key (CourseKey): A Course Key. Returns: dict """ try: cert = GeneratedCertificate.eligible_certificates.get( user__username=username, course_id=course_key ) except GeneratedCertificate.DoesNotExist: return None return format_certificate_for_user(username, cert) def generate_user_certificates(student, course_key, course=None, insecure=False, generation_mode='batch', forced_grade=None): """ It will add the add-cert request into the xqueue. A new record will be created to track the certificate generation task. If an error occurs while adding the certificate to the queue, the task will have status 'error'. It also emits `edx.certificate.created` event for analytics. Args: student (User) course_key (CourseKey) Keyword Arguments: course (Course): Optionally provide the course object; if not provided it will be loaded. insecure - (Boolean) generation_mode - who has requested certificate generation. Its value should `batch` in case of django command and `self` if student initiated the request. forced_grade - a string indicating to replace grade parameter. if present grading will be skipped. """ xqueue = XQueueCertInterface() if insecure: xqueue.use_https = False generate_pdf = not has_html_certificates_enabled(course_key, course) cert = xqueue.add_cert( student, course_key, course=course, generate_pdf=generate_pdf, forced_grade=forced_grade ) # If cert_status is not present in certificate valid_statuses (for example unverified) then # add_cert returns None and raises AttributeError while accesing cert attributes. if cert is None: return if CertificateStatuses.is_passing_status(cert.status): emit_certificate_event('created', student, course_key, course, { 'user_id': student.id, 'course_id': unicode(course_key), 'certificate_id': cert.verify_uuid, 'enrollment_mode': cert.mode, 'generation_mode': generation_mode }) return cert.status def regenerate_user_certificates(student, course_key, course=None, forced_grade=None, template_file=None, insecure=False): """ It will add the regen-cert request into the xqueue. A new record will be created to track the certificate generation task. If an error occurs while adding the certificate to the queue, the task will have status 'error'. Args: student (User) course_key (CourseKey) Keyword Arguments: course (Course): Optionally provide the course object; if not provided it will be loaded. grade_value - The grade string, such as "Distinction" template_file - The template file used to render this certificate insecure - (Boolean) """ xqueue = XQueueCertInterface() if insecure: xqueue.use_https = False generate_pdf = not has_html_certificates_enabled(course_key, course) return xqueue.regen_cert( student, course_key, course=course, forced_grade=forced_grade, template_file=template_file, generate_pdf=generate_pdf ) def certificate_downloadable_status(student, course_key): """ Check the student existing certificates against a given course. if status is not generating and not downloadable or error then user can view the generate button. Args: student (user object): logged-in user course_key (CourseKey): ID associated with the course Returns: Dict containing student passed status also download url, uuid for cert if available """ current_status = certificate_status_for_student(student, course_key) # If the certificate status is an error user should view that status is "generating". # On the back-end, need to monitor those errors and re-submit the task. response_data = { 'is_downloadable': False, 'is_generating': True if current_status['status'] in [CertificateStatuses.generating, CertificateStatuses.error] else False, 'is_unverified': True if current_status['status'] == CertificateStatuses.unverified else False, 'download_url': None, 'uuid': None, } if current_status['status'] == CertificateStatuses.downloadable: response_data['is_downloadable'] = True response_data['download_url'] = current_status['download_url'] or get_certificate_url(student.id, course_key) response_data['uuid'] = current_status['uuid'] return response_data def set_cert_generation_enabled(course_key, is_enabled): """Enable or disable self-generated certificates for a course. There are two "switches" that control whether self-generated certificates are enabled for a course: 1) Whether the self-generated certificates feature is enabled. 2) Whether self-generated certificates have been enabled for this particular course. The second flag should be enabled *only* when someone has successfully generated example certificates for the course. This helps avoid configuration errors (for example, not having a template configured for the course installed on the workers). The UI for the instructor dashboard enforces this constraint. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Keyword Arguments: is_enabled (boolean): If provided, enable/disable self-generated certificates for this course. """ CertificateGenerationCourseSetting.set_enabled_for_course(course_key, is_enabled) cert_event_type = 'enabled' if is_enabled else 'disabled' event_name = '.'.join(['edx', 'certificate', 'generation', cert_event_type]) tracker.emit(event_name, { 'course_id': unicode(course_key), }) if is_enabled: log.info(u"Enabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", unicode(course_key)) else: log.info(u"Disabled self-generated certificates for course '%s'.", unicode(course_key)) def is_certificate_invalid(student, course_key): """Check that whether the student in the course has been invalidated for receiving certificates. Arguments: student (user object): logged-in user course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Returns: Boolean denoting whether the student in the course is invalidated to receive certificates """ is_invalid = False certificate = GeneratedCertificate.certificate_for_student(student, course_key) if certificate is not None: is_invalid = CertificateInvalidation.has_certificate_invalidation(student, course_key) return is_invalid def cert_generation_enabled(course_key): """Check whether certificate generation is enabled for a course. There are two "switches" that control whether self-generated certificates are enabled for a course: 1) Whether the self-generated certificates feature is enabled. 2) Whether self-generated certificates have been enabled for this particular course. Certificates are enabled for a course only when both switches are set to True. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Returns: boolean: Whether self-generated certificates are enabled for the course. """ return ( CertificateGenerationConfiguration.current().enabled and CertificateGenerationCourseSetting.is_enabled_for_course(course_key) ) def generate_example_certificates(course_key): """Generate example certificates for a course. Example certificates are used to validate that certificates are configured correctly for the course. Staff members can view the example certificates before enabling the self-generated certificates button for students. Several example certificates may be generated for a course. For example, if a course offers both verified and honor certificates, examples of both types of certificate will be generated. If an error occurs while starting the certificate generation job, the errors will be recorded in the database and can be retrieved using `example_certificate_status()`. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Returns: None """ xqueue = XQueueCertInterface() for cert in ExampleCertificateSet.create_example_set(course_key): xqueue.add_example_cert(cert) def has_html_certificates_enabled(course_key, course=None): """ Determine if a course has html certificates enabled. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey|str): A course key or a string representation of one. course (CourseDescriptor|CourseOverview): A course. """ # If the feature is disabled, then immediately return a False if not settings.FEATURES.get('CERTIFICATES_HTML_VIEW', False): return False # If we don't have a course object, we'll need to assemble one if not course: # Initialize a course key if necessary if not isinstance(course_key, CourseKey): try: course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_key) except InvalidKeyError: log.warning( ('Unable to parse course_key "%s"', course_key), exc_info=True ) return False # Pull the course data from the cache try: course = CourseOverview.get_from_id(course_key) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except log.warning( ('Unable to load CourseOverview object for course_key "%s"', unicode(course_key)), exc_info=True ) # Return the flag on the course object return course.cert_html_view_enabled if course else False def example_certificates_status(course_key): """Check the status of example certificates for a course. This will check the *latest* example certificate task. This is generally what we care about in terms of enabling/disabling self-generated certificates for a course. Arguments: course_key (CourseKey): The course identifier. Returns: list Example Usage: >>> from certificates import api as certs_api >>> certs_api.example_certificate_status(course_key) [ { 'description': 'honor', 'status': 'success', 'download_url': 'http://www.example.com/abcd/honor_cert.pdf' }, { 'description': 'verified', 'status': 'error', 'error_reason': 'No template found!' } ] """ return ExampleCertificateSet.latest_status(course_key) def get_certificate_url(user_id=None, course_id=None, uuid=None): """ :return certificate url for web or pdf certs. In case of web certs returns either old or new cert url based on given parameters. For web certs if `uuid` is it would return new uuid based cert url url otherwise old url. """ url = "" if has_html_certificates_enabled(course_id): if uuid: url = reverse( 'certificates:render_cert_by_uuid', kwargs=dict(certificate_uuid=uuid) ) elif user_id and course_id: url = reverse( 'certificates:html_view', kwargs={ "user_id": str(user_id), "course_id": unicode(course_id), } ) else: if isinstance(course_id, basestring): try: course_id = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) except InvalidKeyError: log.warning( ('Unable to parse course_id "%s"', course_id), exc_info=True ) return url try: user_certificate = GeneratedCertificate.eligible_certificates.get( user=user_id, course_id=course_id ) url = user_certificate.download_url except GeneratedCertificate.DoesNotExist: log.critical( 'Unable to lookup certificate\n' 'user id: %d\n' 'course: %s', user_id, unicode(course_id) ) return url def get_active_web_certificate(course, is_preview_mode=None): """ Retrieves the active web certificate configuration for the specified course """ certificates = getattr(course, 'certificates', '{}') configurations = certificates.get('certificates', []) for config in configurations: if config.get('is_active') or is_preview_mode: return config return None def get_certificate_template(course_key, mode): """ Retrieves the custom certificate template based on course_key and mode. """ org_id, template = None, None # fetch organization of the course course_organization = get_course_organizations(course_key) if course_organization: org_id = course_organization[0]['id'] if org_id and mode: template = CertificateTemplate.objects.filter( organization_id=org_id, course_key=course_key, mode=mode, is_active=True ) # if don't template find by org and mode if not template and org_id and mode: template = CertificateTemplate.objects.filter( organization_id=org_id, course_key=CourseKeyField.Empty, mode=mode, is_active=True ) # if don't template find by only org if not template and org_id: template = CertificateTemplate.objects.filter( organization_id=org_id, course_key=CourseKeyField.Empty, mode=None, is_active=True ) # if we still don't template find by only course mode if not template and mode: template = CertificateTemplate.objects.filter( organization_id=None, course_key=CourseKeyField.Empty, mode=mode, is_active=True ) return template[0].template if template else None def emit_certificate_event(event_name, user, course_id, course=None, event_data=None): """ Emits certificate event. """ event_name = '.'.join(['edx', 'certificate', event_name]) if course is None: course = modulestore().get_course(course_id, depth=0) context = { 'org_id': course.org, 'course_id': unicode(course_id) } data = { 'user_id': user.id, 'course_id': unicode(course_id), 'certificate_url': get_certificate_url(user.id, course_id) } event_data = event_data or {} event_data.update(data) with tracker.get_tracker().context(event_name, context): tracker.emit(event_name, event_data) def get_asset_url_by_slug(asset_slug): """ Returns certificate template asset url for given asset_slug. """ asset_url = '' try: template_asset = CertificateTemplateAsset.objects.get(asset_slug=asset_slug) asset_url = template_asset.asset.url except CertificateTemplateAsset.DoesNotExist: pass return asset_url def get_certificate_header_context(is_secure=True): """ Return data to be used in Certificate Header, data returned should be customized according to the site configuration. """ data = dict( logo_src=branding_api.get_logo_url(is_secure), logo_url=branding_api.get_base_url(is_secure), ) return data def get_certificate_footer_context(): """ Return data to be used in Certificate Footer, data returned should be customized according to the site configuration. """ data = dict() # get Terms of Service and Honor Code page url terms_of_service_and_honor_code = branding_api.get_tos_and_honor_code_url() if terms_of_service_and_honor_code != branding_api.EMPTY_URL: data.update({'company_tos_url': terms_of_service_and_honor_code}) # get Privacy Policy page url privacy_policy = branding_api.get_privacy_url() if privacy_policy != branding_api.EMPTY_URL: data.update({'company_privacy_url': privacy_policy}) # get About page url about = branding_api.get_about_url() if about != branding_api.EMPTY_URL: data.update({'company_about_url': about}) return data