describe('TooltipManager', function() { 'use strict'; var PAGE_X = 100, PAGE_Y = 100, WIDTH = 100, HEIGHT = 100, DELTA = 10, showTooltip; beforeEach(function() { setFixtures(sandbox({ 'id': 'test-id', 'data-tooltip': 'some text here.' })); this.element = $('#test-id'); this.tooltip = new TooltipManager(document.body); jasmine.clock().install(); // Set default dimensions to make testing easer. $('.tooltip').height(HEIGHT).width(WIDTH); // Re-write default jasmine-jquery to consider opacity. jasmine.addMatchers({ toBeVisible: function() { return { compare: function(actual) { return { pass:':visible') || parseFloat(actual.css('opacity')) }; } }; }, toBeHidden: function() { return { compare: function(actual) { return { pass:':hidden') || !parseFloat(actual.css('opacity')) }; } }; } }); }); afterEach(function() { this.tooltip.destroy(); jasmine.clock().uninstall(); }); showTooltip = function(element) { element.trigger($.Event('mouseover', { pageX: PAGE_X, pageY: PAGE_Y })); jasmine.clock().tick(500); }; it('can destroy itself', function() { showTooltip(this.element); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeVisible(); this.tooltip.destroy(); expect($('.tooltip')).not.toExist(); showTooltip(this.element); expect($('.tooltip')).not.toExist(); }); it('should be shown when mouse is over the element', function() { showTooltip(this.element); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeVisible(); expect($('.tooltip').text()).toBe('some text here.'); }); it('should be hidden when mouse is out of the element', function() { showTooltip(this.element); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeVisible(); this.element.trigger($.Event('mouseout')); jasmine.clock().tick(50); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeHidden(); }); it('should be hidden when user clicks on the element', function() { showTooltip(this.element); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeVisible(); this.element.trigger($.Event('click')); jasmine.clock().tick(50); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeHidden(); }); it('can be configured to show when user clicks on the element', function() { this.element.attr('data-tooltip-show-on-click', true); this.element.trigger($.Event('click')); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeVisible(); }); it('can be be triggered manually', function() { this.tooltip.openTooltip(this.element); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeVisible(); }); it('should moves correctly', function() { showTooltip(this.element); expect($('.tooltip')).toBeVisible(); // PAGE_X - 0.5 * WIDTH // 100 - 0.5 * 100 = 50 expect(parseInt($('.tooltip').css('left'))).toBe(50); // PAGE_Y - (HEIGHT + 15) // 100 - (100 + 15) = -15 expect(parseInt($('.tooltip').css('top'))).toBe(-15); this.element.trigger($.Event('mousemove', { pageX: PAGE_X + DELTA, pageY: PAGE_Y + DELTA })); // PAGE_X + DELTA - 0.5 * WIDTH // 100 + 10 - 0.5 * 100 = 60 expect(parseInt($('.tooltip').css('left'))).toBe(60); // PAGE_Y + DELTA - (HEIGHT + 15) // 100 + 10 - (100 + 15) = -5 expect(parseInt($('.tooltip').css('top'))).toBe(-5); }); });