<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>

<div class="wrapper-content-supplementary">
  <aside class="content-supplementary">
    <ul class="list-help">
      <li class="help-item help-item-whyreverify">
        <h3 class="title">${_("Why Do I Need to Re-Verify?")}</h3>
        <div class="copy">
          <p>${_("At key points in a course, the professor will ask you to re-verify your identity. We will send the new photo to be matched up with the photo of the original ID you submitted when you signed up for the course.")}</p>

      <li class="help-item help-item-technical">
        <h3 class="title">${_("Having Technical Trouble?")}</h3>
        <div class="copy">
          <p>${_("Please make sure your browser is updated to the <strong>{a_start}most recent version possible{a_end}</strong>. Also, please make sure your <strong>webcam is plugged in, turned on, and allowed to function in your web browser (commonly adjustable in your browser settings)</strong>").format(a_start='<a rel="external" href="http://browsehappy.com/">', a_end="</a>")}</p>

      <li class="help-item help-item-questions">
        <h3 class="title">${_("Have questions?")}</h3>
        <div class="copy">
            <p>${_("Please read {a_start}our FAQs to view common questions about our certificates{a_end}.").format(a_start='<a rel="external" href="'+ marketing_link('WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT') + '">', a_end="</a>")}</p>
</div> <!-- /wrapper-content-supplementary -->